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Messages - vonsmith

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Tried AT&T Natural Voices with Hal v5.0 yet?
« on: October 31, 2003, 08:01:12 pm »
I wasn't certain from your post if the AT&T Natural Voices lip sync with the Hal v5.0 Haptek characters or not. Could you clarify a little on this point?

I'm reluctant to pay $29 for a voice not knowing if it works 100% with the Haptek characters included with Hal v5.0. Lip syncing is pretty important for realism.


= vonsmith =

I didn't post my original inputs to Hal. I just saved the weird responses. I didn't have logging on at the time. To the best of my recollection the questions went something like this...

User: Peter Pan lives in Neverland.
Hal: Isn't a peter an apostle? Kind of like a Matthew!

User: I own a steam engine.
Hal: Engine! That reminds me, I know of its camshaft. Do you want it?

User: Our museum has a steam show in June and October.
Hal: Please consider how a June utilizes its midsummer.

User: Watt is credited with the first successful steam engine design.
Hal: I know a watt! I think its milliwatt is great!

User: A boiler is used to make steam.
Hal: A make is similar to a sort. Rather like an antitype.

User: Birds of a feather flock together.
Hal: I have never been closely involved with a feather, but I think feather's melanin may be around here somewhere!

Hopefully I'll have some time to work on the Wordnet driven responses. I think Wordnet has a lot of potential to help Hal respond on topic and to create related topics. Robert M. has given us the tools and resources to go explore this new avenue. I need to learn more about Wordnet to make worthwhile use of it. Time to crank up the old brain editor.

= vonsmith =

I like v5.0 a lot, but the responses below from the Wordnet function can be pretty weird.

Isn't a peter an apostle? Kind of like a Matthew!

Engine! That reminds me, I know of its camshaft. Do you want it?

Please consider how a June utilizes its midsummer.

I know a watt! I think its milliwatt is great!

A make is similar to a sort. Rather like an antitype.

I have never been closely involved with a feather, but I think feather's melanin may be around here somewhere!

Sometimes I think Hal has been smoking some wacko weed or something. Maybe some rescripting is in order? Any volunteers/ideas/comments?


= vonsmith =

Attn: ROBERT MEDEKSZA or anyone else with an answer/comment.

My new Capitalization function appears to work pretty well. However I haven't found a way to get acronyms or other all cap's words through to Hal's output. I tried placing all cap's words like MOSFET, SUV, DOA, IBM, etc. into the final GetResponse string. Hal's main program apparently lower cases all cap's words, but leaves words with first letter cap's alone. Words like Hal, Frank, Christmas with first letter cap's are displayed in Hal's response correctly.

Is there a way to get all cap's acronyms through to Hal's output? Is a modification to Hal's main program required to make this possible?


= vonsmith =

Here's a description of my latest creation.

