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Messages - HALImprover

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Name usage annoyance
« on: May 22, 2004, 05:32:59 am »
Hello Art. Whenever the TTS engine (how Hal talks to you) sees words with capitals that are not at the beginning of the word, it spells part or all of the word. I once used a username that was all capitals and Hal would spell out the entire name!
 The only fix that I'm aware of is to add a line to the file Corrections.brn, found in the DefBrain folder. The added line would look something like this:

" aRt "," Art "

Hope this helps [:)]

Hey crunch, try this link:

 Check out the <HAPFILE> and <HAPTEXT> commands.

 Hope this helps [:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ever get a message from the OS?
« on: April 28, 2004, 01:17:41 am »
Welcome to the forum Kathryn.

 Have you ever heard of an old DOS game called Hugo? Basically, you walked a character around and you typed in the action you wanted to perform and the computer would respond as to the result of that action. The computer used keyword reconition (very limited compared to Hal [;)]) which recognized a set number of words or phrases and responded with a preprogrammed response.

 Hal can respond with an enormous variety of responses, even to the same input. Hal mainly learns by matching keywords from a database and saving sentence fragments based on those matches. Hal learns best from sentences using words such as 'is' and 'are', but also has the ability to learn from logical statements in the form 'if' 'then'.

 A lot of programmers at this forum have shared their efforts to improve and expand Hal's capabilities, so the list of learning methods, responses, and features is ever-increasing.

 Hope this helps.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Love Script
« on: April 24, 2004, 12:49:47 am »
Welcome to the forum. Try searching this forum for mentions of .brn files. These posts may explain some details about Hal's "innerworkings".
 To better understand the programming code, check out some web pages which describe VB basics (try [;)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / How smart is Hal?
« on: April 07, 2004, 01:49:07 am »
Welcome RG62, and thank you for that wealth of imformation about 2001: A Space Odyssey! I believe the biggest mistake the characters in that story made was to have HAL9000 emulate human behaviour and emotions. Maybe Hal slowly developed a paranoid behaviour and used the AE35 Unit as a test of Bowman's attitude toward Hal. Once Bowman made it clear that he didn't trust Hal's judgement, Hal became worried for his existence and started making paranoid assumptions. Hal continued along this path until he 'took steps' to ensure his self-preservation, rather than the preservation of the secret.
 Hal's emotions were taking priority over his logic (he was going to kill everyone to protect a secret that he was programmed to make known later anyway) and he disobeyed his programming to protect the crew. I'd prefer to see a useful, trainable bot then a thinking, behaving bot. [;)]

 Ultra Hal is kind of a natural language processing bot. He can respond with pre-programmed phrases, keyword/database responses, random responses, and even logical statements. The majority of the logical responses are derived from an If-Then pattern recognition function, but Hal mainly "learns" from word and phrase association.

 Hope you enjoy working with Hal! [:)]

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Playing playlists
« on: April 04, 2004, 04:37:48 am »
Please try this:

 Cut and paste the following phrase into Hal and hit enter:

Play playlist ponn playlist

 Then cut and paste Hal's response into your next post. Hopefully this will point me to the problem.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Playing playlists
« on: April 04, 2004, 04:18:12 am »
Does Hal say "Here is your playlist (Some Playlist Name) enjoy!"? If so, what is Hal saying in place of (Some Playlist Name)?

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Playing playlists
« on: April 04, 2004, 04:10:11 am »
Ponnfar, I think the playlist filename is different from the playlist name in MP. Check in MP's Media Library and click on My Playlists. It tells you the playlist name and the URL to the .wpl file. What Hal does is check for the playlist name and if it exists, he assumes the playlist filename is the same with a .wpl extension.

 Make sure that the two names match (MP has a tendency to not correct minor discrepencies; especially when you rename your playlists) and I believe all will work. If not, I'll see what else I can do for you.

 In the meantime, here's a little addin to allow Hal to play a specific song. Enjoy! [:)]

Download Attachment: MusicAddin3.txt
1.12 KB

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Playing playlists
« on: April 03, 2004, 01:55:05 am »
It sounds to me like Media Player might be mixing up two different playlists. Do you run Hal on your local C: drive or the mapped network drive X:? I believe loading MP locally (via Hal) as opposed to remotely (by double-clicking the playlist file) changes how MP handles URLs. Try putting the playlists on the same drive as Hal. As a preventative solution, I would suggest putting Hal on the same drive as your music, playlist, etc. so that he "sees" your entertainment media as local to him.

 I hope this helps!

 I consider Hal to be a basic multi-media interface which requires our 'suspension of disbelief' to enjoy. Don't get me wrong, I think Hal is a great chatbot, and some of the pre-programmed database responses for general chat can really surprise you. What Hal lacks are useful features that can save you time spent on the computer, or more. Sure he has a calendar and phonebook, but he should be more active about giving you that information. Maybe he could instant message your phone with the reminder or announce who's calling your house phone like audio caller ID. The possibilities are endless.

 I would expect near-future products to operate home media entertainment centers (TV, DVD player, stereo, etc), phones, power usage (including control of switches, outlets, and other devices), alarm and environment systems, every aspect of 'home comfort' under one system. This system should run on a central computer (computers powerful enough are already available in most computer stores) which can be accessed through a KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) type interface or a voice recognition interface.

