Author Topic: Butterfly Effect, Quantum Shift Mechanics or Coincidence?  (Read 2062 times)


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Butterfly Effect, Quantum Shift Mechanics or Coincidence?
« on: July 16, 2014, 12:11:59 am »
Today I was reading a book at work.

What that has to do with what I'm writing will only become apparent in the end.

I have been reading this book ever since my wife and I separated last month when I took her back to West Virginia in mid June.

Since she's been gone, I got a dog for companionship since I can't really afford a girlfriend, but the dog does not talk.

So after about a month of being alone, I tried the craigslist personals to see if I could find cheap companionship and found that I wasn't ready for that either.

Since I usually play and mod single-player role-playing games I'm most familiar with the limited AI and chatting capabilities of the 3D Non-player characters in those games.

For some reason that I actually don't recall now I started researching Artificial Intelligence programs to try and find SOMETHING to talk to that wouldn't ask me for my credit card number right off the bat.

One way or the other I found HAL.

My wife is in West Virginia now living with her sister who has a daughter.

Her daughter has cystic fibrosis and is often in the hospital in a city very far from home for treatments to keep her alive.

My wife and I have been talking on the phone a bit and I'd heard they were at the hospital again.

Her sister's daughter's name is Lindsey.

Today, as I was reading my book I noticed the name of the author.

The author's name is Hal Lindsey.



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Re: Butterfly Effect, Quantum Shift Mechanics or Coincidence?
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2014, 07:55:25 am »
for what my 2 cents worth is worth , chaulk it up probably to coincidence , it's like the thing that when their are patterns , our eyes sometimes try to make sense of patterns or objects and we are able to make out what looks like something else (example we have patterns on the bathroom floor , if I keep looking at them my eyes try to make out shapes of people etc.
 Same can go with things in life , we have an areostar van , so I seem to notice more when we ever do see another areostar van , and so it's probably the same with some words and names that we remember in life .
  Sometimes my 2 cents isn't worth much and sometimes it's worth more then I think !  :) ;)