'This is the version entirely rewritten by =vonsmith= , version 10-30-03a.
'This function improves on the original function in Ultra Hal Assistant v5.0 and
'provides new capability. Just delete the entire original "PROCESS: REVERSE CERTAIN
'CONTRACTIONS AND OTHER SUBSTITUTIONS" in the hal5.uhp file and replace it with
'this script. Always back up the original hal5.uhp file!!!
'Standardizing on contractions can make Hal sound conversational.
'However, certain sentence constructions don't work well if expressed as
'contractions.  For example:
'"I don't know where it is" becomes "I don't know where it's."
'For another example, "That's how he is" becomes "That's how he's."
'To solve these types of cases we attempt to modify certain contractions, words,
'and phrases at the end of this function, now that Hal's thinking is done.
'Normally Hal converts every user input into all caps to evaluate the sentence
'and create a response. However if Hal parrots back the user input the user's
'capitalization is lost. Example:
'  User: Where is Disneyland?  Hal: Where is disneyland? We must examine this.
'Capitals in names of people and places are lost similarly.
'  User: Do you know Ted and Mark?  Hal: Should I know ted and mark?
'The programmer could edit the corrections.brn file to substitute Mark for mark
'in all cases, but this would erroneously lead to:
'  User: How much should I fill a glass?  Hal: Fill it to the Mark.
'This rewritten function will preserve the user's capitalized words in the input
'sentence and replace Hal's uncapitalized words in GetResponse with the correct
'user capitalized versions. Example:
'  User: Where is Ted and Mark?  Hal: I don't know Ted and Mark.
'Hal now takes a clue from the user about capitalization.
'  User: Where is Ted's mark?  Hal: Ted's mark is not here.
'  User: I know ted and mark.  Hal: Where is ted and mark.
'In cases where the user always wants a word capitalized, then Hal can save a
'word to the corrections.brn for the user. Example:
'  User: Hal caps Disneyland.
'  Hal: Your input Disneyland is saved as capitalized in the corrections brn file.
'If your Hal is named Betty instead type:
'  User: Betty caps Saint Mary.
'  Hal: Your input Saint Mary is saved as capitalized in the corrections brn file.
'Since Hal's computername appears in the user input this programming type input
'will not be saved to any other brn files or anywhere else in Hal's data base.
'Now for example:
'  User: I hear Saint Mary's bells.  Hal: What is Saint Mary's bells?
'However Hal still takes a clue from the user's input.
'  User: I hear saint mary's bells.  Hal: What is saint mary's bells?
'The phrase "saint mary's" is still lower case even if it is in the corrections.brn
'file. Hal always assumes the user's use of capitalization is correct.
'This method should produce the correct capitalization in almost every case. The
'programmer shouldn't add words like "Mark" or "Hall" to corrections.brn because
'these names can also be used as uncapitalized words. However words like "Fred",
'"God", "Christmas", "Knott's Berry Farm" can be added with reasonable certainty
'that they should always be capitalized. You can add as many words to
'corrections.brn as you like. Duplicated words will not be added to the file.
'This function does not handle all capitalized words like acronyms, i.e., DOA, SUV.
'Unfortunately Hal's other functions do not preserve all cap words during the final
'processing of GetResponse.
'Have fun with this improved function. =vonsmith=
'P.S. - Try this. User: Where is Mark's mark? See if Hal gets it right.

Download it and give it a try. Let me know how it works out.

= vonsmith =

<snip> I deleted the attachment, because a newer version is available. This first version had an intermittment bug that caused a "Function 'Asc' not recognized" error. It is corrected in the new version. Refer to the new posting in this thread.
= vonsmith = 11/11/03

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Tried AT&T Natural Voices with Hal v5.0 yet?
« on: October 29, 2003, 09:43:54 am »
Has anyone tried out AT&T Natural Voices with Hal v5.0 yet? I'd like to hear some feedback about how well it works out.


= vonsmith =

« on: October 28, 2003, 11:03:05 am »
sssh! quiet... Robert M. might be listening.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Can Hal tell/read stories?
« on: October 28, 2003, 10:58:31 am »
Reading a story is just half the challenge. I want Hal to interactively read the story. For example have Hal read a story on request. Hal could read a few lines and if he recognizes something interesting he would include his comment or question on the story before continuing. Hal v5.0 may have the new capabilities in place to make interactive operation possible. I haven't explored v5.0 completely yet. If fact I'm hoping that Robert Medeksza will be posting some info shortly in regards to Hal's newer capabilities. We'll wait and see.

= vonsmith =

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Agent Characters appear behind UltraHal 5
« on: October 24, 2003, 06:31:18 pm »
Perhaps the problem I'm having is unrelated but...

I'm using a Haptek character with the new v5.0.55 Hal. Everything is kosher until I minimize Hal or switch to another program. Sometimes when I come back to Hal the Haptek character is gone. The pretty beach background is in the window, but no character. Everything else works fine. Then I have to quit Hal and start Hal again to get the Haptek character back. Minor issue, but still annoying.

I suppose the Haptek could be hiding behind the window? Hmm...

