I rewrote the old brain code into functions/subs, so it was easy to upgrade and modify (but I never got around to mentioning it on the forum. By the time I'd finished I had lots of bits that could be called and upgraded using windows vbs (I also divided it into multiple files for conventient editing.
This would be a much better way of simplifying further upgrades, and saving the hastle of having to upgrade an entire brain, and could enable external calls (there was a reason I replied to this post :-) ...
function CountInstances(byVal CountWhat, byVal InWhat)
' count the occurances of CountWhat in InWhat (case independent, and can be a char or str)
' This function seems to return "" if CountWhat is not found
on error resume next
CountWhat = lcase(CountWhat)
InWhat = lcase(CountWhat)
start = instr(InWhat, CountWhat)
while start > 0
CountInstances = CountInstances + 1
start = instr(start+1, InWhat, CountWhat)
end function
// SNIP //
sub AutoTopics (ByVal UserSentence, ByRef OriginalSentence, ByRef GetResponse, ByRef DebugInfo, ByVal WorkingDir, byRef ZaiquetteBrain, byRef PrevSent, byRef PrevUserSent, byRef SpecialSent, byRef UserBrainRel)
'RESPOND: AUTO-TOPIC: Sentences databased automatically by topic names:
'We see if we can retrieve a response from sentences stored
'automatically in groupings by named-topic.
// SNIP //
' function DecodePronouns(UserSentence: BSTR): BSTR; stdcall;
' function DecodeVar(FromWhat: BSTR; DecodeWhat: BSTR): Variant; stdcall;