
Author Topic: Is there a way to 'bulk teach' Hal?  (Read 5905 times)


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Is there a way to 'bulk teach' Hal?
« on: February 03, 2017, 06:21:54 pm »
I know I can open the brain editor and feed him txt docs, but that would be really tedious since I want him to learn a wide range of topics. Do I just need to find the Encyclopedia Britannica as a text file (which doesn't appear to be available), or what? Has anyone found a good way to load Hal with tons of data?



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Re: Is there a way to 'bulk teach' Hal?
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2017, 07:32:52 pm »
Het Dast:

what u can do is feed txt files to hal
thers websites dedicated to txt files

you can always reach me here http://vaughnlive.tv/mrelectric
best wishes



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Re: Is there a way to 'bulk teach' Hal?
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2017, 03:46:43 pm »
My conceptNet auto-learning code pulls concepts from Wikipedia.



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Re: Is there a way to 'bulk teach' Hal?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2017, 06:48:52 am »
you guys are funny as hell....

 this is the very thing that fuqs up Hal

Then ur mad when he wont work rite

Im referring you yo my post on this very issue  http://www.ultrahal.com/community/index.php?topic=13425.0

Dont get me wrong ,im not trying to be a dick,what im Saying is, This is a learning engine, treat it with the respect it deserves.

Phase #02:
Hals biggest issue:

Lazy ass People,  plain and simple. You have to raise Hal like a child. These auto learning brain Plugins dont do NO Harm. But you must inner act with Hal on a personal level, that means EVERY DAY . Just like your Kid. If u absolutely MUST , you can force feed Hal via copy/paste into his input window. There are plenty of text files to feed him, entire websites are dedicated to .TXT files.  And on any subject as well.

Ive been doing hal forver, well since 2002

best wishes
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 09:54:47 am by cyberjedi »


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Re: Is there a way to 'bulk teach' Hal?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2017, 05:46:21 pm »
My conceptNet code isn't really designed to force an answer. Hal will only use the code if he needs to deduce the subject of your sentence and create a response based on that deduction. He's essentially teaching himself basic concepts.. Of course limited to the 'shorter than I would like' code and wikipedia. It's based off of the code that Watson used to win Jeopardy in the sense that if Hal knows about the subject of your sentence then he will respond, if not then he'll ignore it. Example from my Hal, with the auto learning ConceptNet code:

User: What is the super bowl?

Hal: The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL)

If Hal doesn't have the information in his brain on the topic, he'll skip the conceptnet code entirely, learning and storing the topic for later research, making for an ever-evolving library of offline data accessible to Hal. Mine has currently researched and indexed over 5K topics.     

It's all the perks of auto-learning with no drawbacks (Other than size, my limited concept extraction coding which needs expanded, and the very occasional pick up of bad information, which happens naturally anyway) 

Try it. It's complicated and confusing, but my walk through should help.       

Other than this, the vrFreewill does this to a very limited degree by storing topics, questions, and answers, using MIT's START AI Q/A System, although, the code seems to be wishy-washy, working really whenever it feels like it.

- Spitfire


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Is there a way to bulk teach Hal
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2017, 07:43:57 am »
Is there a way to adjust menu width? I added spaces at the end of the description but when I published my site the menu is only as big as the text. Have I missed a setting?
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Re: Is there a way to 'bulk teach' Hal?
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2017, 03:58:24 pm »
i don't know how much bulk you are talking about i feed info to hal by copying articles from new stories etc. make text files save them then later use it in feeding hal information .

here is an example :Will People Be Marrying Robots by 2050

Robot spouses have all the makings of a great science fiction story. In December 2016, best-selling author and robot expert Dr David Levy told those attending the Love and Sex with Robots Conference held at Goldsmith’s University in London it would happen.

In fact, Dr Levy stated that by 2050, human beings would be marrying robots. He also said that these robots would be “more attractive than humans”.

Dr Levy believes the robot evolution could possibly happen even sooner. When it does arrive, he believes it will be swift as the world embraces robot lovers. The Sun quoted him saying, “Sex and love with robots at a human level may appear to be a long way off, but the future has a way of laughing at a person.”

i have done many articles this way including health articles etc.

 “new research has found that one in four young people in the UK would happily date a robot.” That is a significant number, but what does it indicate? A frustrated dating pool or a generation comfortable with technology?