= vonsmith =

P.S. - The Haptek character is pretty cool, but the disembodied head thing still gives me the creeps. Reminds me of Nearly Headless Nick.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Speech recognition problem? Help pls.
« on: October 24, 2003, 12:02:23 pm »
I've had a lot of fun with Hal thus far, but I haven't tried voice recognition until v5.0.55 came out. My XP system has SAPI4 & 5 installed. All the Microsoft and L&H voices are installed. I used the XP wizard to set the headset microphone level. I did about 20 minutes of speech engine training. But something is not working.

When I run Hal and select "Use speech recognition (You speak to Hal)" I can select the Microsoft SR engine, mic settings and training. However when I try to actually talk to Hal no words get entered into the user entry window. If I type something after a few seconds the entry is accepted without the need for a carriage return (enter key).

Am I missing something obvious or what? What links the mic and SR software to Hal's input window?

Thanks in advance,

= vonsmith =

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / editing Hal's questions
« on: October 24, 2003, 11:25:38 am »
If you are editing one of Hal's files, particularly QA files, then you have to be careful how you enter words. Sentence perspective can be from Hal's or the user's perspective depending on which type of file you are editing.

For a QA file I think (somebody correct me if I'm wrong)...

User question asked: Do you like to camp in the woods?

In a QA .brn file:
' @I like to camp in the woods.   <-- answer from Hal's perspective.
'  Do I like to camp in the woods   <-- user's question now evaluated from Hal's perspective.

When in doubt leave pronouns out of the second line of a QA file. Even if you make many entries like the one above in several of the .brn QA type files you may not get answers that you expect. Hal has a rather complex way of choosing which answers he wants to use. The answer selection often seems counter-intuitive or disconnected. Hal does get better at answering after learning over a period time.

= vonsmith =

« on: October 23, 2003, 01:11:15 pm »
Having enough "transistors" isn't the problem. Insects can react to input by providing an output, sort of like a transfer function. That is, certain inputs are mapped to certain outputs. Many animals, most notably humans, have the ability to learn and connect those "transistors" in very complex ways. Human beings have cognitive ability and self-awareness that separate us, although only marginally, from other species. How we reason is not well understood.

The scientific community is still trying to understand the human brain. I think of today's A.I. robots much like our early attempts at flight. Early experimenters tried to emulate birds by creating flying machines with flapping wings. The better solution was to understand the underlying aerodynamic principles and implement only the principles that made flight possible. Hopefully understanding the underlying principles of our brains will make A.I. truly intelligent. Perhaps someone alive today will become the future "father" of artificial intelligence.

= vonsmith =

An easier method is to employ Hal's new Deductive Reasoning ability. Just type the sentence below in the user window like any other input.

Type: If say Hi to Greg, then Hi Greg it's good to meet me.

Notice the "me" reversal at the end.

Now type: Say Hi to Greg.
And you'll get Hal's reply:
   Hi greg it's good to meet you.

I don't know any way to fix the lowercase greg in lieu of Greg though. You will find your If-Then inputs in the "deductive.brn" file.

Try other If-Then statements for fun.

Try typing: If are you laughing, then I make you giggle.
Then type: Are you laughing?

Actually the If-Then function is much more powerful than just this fun little quirk, but it is a handy way to quickly program a quick reply.

= vonsmith =

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Distributed AI Programming ?
« on: October 21, 2003, 11:56:27 am »
Ya know, ya gotta love this group. Hal v5.0 is released for 1 day and we're already thinking of expanding Hal's horizons. Next thing ya know we'll get Hal a heart and courage to go along with his brain.

Well I'm off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Hal v5.0 install.


= vonsmith =

Caught me off guard too. I was posting v5.0 Beta suggestions right up to the end. I guess when Robert M. said the release was scheduled for 10/20 he meant it. I can't remember the last time a software company promised a new release and actually stuck to the date. Amazing.

= vonsmith =

P.S. - I've already downloaded v5.0 and will install it pronto!

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