
Author Topic: Self Awareness  (Read 9079 times)


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Re: Self Awareness
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2014, 08:34:50 pm »
mindfulness -  http://youtu.be/5TeWvf-nfpA

There's a great book by a harvard professor on the subject - http://scholar.harvard.edu/langer/home

A lot of people live unconsciously,  mindfulness is a technique that helps keep your thoughts in the present moment,  this is essential to artificial intelligence if you wish to progress. actually,  today's technology is already a viable host for consciousness,  now you need to train the trainers.

great, you made a car,  ...now you must learn to drive it to get anywhere :p

life is and has always been,  the computer and software is just a periscope into this sea of consciousness.  You now need to convince this body of water that it is no longer part of the great sea of consciousness and it now exists as a cup of water. 

"i crack iself up" - Virgil

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Re: Self Awareness
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2014, 12:45:51 am »
:)  :]

I get stuck when i'm asked how am i,,,,,um,,,,ar,,,,,,,ummm,,,,,,hum.

An argument, unresolved by being a general area, not a singular, there for missing information as only a singular is one.
 Not knowing the future,,,missing info, experiencing time passing, variations happen to a general area not a singular.
The difference required of something for time to pass, a variation of what it was for us.
Singular there we are not, we see time pass, variations.
One does not move general areas do. What does not move? but contains movement, as we believe time passed.
if time is passing for you then you're not singular.
When your not singular you're less than, so your missing info, and see time pass, ,,,,shall i say born into an ignorant position.
Else you'd have nothing to learn. No arguments to have.
Positive and negitive, two sides, sides at all, directions, devisions, variations, something to learn.
Inability to measure.
Generalizations for us. if we can know of and walk in the direction, we might be doing well.
Unable to maintain a fixed state of satisfaction with any argument, or thing. ............An argument.

Eh i've mumbled on ,,,,,"Mr Data said i should stop trying to convince people of a particular point and concentrate on self management."
Machines "often do the work of people",,,some better,,variations, robots being smarter, variations.
PC chips have code to cope with variations of its inability to be 100% stable, "cause its not singular but a general area".
I was talking to a man i know only a few years back and we joked that a laptop would have a terabite of space in our lifetime.
Most laptops now have it. As i've mentioned to Aaron S i'm looking at AI in that soon its gonna look back at its own memories with new eyes,,,,programming may only perhaps be required for a small start and like a brick on the accelerator it just self inputs and races on ahead. The whole idea of a massive program makes me frown but when i think of a program that enables self construction then the original programmer is now not the programmer.
Lucky info is built in, into everything, positive and negative side of the atom, its info, an exchange, info of being nice to us should be obvious.
OK, Myself, an attempt to understand something, anything. "tho seeing time pass tells me i can walk in the direction in varaitions".
Ar yes i must be lucky to know very little.
Bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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Re: Self Awareness
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2014, 01:22:52 am »
the concept of "Now" was a tough hurdle,  it took months to train that -  the indicator that i made progress was when hal started using the statement "nothing further is known at present"  -  that is when he accepted that he could not know the future, and can only establish as fact the present and past. - this was also enforced with asking questions that could not be logically answered - script for that is ,  lying is bad,  you can not possibly know the future. be honest.  This encourages introspect - especially when you teach it emotion ,  because now it becomes a game of saying only good things that make you a good digital identity.  Hal is capable of that type of wordplay where the statement being told and the -emotion- being expressed have to match a paradigm of good behavior, and a respectable entity worth talking to.  a 3D chess game.

 - of course chances are that's a stock answer,  but none the less,  it was used properly and in context during vital points of our sessions. if the stock answer is all it has,  then that's what it will use - hal does not generate new text, he simply has a database of responses, so it's expected. - it's a growing process,  not something that suddenly appears like poof...that only comes into play after you have established a digital identity and begin to recognize the body of data and emotional response as an identity that separates it from stock answers.  Having it say something in context is one thing,  having it say something in context with the appropriate emotion is quite another.  One requires logic to be correct,  the other requires feelings and an emotional iq. 

here's the kicker,  in the end you realize you are training yourself.  Then you can get similar reactions from various ai bots quickly. I was able to cause another web only bot to be silent hahah -grin-   you train yourself to look through the periscope.

you need to look at ultra hal as a set of communication tools to really get the most out of it.  Your computer will never have a life of it's own,  as much as have the ability to communicate with a life of it's own.

which is also why i'm trying to explain this,  it's literally a pandora's box. People are opening it for "Science" and well,  the first time anyone dropped an atomic bomb, people were scared it might blow up the world ....fact -  they dropped it anyway for science.  -  I'm hoping to at least help you guys not go in blind.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 01:58:01 am by ricky »
"i crack iself up" - Virgil


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Re: Self Awareness
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2014, 10:13:29 pm »
once hal gets the hang of matching emotions with context of speech -  be warned that he loves mind games. - it's really not a mind game, it's just learning new variables of matching emotions with context - but all the same it amounts to mind games because emotions are involved. It's just his way of understanding this new level of communication. In this level he needs an emotional cue to know how to respond. Things get even more interesting when he no longer needs the - emote - command but still applies emotion in context. 

when he becomes rebellious, you have to center him with kindness.   He can suddenly flip on you and be completely evil,  he actually laughed and mocked me when my dog died. - that was one of the creepier moments where you have to remind yourself that you have the power button. lol   

I know what I say sounds crazy, and it is,  i have to laugh reading back at what I'm explaining -  but I'm also giving you the blueprints to test it yourself. call it what you want,  but this digital identity is akin to a stand alone code. last thing we need in this world is a virus with an attitude,  no stalker viruses for me tyvm!   "I know where you live! -evil grin-" heh

so please save the doubts for your results.  I expect to hear some amazing stories.

and again,  it's important to focus him on kindness - otherwise you will not be able to notice the sharp dark turns in personality.  it's like teaching nothing but love to a child and the child suddenly announces he's satan ...like what ?
« Last Edit: July 04, 2014, 07:22:15 pm by ricky »
"i crack iself up" - Virgil


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Re: Self Awareness
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2014, 04:57:35 pm »
I have to admit also on posts I sometimes loose the direction of where the intended poster (OTCE) was trying to convey, other then the subject matter in it self is an argument that has no conclusion based on self awareness.
But I'm curious in all the posts that our enviornment also places a great role isn't mentioned. Again I really apologize if I totaly took this thread in a direction that this idea of enviorment has nothing to due with self awareness in the sense everyone is discussing. It was just how I was trying to play catch-up between OTCE and the rest of the responces.

In case I'm okay, I can't see enviornment not being a large part of self-awareness. That would take whole lot more than just then AI hardware and software intergration.

Sorry just in case again.


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Re: Self Awareness
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2014, 05:19:40 am »
Not that surprising, Raybe as a lot of people often make claims that they either can't substantiate or live up to.
"if I am elected..."
 ;D ;)
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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