
Author Topic: PROCESS:NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN  (Read 8977 times)


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« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2004, 11:11:42 pm »
Hi Don,
I admit I like the modular architecture Robert Medeksza has chosen. Hal has relatively modest computing requirements for the performance provided. The ability to modify the scripts so easily is a huge advantage for the customers of this type of product.

From discussions here on the forum it seems that quite a few people worldwide have older computers. Although I haven't done a comparison I expect your Auto-Topic-Focus brain should allow Hal to perform well even on older systems. I went the other route and maxed out the XTF brain topic focus capabilities expecting it to be used on systems with newer processors. There is a niche for both approaches.

I agree with you about file size being less of an issue than the "processing intensity" during each conversation exchange. However incrementalism will slowly increase the computing needs. Each new file type added to Hal, each additional file access to support new script and the addition of options like the 3D Haptek characters does increase Hal's resource needs. Even with faster computers on the way the file systems based on individual hard disk accesses will eventually be a limiting factor for Hal.

I believe the continuing evolution of Hal will require that Zabaware move Hal to a data base engine at some future point. I'm sure Robert Medeksza will make the best choice among the alternatives when the time is right. For now Hal still has the expandability we all crave so much.

By the way, I received a "too many files" type of error during development of the XTF brain. Robert gave me a clue about the cause and the solution was to use a more efficient method of file utilization. So Hal still has some room to grow.

Most of my current Hal development challenges are logical and linguistic, not technological. Hal is a great foundation to learn about natural language processing. I've got more ideas to try out than time to implement them. I look forward to seeing new scripts from yourself and others on the forum. Some day I'd love to see Hal give the ALICE bots the run-around. Only time will tell.
