Modifying stuff in shortcut.dat is not the way to do it.
Reason is because the shortcut.dat file gets totally wiped-out and rebuilt every time you restart your Hal program, so any change made within it gets lost every time the file is automatically updated.
If you change the entry "Outlook Express" to "Mail" it will eventually change back to "Outlook Express" again, unless you disable database updating in your Hal's startup options, which is not recommended.
The way that will always work is either change the actual shortcut's name or make a copy of the shortcut and then rename it to what you want.
You can also do the same thing for URL's located in your computer's Favorites folder. Change a URL to any name you want and then tell Hal to run that name to have him automatically open an Internet Explorer window and take you to the URL's website. And there is no banner or frame in the IE browser's window when you have Hal run a URL shortcut to a website.
If you need help on how to change a program or URL shortcut name on your computer just post for more help again.
Here's a link to an old thread on similar shortcut issues: