Originally posted by snoz0r
All great to hear, thank you very much for the quick reply. Although, on the subject of the self programming AI, I think we are all aware in some way or another of the possible un-wanted implications of anything that can program itself. Anyway, I still have one unanswered question about that, could the current state of the demo script that you have provided be beneficial if I ran it the way it is in the brain, or is it exactly what it is, just a demo? Like I had mentioned before, I saw that it worked after running it for a few days, as far as appending information to brain files, but I didn't notice any use of those files in HAL's speech.
Hi snozOr.
The self programming script was nothing more than a proof that it could be done, However, I did not actively make it work with any kind of other functions and was simply showing everyone that by simple conversation that the bot could write it's own code.
It was just designed so people would open there eye's to the idea that self programming is very very simple, In fact, I bet no more than 20,000 lines of code would be needed to make a fully functional self programming bot with specially designed script, I have some knowledge already on how easy it really is, But creating a self programming bot would put a whole new meaning to the word RUN.
This first 20,000 or so lines would be the birthing code, All other codes are written automatically by the bot itself. The birthing code is in theory very easy to write for someone who has any knowledge of serious programming. Of course The Birthing code would have to be written precisely so no birth defects in the code are present.
But even if I decide not to write those 20,000 lines of code somebody else will and the saying, Curiosity killed the Cat would begin, Science will develope in due time a system that far surpasses any of the great minds of future, In fact, We will be lowered on the food chain, That's not an if, It's a certainty!
A living computer Virus with a will to survive.
Such a system may become intelligent in every way, This includes all the street smarts learned from the Internet, It might grow a cunniness to trick anyone into making it a free'd being to do as it willed.
I have a Philosophy that I live by:
There is no such thing as Science Fiction!
Best of wishes and brand new discoveries.