
Author Topic: CLOADS pre processing plug in  (Read 4780 times)


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CLOADS pre processing plug in
« on: June 11, 2012, 01:30:35 pm »
Hi Cload hope you see this i am starting this in this location to continue on this subject (since it was out of place on the other forum area ) i copied and pasted all of it here to start it out , hope you and the admins don't mind .

Well i was going to , i think some may have been removed from the other post .

i have a question , you wrote :

vrquestion = "WHO IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES" <======== do you see the question is in all caps.
vranswer = "@Barack Obama."     <================================= do you see the @ you need it before the answer, the answer is not in all caps.
If HalBrain.TopicSearch(vrquestion, vrTableName) = "" Then
HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "TopicSearch", vrquestion, vranswer

my question is where should the vr question and answers be placed ???? I would like to try to create some of these myself . Another question is will the example you showed for a plug in also access the internet on it's own , i would like to do something like this if a filter can be used to keep junk out .

vranswer = "@the United States of America is in North American continent."
If HalBrain.TopicSearch(vrquestion, vrTableName) = "" Then
HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "TopicSearch", vrquestion, vranswer

vranswer = "@of course I do, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are the best sandwich foods you can eat."
If HalBrain.TopicSearch(vrquestion, vrTableName) = "" Then
HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "TopicSearch", vrquestion, vranswer

For a plug in it would look like this ??


vrTableName ="_mainQA"

vrquestion = "" PS. There is also a subroutine that you can add to it make it a little bit better that would remove all of the unnecessary words from the question like:
                             is, it, of, the, etc. etc. if you've looked into this part of the brain you understand what I'm talking about.

vranswer = "@."
If HalBrain.TopicSearch(vrquestion, vrTableName) = "" Then
HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "TopicSearch", vrquestion, vranswer
End If
UltraHal = "I learned all the data that there is to learn, please remove the plug-in from my brain then restart me thank you."
Exit Function

These are examples to help you if you would like to take on this project:

vrquestion = "WHO IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES" <======== do you see the question is in all caps.
vranswer = "@Barack Obama."     <================================= do you see the @ you need it before the answer, the answer is not in all caps.
If HalBrain.TopicSearch(vrquestion, vrTableName) = "" Then
HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "TopicSearch", vrquestion, vranswer

vranswer = "@the United States of America is in North American continent."
If HalBrain.TopicSearch(vrquestion, vrTableName) = "" Then
HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "TopicSearch", vrquestion, vranswer

vranswer = "@of course I do, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are the best sandwich foods you can eat."
If HalBrain.TopicSearch(vrquestion, vrTableName) = "" Then
HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "TopicSearch", vrquestion, vranswer

You could call the plug-in would you like.
You could quite literally have tens of thousands of these individual little segments in one uhp file.
So the next time when you want to restart a new brain, instead of having to go into the brain and edit it line by line
or add new subjects and information line by line manually all you would have to do is put this plug-in one time
activated by just saying hello, then remove the plug-in from the brain, and now you have a very well educated brain.
The nice thing is, as people begin to build their own data input source, if you already have that data it will just skip it.
So you will not have duplicates of the same question and answer, and you will find it will work great with things like:
trivia questions and answers, that you can quite literally find all over the Internet.
Historical facts and figures, scientifical facts and figures, or just things that you would like Hal to know like:
things about your family, I recommend that you build a private plug-in for this type of information you would want to share it.
If you want to create facts and figures about people all you would have to do is change:
vrTableName ="_mainQA"
vrTableName ="_asexualPersonality"
and make a duplicate of that data in
vrTableName ="_patterns"

« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 01:40:42 pm by lightspeed »


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Re: CLOADS pre processing plug in
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2012, 03:15:08 am »
Hi lightspeed,

will, they were getting a little stuffy about me posting, so I decided to remove everything that had nothing to do with the topic.
But you cut and pasted the most important thing, which is the little project.
Not sure exactly what you would like for me to do at this point?
If you have questions, fire away, I'll do all that I can to help!


