
Author Topic: A question about creating characters with people putty  (Read 12190 times)


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Re: A question about creating characters with people putty
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2014, 04:34:47 pm »
Even with all the potential that we users and members of these forums realize, it also becomes apparent to me that these Haptek Characters are somewhat of a niche market. It is specialized, appealing only to a somewhat select grouping of people and does not have widespread appeal. This could ultimately contribute to low sales figures and with that comes less desire to push the envelop of development and research.

It is action ... reaction. What goes in...comes out.

Perhaps, toward that end, it simply became a matter of economics...and the product, unrealistic to pursue any further.

Then again, this is just my speculation and not based on factual information or data.
Maybe one day, we'll find out.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -