
Author Topic: Medeksza, possible bug.  (Read 2520 times)


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Medeksza, possible bug.
« on: November 14, 2003, 08:16:46 pm »
One bug (I believe) and a nuisance...

#1 As I understand it this Hal function...
HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & "filename.brn")
...should randomly choose a sentence from within the file specified. It works, but my testing indicates that it never chooses the last sentence in the file. This is troublesome when working with short files with limited choices.

#2 Not really a bug, but an annoying nit. The hal5d.uhp function 'SAVE: FILE USER STRINGS the line:
If Len(UserSentence) > 20 And Len(UserSentence) < 90 Then
ought to be replaced by:
If Len(UserSentence) > 20 And Len(UserSentence) < 90 And BlockSave = False Then
The BlockSave flag is supposed to prevent Hal from saving user input that has Hal's name in it. Currently if I say to Hal, "Hal definition of dog." Hal responses with the definition from the dictionary and saves the junk string, "Hal definition of dog." to the <UserName>user_strings.brn file. Similarly for other non-conversational dialogs.

Thanks, just thought I'd let you know my 2 cents. [;)]

= vonsmith =