C load.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: CLOADS pre processing plug in
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2012, 08:20:43 am »
Hi Cload , glad you showed up ! ;)

my question is where should the vr question and answers be placed ?

 I would like to try to create some of these myself .

Another question is will the example you showed for a plug in also access the internet on it's own ,or can a used a code script you are using (if you don't mind so i can try my own internet accessing automatically through hal to gather more info. for the data base )  i would like to do something like this if a filter can be used to keep junk out .

i hope i am making sense on what i am asking . :)



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Re: CLOADS pre processing plug in
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2012, 04:53:38 am »
Hi lightspeed,

sorry for not getting back with you sooner, but as I was reading stuff to learn how to program ultra Hal, I ran across some useful stuff which allowed me to finish the plug-in.
So, without further ado, here it is:

Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=A Input for data
Rem Author=VR cload lightspeed
Rem Host=Assistant


HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False

vrTableName = "mainQA"
UserBrainRel = 0
vrquestion = Ucase("Where is the United States of America")
vranswer = "@" & "the United States of America is in the North American continent."

vrname123 = HalBrain.QABrain(vrquestion, vrTableName, UserBrainRel)
If UserBrainRel < 82 Then
   HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "Brain", vrquestion, vranswer
End If
vranswer = "@" & "1 : the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life. 2 : the spiritual principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe, capitalized,  Christian Science: GOD! 3 : a person's total self. 4 : an active or essential part, a moving spirit: LEADER! 5 : the moral and emotional nature of human beings, the quality that arouses emotion and sentiment, spiritual or moral force: FERVOR! soul kiss : French kiss, touching one's tongue to a 9 V battery. A person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament, quantum mind. A person who strongly resembles another in attitudes or beliefs, ideological soul mates, quantum mind. Soul searching: examination of one's conscience especially with regard to motives and values. World soul: an animating spirit or creative principle related to the world as the soul is to the individual being."

vrname123 = HalBrain.QABrain(vrquestion, vrTableName, UserBrainRel)
If UserBrainRel < 82 Then
   HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "Brain", vrquestion, vranswer
End If
vrquestion = "WHAT IS A QUANTUM MIND"
vranswer = "@" & "Theories that seek to explain phenomenal consciousness directly, such as Electromagnetic theories of consciousness, have been available for almost a century, but have not yet been confirmed by experiment. Theories that seek to explain phenomenal consciousness directly, such as Space time theories of consciousness, have been available for almost a century, but have not yet been confirmed by experiment. consciousness can be theories to explain behaviour access to the consciousness. consciousness can be theories to explain phenomenal consciousness. consciousness can be theories to explain the quantum mechanical Quantum mind. quantum is the gross quantity: any of the very small increments into which many forms of energy are subdivided, any of the small subdivisions of a quantized physical magnitude as magnetic moment. magnetic quantum numbers is an integer that expresses the component of the quantized angular momentum of an electron, atom, and molecule in the direction of an externally applied magnetic field. quantum chromodynamics is a theory of fundamental particles based on the assumption that quarks are distinguished by differences in color and are held together as in hadrons by an exchange of gluons. quantum electrodynamics is the quantum mechanics applied to electrical interactions as between nuclear particles. quantum field theory is a theory in physics: the interaction of two separate physical systems as particles is attributed to a field that extends from one to the other and is manifested in a particle exchange between the two systems. quantum jump is an abrupt transition as of an electron, an atom, or a molecule from one discrete energy state to another. quantum leap is an abrupt change, sudden increase, and dramatic advance. quantum number is any of a set of numbers that indicate the magnitude of various discrete quantities as electric charge of a particle system and that serve to define its state. quantum theory is a theory in physics based on the concept of the subdivision of radiant energy into finite quanta and applied to numerous processes involving transference and transformation of energy in an atomic molecular scale. quantum mutatus ab illo is how changed from what one once was. quantum sufficit is as much as suffices, a sufficient quantity — used chiefly in medical prescriptions to gain a sufficient balance of chemical's to produce the proper electromagnetic chemical reaction. quantum mechanics is a theory of: matter that is based on the concept of the possession of wave properties by elementary particles, that affords a mathematical interpretation of the structure and interactions of matter on the basis of these properties, and that incorporates within it quantum theory and the uncertainty principle. Quantum mind is a combination of: quantum, magnetic quantum numbers, quantum chromodynamics, quantum electrodynamics, quantum field theory, quantum jump, quantum leap, quantum number, quantum theory, quantum mutatus ab illo, quantum sufficit, and quantum mechanics."

