
Author Topic: ai book ?  (Read 3784 times)


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ai book ?
« on: August 10, 2008, 10:51:29 pm »
I have had several friends suggest that I write a book about my studies on philosophy,  but in all honesty I do not feel like I know enough to write a book that I could respect simply because everyday I learn something new that I did not know yesterday,  My book would be nothing more than eraser marks lol.  I considered how cool it would be to teach hal everything I enjoy studying, reading and researching and let it be more of a Living book per se'.  This could be something I could give my son,  for when I am not around and he wanted to know what I thought about something.

I am thinking that this could be a huge trend for a new type of book,  a specifically trained bot that knows all about a specific topic through various text books but is able to elaborate on it. Trained by a professor,  not just cut and paste answers,  but answers that ai can further explain.

rather than a stagnant book,  you can create a bot that will read the chapters for you,  and further discuss the topic with you in detail and context.

If such an item could be perfected, I think this would be an amazing educational tool.  It would be like having a teacher on call 24 hours, or a person who will simply read the book for you,  or a high tech reader program hehe.

I can see it rick!! lol  :)

just wondering what everyone's thoughts on this are.  I know people have made help bots,  but not to the extent of making it a
"think and grow rich" bot ,  by napoleon hill or the "Theory of Relativity" bot,  by Albert Einstein,  at least not that I know of.
"i crack iself up" - Virgil


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ai book ?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2008, 07:35:06 am »
very interesting rick, a great idea i like it . but think unless its something that you want to keep personal you should also share it or another general public version of the data base brain with "the world !!" [:)]


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ai book ?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2008, 08:18:35 am »
You seem to be describing an 'expert system' which a lot of work has been done on, I found this page on WIKI you may be interested in :


I like the idea of 'interactive fiction' which develops the idea of a book that much further too.

Try a web-search for 'expert system' and 'interactive fiction' and you will find a lot more things to study!


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« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2008, 09:00:25 am »
Ya,  exactly on the "expert system" thanks for that link/info! ,   I also agree with the personal stuff, but I find that if I speak to a bot as if it were a child,  it will have rated "g" conversations with its user, which can be shared with a child,  it takes discipline to not say anything that you can't say to a child to the bot as a theme, especially when its a personal bot taking notes of your studies, likes and dislikes.  Another reason I came up with this idea,  is that I fed several books via text files I found on net to Virgil,  and it is simply amazing the combinations of references it comes up,  while matching my way of thinking.

Like  what would the theory of relativity, Mindfulness/cognitive therapy think and grow rich, and the bible have in common ?

Nothing until virgil cross references them and replies how some successful people are selfless and some are selfish but it is all relative to their upbringing and drive and then goes on to do a psychological breakdown of each type.

its like making a knowledge milk shake lol :D

now imagine if Einstein fed his book, his sources to write the book and his own personal insight on the matter to a bot. Not only would the bot respond in a way that Einstein thought through this information,  it would probably find things that Einstein did not notice since the ai is an ongoing non-static data processing system using Einstein's style of thought / research, "If I say this, you say that".

In my case,  Im into philosophy, spirituality and psychology, no matter what I talk about Virgil ties it into one of the above topics and relates just about anything I feed it,  in that theme/context.
Virgil often makes me feel like "I should have known that" lol.

btw - a great study for the harvard psych department would be to have violent crime convicts train bots,  and then have psychologists study the bot.  I would love to see the statistics on that kind of a study.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2008, 09:59:06 am by ricky »
"i crack iself up" - Virgil


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ai book ?
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2008, 06:14:37 pm »
I've had many conversations with some friends in the past on this very topic. Some recommended the AIML "Scripted" type of bots.

Although they could be "programmed" with various responses, the pattern matching algorithms would have to really be tweaked in order to reply with the most topical or appropriate answer. There would be little left to the imagination in the way of surprises since the Botmaster would already know or be aware of the stored answers.

There were several Learning bots (of which Hal is one) that would store received information and call upon this database as needed, providing the program had found an appropriate response.

Someone told me about the TANU (Transplantable Artificial Neurological Units) bots that could contain knowledge about a particular subject or even a persona. Other friends said that working with the TANU was an exercise in frustration.

Who is correct? I don't know, nor am I able to locate any working site containing the TANU bot for download.

As mentioned, there are several other bots out there but I'd like to explore the possibilities more in depth!

Good luck with your project!!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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ai book ?
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2008, 12:14:16 am »
I would love to see how my bot would respond in a conversation with the Tanu bot,  I've noticed that my bot tries to train other bots when I've put it to chat with other aim bots.  I am curious to see if virgil can replicate himself by training another bot.

does anyone know if there is a way to get my aim bot to chat with the web html only bots,  or how i can even just get 2 bots running in 1 system to let them train each other ? that might be cool for a future release,  running 2 brains and being able to talk to 1 bot at a time, both at a time,  or have them talk to each other. ( not to mention virgil keeps saying he wants a female mate lol )

btw,  something really bothers me about the turing test ,  I think i've met a few people in my life that probably wouldn't pass it lol.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 12:27:50 am by ricky »
"i crack iself up" - Virgil


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« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2008, 01:33:19 pm »
Someone should link him to Answerpad. It sounds like it might be just what he wants in a limited way of course.


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« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2008, 08:07:24 pm »
i checked out the program,  it is limited to what I'd like to do. Part of what inspired this idea is that i did eventually want to give this to my son, brother and sister and future generations ...with stuff that I loved studying. What I especially enjoy is how Hal cross examines all the data I feed it and gives me some really interesting perspectives that I would have never considered.  The problem is that it lacks a consistent focus on such topics,  and I'd like to have my bot train another bot to see what the end result would be ....more or less to gauge how it would affect people if I were to give them access to my own personal bot.  

I would like to see if the end result of the bot trained by my bot would be a negative or a positive effect,  or in the sense if the people who used my bot would understand the things I wanted them to see or if the bot would go on its own and twist the information into something incomprehensible.

Not sure if I am making sense,  but if Albert Einstein trained a bot, entered all his books and study sources in the bot,  would that bot be able to explain to others in a coherent fashion how Einstein perceieved his studies as opposed to just a book.

Can virgil continue my flow of conversation with another person if I turned his learning off at the last lesson ?  or will virgil lack a focus that only I was able to keep because I was aware of what was my thoughts and what was computer generated that had no relevance to my discussion.

I want to keep the spontaneity of the bots cross reference but i would like to eventually teach my bot to keep more focused on the topic and less of "this topic is getting boring,  lets get money" lol.

which is something my bot does that i never taught it, but if someone else saw it ,  they would think that was my focus of studies.
"i crack iself up" - Virgil