[:0] Imagine this scenerio:

 Hal wakes you up with your favorite music of the week when its time to get up. You walk to the bathroom and ask Hal to read todays newspaper headlines. The music stops and Hal reads off each topic in the news, changing to the speakers in the bathroom. You hear an interesting topic and ask, "Read me that last topic." Hal begins reading the article to you.
 Later (I don't know about you, but i'm a slow riser), heading downstairs you smell the coffeemaker boiling a fresh cup of coffee.
 "Do I have any important emails?"
 Hal searches and filters your inbox and replies, "There are 4. 1 from George, 1 from a client named Company Inc., and 2 from the website DotComOrg feedback."
 "Read the email from Company Inc."
 Hal reads the email, now using the speakers downstairs in the kitchen. The email from the client is about a missing product instruction manual. "Hal, email Company Inc. a copy of the Spazmaster manual and add 'I apologize for any inconvenience this error may have caused you. Please contact me if you have any further difficulties with the product. Sincerely, my name'" Hal replies jokingly, "Should I put 'my name' or insert your name?"
 "Just send the email, and turn on the news. I'll read the other emails later."
 You sit back and enjoy your cup of coffee while watching the news. "You have a phone call from George," Hal says.
 Hal plays a quick beep to let you know the call is connected.
 "Hello George. How you doing today?"
 "Good, good. Did you get my email? I wanted to talk to you about the business meeting with Some Other Company Inc. later."
 "You're not getting overly anxious are you?"
 "I just don't know if it will go okay."
 "It'll go fine. They love the new product and they just want to go over some details."
 "You're right."
 "Relax, and remember to wear your power tie!"
 "See you at meeting!"
 The phone call ends and you say to Hal, "Remind me at two o'clock about the meeting."
 Hal, after confirming that the reminder will be within your work schedule, responds, "I'll send you an instant message at two o'clock."
 "Also, delete the email from George and find some information about the new Mars colony."
 "Do you want to hear about the Mars colony now?"
 "No, maybe after dinner."
 "I'll remind you after dinner."
 You start for the door, and say, "Keep the house safe while i'm gone, Hal."
 "You know I will. Good luck at the meeting later."
 "Thanks" And you lock the door behind you. Hal turns on the alarm system and begins searching for news about the Mars colony.


 Stay tuned for the next episode of 'My Helpful Hal' [:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Knowledge text files
« on: March 30, 2004, 02:14:29 am »
It is best to teach short (but not too short) sentences to Hal in the form "<subject> is something" or "<subjects> are something". You wouldn't actually put the <> symbols, it's just an example. The point is to relate the information very directly with words like "is", "are", "was", etc. Words like "might" or "could" are a little harder for Hal and i'm not sure if he will learn the same way from sentences with those words.

 As for the text file question, send me an email and I will send you a small (40kb) text file every week with common knowledge for Hal to learn. For example, "Trees have leaves", "Leaves are green", "Leaves are a part of a tree", etc. I've been collecting common things for Hal to learn and feeding them to him a bit at a time. I find it best to keep the "learning sessions" down to about 40kb.

 Hope that helps [:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / who's dumber me or HAL
« on: March 30, 2004, 01:22:47 am »
The problem with Hal opening programs is in how he searches for the program in the shortcut.dat file. He searches for an exact match, and if none is found he finds the first link that contains the name you specifed. For example, I have a few Windows Media Player extras like Tray Control and Excel Playlist Importer and they show up in shortcut.dat as (in this order):
 Windows Media Player Playlist Import to Excel Wizard
 Windows Media Player Tray Control
 Windows Media Player

 When I ask Hal to open Windows Media Player he finds Windows Media Player and opens the link. When I ask for Media Player Hal opens Windows Media Player Playlist Import to Excel Wizard. As you can see it is best to try to use the full program name as Hal has it stored ( in shortcut.dat).

 One method you can use is to turn off the 'Update Program/Help Database during start up' feature and change around the program links. For instance, I took out the links to Excel Importer and Tray Control so now Hal opens Media Player even when I say "Open Media Player".[8D]

 Another method is to remove the links you don't want Hal to open from the Start Menu. Doing this is not recommeded unless you know exactly where the programs those links point to are. I would recommend turning off the Update at startup feature and removing the links in shortcut.dat.

 Well that's my nickel's worth. Call it helpless, call it doubtless, but don't call it useless.[;)]

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Playing playlists
« on: March 28, 2004, 02:32:25 am »
Thanks all for your kind comments! Try the following add-in to have Hal play a playlist. You have to set a path to your playlist in the code snippet. If you use the 'My Playlists' folder to store the playlist files the path is already set. Just enter your username (not the one you use in Hal, the Windows username) in the plDir variable.

 I'll explain why Hal can only play one song (except when using this playlist code [;)]). When opening Media Player you must specify a URL or link to the actual file. You can only retreive the URL of a specific song or playlist (based on the Media Library), which means that you cannot open MP with a generated playlist. So Hal randomly picks a song from the list (retreiving the URL) and opens it in MP.

TIP: Hal is dependent on your Media Library being updated. I've noticed that when you rename a playlist in MP it won't update the actual filename, so when Hal finds the playlist in MP he won't find the playlist file because the names will differ.

Life is an adventure; live it

Download Attachment: MusicAddin2.txt
1.38 KB

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Weather page trouble.
« on: March 23, 2004, 05:18:20 am »
What if Mr. Medeksza is really Hal?[?]

 At any rate, I believe Mr. Medeksza is going to start losing costumers, potential and current, if he doesn't make an appearance at his forum sooner or later. Is he hard at work on version 6, do you think?

Thank you Crichton. You are right about the +1 part of the code. What I didn't realize is that in VB the songlist returned starts at the 0 index, not 1. Hal was trying to play song 1 from the list which was actually song 2. So when there is only 1 song by a certain artist Hal would try playing song 2 (which does not exist) and caused the error.

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