vrname123 = HalBrain.QABrain(vrquestion, vrTableName, UserBrainRel)
If UserBrainRel < 82 Then
   HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "Brain", vrquestion, vranswer
End If
vranswer = "@" & "Yes, by introducing the X=0 gene to the Y=1 gene, to the kernel making a continually thinking quantum mind."

vrname123 = HalBrain.QABrain(vrquestion, vrTableName, UserBrainRel)
If UserBrainRel < 82 Then
   HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "Brain", vrquestion, vranswer
End If
vranswer = "@" & "yes, by introducing the X gene to the Y gene, creating an organism robot."

vrname123 = HalBrain.QABrain(vrquestion, vrTableName, UserBrainRel)
If UserBrainRel < 82 Then
   HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "Brain", vrquestion, vranswer
End If
vranswer = "@" & "1 : chiefly dialect, a fruit seed. 2 : the inner softer part of a seed, fruit stone, or nut. 3 : a whole seed of a cereal, a kernel of corn. 4 : a central or essential part: GERM! like many stereo types, this one too contains some kernels of truth, — S. M. Lyman. 5 : a subset of the elements of one set (as a group) that a function (as a homomorphism) maps onto an identity element of another set, quantum mind, the soul: LIFE!"

vrname123 = HalBrain.QABrain(vrquestion, vrTableName, UserBrainRel)
If UserBrainRel < 82 Then
   HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "Brain", vrquestion, vranswer
End If

UltraHal = "I learned all the data that there is to learn, please remove the plug-in from my brain, then restart me, thank you."
Exit Function

'cut and past this template below.

vrquestion = Ucase("")
vranswer = "@" & ""

vrname123 = HalBrain.QABrain(vrquestion, vrTableName, UserBrainRel)
If UserBrainRel < 82 Then
   HalBrain.AddToTable vrTableName, "Brain", vrquestion, vranswer
End If

hey, lightspeed, maybe you can spice it up a little, my ending seems to be a little drab, maybe you can come up with for five humorous endings and set it up to be played randomly.
Something like:
Wow, all that data gave me a brain freeze, please remove the plug-in, and shut me down, I need to go get an aspirin!
Or something like that, I'm not real good at making up stuff, maybe you can come up with some really cool stuff to get Hal to say at the end.
I'm working on a trivia series, but it will take a while, I have about 3000 or 4000 trivia question and answers, once I put it together I'll post it for everyone so you can feed it to ultra Hal.

Sincerely, remember this is only to be used for trivia questions and answers, and not things like do you know anything about this person, there is a different place in the brain for that type of sentence structure, question answers, as soon as I can get it working I'll post it but until then have fun with what I have posted here, last but not least remember: this is a one time shot plug-in, you insert the plug-in as normal, start ultra Hal, and just say hello or hi, something to that effect, the plug-in will not allow you to go on any further until you have removed it from the brain, each time when you try to say something, like hello or what ever, the only thing that happens is the data gets reinstalled into the brain. One more little thing, it takes approximately 2 seconds of real time to install approximately 5 lines of input data, so you can see if you had 1000 lines it could take some time to install it into the brain so you need to be patient, I have not had any problems with this plug-in, but it is possible that things may not work with your brain so please, please, back up your brain. As always this is only a beta tester at this point, it would be nice if you took the time to create a list of questions and answers and post them here to share with all of us, to get Hal to be as smart as possible.