Why People Might Marry Robots,What would that future look like? Would people customize their robots to resemble an ex-lover or ex-spouse? What about the inevitable star-struck customer desiring a robot that looks like the celebrity? The Sun speculates that some celebrities might decide to license their likenesses to a sex robot company. Imagine bumping into several Brad Pitts at your local grocery store.

 some spouses might be tempted to replace their current spouse with a sex robot. Instead of a man falling for a younger woman, he might simple purchase a robot. Dr Levy speculates that a common future problem might be people worried they’d be replaced by a younger more beautiful or more handsome robot.

 there are many reasons people of the future might turn to a robot for sexual gratification instead of a human. For example, a partner too inhibited to participate in sexual fantasies might be replaced with a willing robot. An opposite scenario might be an inhibited person opting for a robot because the person is too embarrassed to request such sexual favors from their lover or spouse.

In some instances, a deciding factor for a robot lover might be that a robot wouldn’t be capable of passing judgement on their requests, whereas a human lover or spouse might find their taste to be questionable or repulsive. A robot would be 100% compliant to whoever is in charge.

In addition, an AI (Artificial Intelligence) robot could possibly be programmed with a specific personality or the owner might be able to change the personality whenever desired. The programming capabilities might make it possible to customize every aspect, especially physical ones of the robot lover. If a company could produce such customized robots, then anyone could create their dream lover and or companion.

Another possible attraction for a robot lover might be the owner could power down the robot whenever he OR she didn’t desire the robot to be live. Cost of living would also be significantly less than two people living in the same household. Other than the initial robot cost and maintenance, the typical cost of feeding, clothing, healthcare, etc for two people living together would be eliminated. The ultimate bonus for a future robot owner would be not being alone.

While cost-saving aspects might be attractive to some, the ultimate attraction factor for a highly advance AI robot would most likely be companionship.

Robots a Remedy for Loneliness? For many people lonely for companionship, a robot might be more than just a sex toy; it could be a remedy for a lonely heart. Someone unlucky in love and relationships, might turn to AI for the creation of a perfect companion and/or lover. The typical learning curve for a couple in a relationship would be non-existent.

A robot companion,lover,spouse might be very attractive to those wishing to avoid a break up due to incompatibility or other issues. They would simply program their robot partner to know how to meet and respond to their sexual and other desires and expectations.

For some people unable to find a mate or simply don’t have time for dating or don’t have good relationship skills, a robot could possibly be their ideal solution.

In June 2016, Fortune MAGAZINE reported that loneliness and the absence of social connections triggers the same dramatic primal reactions that thirst, physical pain and even hunger do.

AI robots could possibly increase lifespans among the elderly. A 2012 study titled, “Loneliness in Older Persons, A Predictor of Functional Decline and Death” revealed loneliness plays a more significant role in lifespans than previously believed. The study concluded, “Among participants who were older than 60 years, loneliness was a predictor of functional decline and death.”
Sexy, Compatible and Useful

The expectation of marrying a robot might be that a robot would fulfill more than just a sex toy function, but also serve as a human replacement for a life partner. What about those expectations of a sexy handsome or beautiful mate? In real life, such fantasies might possibly prove unrealistic, but these future robots would make such fantasies very possible.

In fact,  seductive, beautiful/handsome cyborgs are currently being developed. Some manufacturers are striving to cater to the “kinky couple market” defined as couples wanting an erotic threesome, but are unwilling to risk their relationship to jealousy.

Are AI robots purely fantasy? many don’t believe they are. In fact, take a brief look at the hit TV series, “Humans”, broadcasted on the British Channel 4 and AMC in the US. Based on the Swedish Sci-Fi series, “Real Humans”, the British series explores what could happen to a society with AI robots used for sex, nannies, housekeepers, workers, etc and how humans would become emotionally attached to them.

The "human" android tv series series also delves into the “what if” of AI becoming self-aware and a true sentient being. What happens to ownership when such entities evolve into a new lifeform? What rights would future AI robots have?

And as far as Robots for Humans in Near Future, Many people might find Dr Levy’s news welcoming and offering a hopeful end to a lonely existence. Other experts like Dr Levy believe it’s only a matter of time before the entire spectrum of human needs are met by robots, including sex, companionship and even marriage.