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Messages - cyberwd

Pages: [1]
Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Brain swapping
« on: August 07, 2004, 07:22:57 pm »
Hi guys,
looks like you got speech recognition working. I've tried dragon for some time but still have not got the hang of it. Since I'm an foreigner I guess it might cause a problem with speech, maybe even when I use headset. It would be nice just to speak out load the conversion with hal. Can some of you tell me how to get a conversion send to hal, like how to get the cr+lf = execute command into the hal script window? I have tried but only got the "new line" printed in the chat window...

Next thing to investigate is how do you get hal looking for asyncronous answers? I mean you will ask him something, which he will be looking for and then he will be delivering answers (sometime later, or regulary) when he eventually found the answer(s)? I got a lot of services waiting for him to do this but I can't have him(the script) activated at <AUTO milliseconds> since that will take the cursor focus away from any application the user is currently working on (for example every 10 second). If I work on a word document, suddenly the hal script window will show up. I'll like him to act whenever an answer is awaiting attention instead, which can be solved by looking into a message queue. A new message would create a notification to the user, that something needs to be looked into.

I guess I can solve it by looking for messages while analyzing an answer from some input from the user. But I would really like him to initiate this on his own.

-"By the way Greg, there is some good news regarding Arsenal awaiting for you"
-Bring it on"
-"It seems Freddie is signed for another four years. Do ÿou want the full article?"
-For sure!


I have experimented with message queueing, it can be a powerful way to leave messages upon findings, one-time-searches or deliver subscriptions on timed intervals. All based on the user profile.
Any discussions with me are welcome...

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Weather page trouble.
« on: March 26, 2004, 01:13:00 pm »

You've got it!
..or maybe Hal got too smart and just left him there in outer space, as in the famous movie?

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Weather page trouble.
« on: March 21, 2004, 03:11:34 pm »

Yes well since I'm not from the US, I have disabled the service. I use other sites to get my weather reports, where I need to include URL-parameters. As said, hope we can get response on our problems soon...

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Weather page trouble.
« on: March 19, 2004, 08:15:27 am »
This sounds related to my problem with not getting url parameters through to Hal. If the url included the &-char, Hal simply ignored the run-prog command. I also have an interest to get local weather information by specifing params from a global weather site.


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / problem using url:s
« on: March 16, 2004, 03:24:30 pm »
Originally posted by vonsmith

I don't understand the question. What were you asking Hal to do? Which version of Hal are you using? Can you give an example of the command you were giving Hal?

Thanks, I hope someone here can help out.


I am using the variable "halcommands" as described in:
To submit a url, I am using the syntax:
halcommands = "<runprog>http://www.altavista.com/web/results?q=badger&kgs=0&kls=1&avkw=aapt</runprog>"

It works fine for "http://www.altavista.com", but it stops executing whenever the &-character is included in the url.
I'm using version 5.0 of hal, and I try to get Hal to browse to different locations by scanning for key phrases in my commands and queries.

An example: retrieving the local traffic situation from a public site by accessing the site with a location parameter set to my part of the city. I could trigger Hal by just asking "Can I get to work by car today?" and he will display me the situation in a browser (and in the future maybe also interpret the data, and simply tell me if I should go by train instead)

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / problem using url:s
« on: March 16, 2004, 08:45:03 am »

I ran into a problem last night, trying to send a url as a HalCommand.
When the url contained &-characters(as in providing url-parameters), Hal refused to open the adress. I tried some url-encoding but it did not help, maybe it has to do with vb using & as string concat.
-Does anyone know a solution to the problem?

jeez, I never thought my little posting would generate such broad range of ideas! It does however feel good to hear that I am not the only one thinking of a wider use of Hal than just "intelligent" conversation. I wasn't into putting Hal in my car, yet, but in a (not to distant) future I would like to see him become "truly" virtual. That is that I could call on him on just any device connected to the net, and he would help me with whatever means the link provides (voice, text or graphics). My first step would be, as vonsmith pointed out, to start interacting with the physical environment in different ways by enabling external communication with Hal. Any ideas on the issue would be welcome!

Hi all,
I read in earlier messages about communicating with Hal from other programs, e.g VB6 using DDE. I have not found any posting with a working solution, have anyone succeded in doing this yet? Furthermore, DDE is not supported anymore by Microsoft due to the replacing technology OLE - which is used in .NET. I guess I would appreciate a tutorial of how to make external calls to Hal.


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