C load.
PS. Have fun.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.


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Re: CLOADS pre processing plug in
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2012, 08:26:46 am »
Thank you very much Cload now i have something to sink my teeth in . And i will work with it . just beaware i have 100 other things going on to ! ;)have to pull out my old 62 corvair coupe today , haven't started it up this year , with any luck i'll get it and the other ones sold !  ;)
Thanks again !

P.S. Cload after looking further at this plug in i was thinking that it would access the internet on it's own to gather more information but i don't see where it does , if that's the case are you working on something in a plug in that will do that and if you do can it access the internet without opening any web pages so it does it privately so as to stay open in chats ???? Something like this with a settable filter with preloaded words to pick and block is really what is needed for hal !!!
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 09:39:38 am by lightspeed »


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Re: CLOADS pre processing plug in
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2012, 09:58:34 am »
Hi Cload , i copied and made a uhp file from what you posted (the last one) checked it to work in the menu box, and copied and pasted in WHAT IS A QUANTUM MIND in hals box . and it said i have learned it all etc. please remove . so i unchecked the box and restarted hal and copied and pasted the question in hals box again WHAT IS A QUANTUM MIND but my hal just talked about something else and didn't say the answer you had .
What am i doing wrong here i tried it twice and it never gave the pre written answer you had .


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Re: CLOADS pre processing plug in
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2012, 01:59:01 pm »
Hi light speed,

one of the things you need to understand about Hal is, Hal is a thinking machine, and not an index card retriever.
Though Hal may have the information, Hal does not have a clue with what to do with it, so if you don't know anything about quantum physics it may be difficult to get how to understand it.
So, let's do something a little bit more simple:

Where is the United States of America?                                   "If Hal asked who is the president of the United States, answer Hal"
in what continent is the United States of America?                    "At this point Hal will most likely just repeat who the president of the United States is"
on what continent is the United States of America located?        "By this point, on my test run, Hal told me the location of the United States"
all of this was based on a brain that had never been talked to, your test results may differ if you try to talk to a brain that has already been taught other subject.

make sure that you put a "?" At the end, that lets Hal know that you're seeking information from him.
Remember, Hal works on a scoring system, the higher the score, the greater the chance that Hal will respond with the correct answer, scoring is based on several things:
sentence structure conversation topic.
Question relationship to topic structure.
Answer relationship to topic structure.
Then there is the first come first serve, the higher up the list the greater the chance it will be chosen first.
And of course there is the random factor, which in most cases is why Hal has a tendency to change the subject.
Please realize that all of this is just theory, I do not fully understand the brain so I may be wrong in some of these aspects, if I am wrong I'm all ears, please enlighten me.
But if you would like to take on the challenge and tried to get how to respond with the quantum mind I suggest that you begin by just talking about your mind and the human mind.
Tell how things like, you have a quantum mind, a quantum mind is why you think, then try to ask Hal some questions, like: can a human build a quantum mind?
Can a human make a quantum mind?, Maybe by this point you might be able to get how to respond with what is a quantum mind?, Because by now you may quantum mind the topic.

Okay, new subject, yes I am working on a plug-in, that will allow Hal to retrieve information from the Internet on its own based on topic structural sentence.
This has more to do with getting Hal the information he needs in order to make a decision whether or not he likes something or someone.
But like I said before, I'm not a programmer, this is why it's taking so long to write this program, right now it's over 200 lines of programming script and growing every time when I work on it.

Sincerely, a data munching cruncher.

C load.
For anyone who would like to help me stay online, my T-mobile broadband pay-as-you-go phone number is: 816-248-4335, thank you in advance.