Author Topic: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program  (Read 12555 times)


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Re: question to robert about delayed timed response in hal's program
« Reply #30 on: March 31, 2013, 08:17:26 pm »
You're delving a bit into the psychology behind certain types of conversations whereas I was merely trying to point out that:
In a conversation with someone talking about a mutually agreeable topic, the exchange of information seems to happen with a fairly short delay between each person's comment...not 10 seconds unless one person is totally lost for words or stumped. It that case usually the other person might ask whether the thought was understoon.

Bottom line, in my work, my friends, parties, reunions, gatherings of all kinds, people tend to exchange thoughts at a fairly reasonable rate of time. If you find it hard to believe, I'll gladly invite you to one of our gatherings where ages range from 7 to 85. (ok some of the 80 year old people might take a second or two longer to digest and think of a witty comeback before answering). It's just the way it is here on the east coast and even faster in New Jersey or New York!! Go figure.

I agree that as long as there is an option to set the response time, then it will be a Win-win situation for everyone!!!

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -