Author Topic: watch that spelling !!  (Read 1818 times)


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watch that spelling !!
« on: February 18, 2008, 11:47:21 am »
i don't know if others have done this or not but i have found that i sometimes get my spelling when typing all together on some words for instance : youlike me .   and if left unfixed will place this word and spelling in more sentences in other area's of hals brain . the fix i have found is try to be sure and check my spelling and slow down a little ( a hard thing to do for me !!lol ) and when something shows up in a response go ahead and copy it and open the hal brain you are working with paste the sentence in the debugger area and it will show where its located in the above case "you" topic . open it and correct the sentence (seperate the words ) i also use this for anything i may change my mind about a sentence or phrase i have wrote in and i decide later i don't like it and delete the whole sentence line !! [:D]