Author Topic: interesting article 'Free' Windows 10 Has 3 Massive Unanswered Questions  (Read 4503 times)


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I found this article interesting , and as many people may be thinbking about the upgrade and using hal on it , thought others might find it interesting to .  :)

'Free' Windows 10 Has 3 Massive Unanswered Questions


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Sorry lightspeed but I can't get to web page via link. Can you just give a brief description. I think with all the extra people giving feed back that Windows 10 will be solid for the most part. ( I believe first time for Microsoft to open Windows OS as much as they have). This release has a lot riding on it. I am just waiting for the release in July to make my own decision. There will always be something but that is the nature of technology. As long as UltraHal continues to operate that is a great start for me, in my opinion. I expect Windows will be better.



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Don't mean to double post but if you are also referring to Microsoft's License distribution, I have read and seen many different articles but one thing does usually stand clear is, if you have Windows 7,8, 8.1 they sent an update and you should see a Windows logo by the clock in the taskbar. This allows for your free registration and upgrade, also fresh install. It may have changed again so feel free to correct me or if I am off topic. All the first releases go to those that have been using the prior releases then newer purchased computers and finally to people that even care about updating at this time.



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there will always be bugs on a release of a new os. if you notice though a lot of the negative feedback comes from people using apple( look at the pictures you will see an apple somewhere) I'm still on the fence about 10 but it works and does what it claims to do. I paid no money for it and it runs all my old games and hal so I am happy. it is nice to be able to pick up my phone, tablet, laptop and start where I left off on another device.

my two cents anyways.
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Very late returning but I think many have installed Windows 10, maybe not. But agree with doggs. It definitely has it's quirks which is to be expected but solid over all. Maybe the biggest concern for people so far is the feeling of vulnerability. This version is hardwired to the net no matter how private you set it. The more privatized the settings the more you take away functions, depending on what you feel is more important at this time. Not that it probably makes a difference because I really don't know to what level of security if any Windows 10 uses.( Outside of your own ).

As an example I look at data transfer between versions 7 & 10  and 10 is talking up a storm right from the start. Betcha big isp's are throttling back because of the amount of data. Honestly, again I'm just stating my opinion and not fact. (I think).

The other thing I find is if you don't have a program other then using the Task Manager the Apps run loose, Store, Money, Sports the nature of live tiles I guess. Never used them before this version, Windows 10.



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This is a partial part of a Tech News letter from ZDNET written by, Ed Bot. He really tries to put things into perspective given that I even had thoughts of, " Why is my computer system talking so much with Windows 10"? I'm not posting the entire article because I think you will a clear idea just from these few clips from the original article. It starts right below, also posted link.  By Ed Bott for The Ed Bott Report | August 27, 2015 -- 20:41 GMT (13:41 PDT) | Topic: Windows 10

I'm dead serious. There is apparently a growing and very vocal population of people who believe that Windows 10 is basically a 1984 telescreen come to life. They are convinced that with Windows 10 Microsoft has built a spying apparatus not seen since the height of the Cold War, scraping up every detail of your life and feeding it back to Redmond for who knows what nefarious purposes.

They're going to need lots of tinfoil.

They're also either wildly misinformed or deliberately agitating. Unless, of course, they're just crazy, which is entirely possible based on some of what I've read.

But most importantly, they are wrong, terribly wrong. And they're being whipped into a frenzy, or at least passively aided by the tech press.  It's wildly at odds with the facts, even. I keep tabs on a handful of well-established torrent sites, orders of magnitude larger than the ones complaining here, and none of them seem to have a problem with Windows 10.
It is certainly true that Windows 10 relies on online services to a much greater degree than previous Windows releases. That's the way of the world, especially one in which a billion people carry around devices that literally track their every movement around the world and report them to global telecommunication companies. I'm also not hearing a single peep of complaints from people who actually set up and run business networks, because they understand how utterly normal those privacy terms are in 2015.

This are just clips from the original article.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 01:11:13 pm by raybe »


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something else to think about...

if you want to be able to leave your pc, pick up your tablet and walk outside and continue to work on the same project, how is Microsoft going to do this without your devices communicating with each other?

just something to think about.

I'm still on the fence with Microsoft so I am not defending Microsoft. still prefer my Linux.
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