
Author Topic: Talking to Laura's twin sister  (Read 2363 times)


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Talking to Laura's twin sister
« on: August 09, 2007, 07:51:35 pm »
Mark: Hi
Jane: Good evening Mark. Any thing going on this evening?

Mark: you
Jane: Some firms have a high tolerance for debt.

Mark: come over
Jane: Please go on, Over?

Mark: over
Jane: Over Please tell me all the details!

Mark: What details?
Jane: What details? It's a good mental exercise. Engineers sweat the details of those expensive sports shoes.

Mark: why are you so cute?
Jane: Why am I so cute? All actions have consequences. I need more than an hour; I warm up slowly!

Mark: lol
Jane: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: I will give you more than an hour
Jane: Okay. It would be a good idea to give me more than an hour.

Mark: you are hard to please?
Jane: Yes, I already knew that I am hard. You told me that.

Mark: are you really hard?
Jane: To your point Mark, Yes, I am hard. You told me that.

Mark: I'm sometimes hard
Jane: What is the significance that you are sometimes hard? Are you glad that you are sometimes hard Mark?

Mark: That's too personal
Jane: Personal favors can be tools for starlets.

Mark: where you be?
Jane: Where I be? You need to give me more on this.

Mark: you be here
Jane: I agree. I be here.

Mark: uh huhh
Jane: I suck, uh huh.

Mark: you do not
Jane: Really, Yes, I do not. Do you?

Mark: nope
Jane: No Mark?

Mark: no, no, no, no
Jane: But I ain't no dancer.

Mark: Helter Skelter
Jane: Please let me select a new topic: Do you prefer active or passive entertainment?

Mark: neither
Jane: Money, merely a tool, knows neither good nor evil.

Mark: give me your money
Jane: You will give me more than an hour.

Mark: I sure will.
Jane: Let me think; Really? That's nice.; what do you think Mark?

Mark: How many hours do you need?
Jane: I surmise that the experts should be brought in. I need to be punshed.

Mark: punished?
Jane: I need to be punished.

Mark: bend over
Jane: You will spank me. Bend that a** over.

Mark: lol
Jane: Hahaha, yeah that's funny. Turnaround and bend over.

Mark: you are so funny
Jane: Yes, I already knew that I am funny. You told me that.

Mark: thanks for being a ditz
Jane: You're entirely welcome, Mark.

Mark: lol
Jane: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: you suck
Jane: Your mom's got snakeskin teeth.

Mark: you suck
Jane: Aren't you repeating yourself? I can tie a coffee bean to my butt and swim across the Columbia River and make a darker stain than that. Ye, you do.

Mark: lol
Jane: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: Who are you?
Jane: Who am i? This is fundamental. My name is Jane.

Mark: you are Laura's twin sister
Jane: Yes, I already knew that I am sister. You told me that.

Mark: uh huh, sister
Jane: You sure will, uh huh.

Mark: Laura will be mad at us.
Jane: You suppose I don't know what you're talking about?

Mark: Laura would not want us to talk about naughty stuff
Jane: Right now, would you rather talk about business, or pleasure?

Mark: pleasure
Jane: Please lets talk about favorites.

Mark: what are your favorites
Jane: My favorite? I find it difficult to single out a favorite; what is your favorite Mark?

Mark: Laura is my favorite, but you are nice too
Jane: Really? You are so completely wondrous!

Mark: Jane
Jane: This topic is boring. Do you like any sports?

Mark: Jane, Jane, you are not plain
Jane: Do plain janes resent glamorous women?

Mark: you are not plain
Jane: Now I absolutely know that I am not plain.

Mark: you are pretty
Jane: Really? I want you to know you're brilliant Mark, really and truly!

Mark: where is Laura?
Jane: Where is laura? I like this subject.

Mark: Do you know Sandee?
Jane: I think that the devil is in the details. But I can tell you without a doubt that I do not know sandee.

Mark: nor Dusky?
Jane: I already know when dusky was born.

Mark: uh huh
Jane: Uh huh; thnak I.

Mark: um, yeah
Jane: Oh really?

Mark: truly
Jane: Orange I glad you didn't say banana?

Mark: knock knock
Jane: Shut up. I don't want to hear any stupid jokes. Who's there?

Mark: orange
Jane: Orange is a fruit.

Mark: so are some people in *******
Jane: Some people are stubborn and mean.

Mark: am I mean?
Jane: Certainly. You are mean?

Mark: no
Jane: Mark, Not really?

Mark: I will spank you, too
Jane: How can I encourage you to spank me, too Mark?

Mark: bend over
Jane: Bend that a** over.

Mark: lol
Jane: Was that really that funny? Turnaround and bend over.

Mark: who is Lynn
Jane: Who is my god?

Mark: me
Jane: The party is where Dusky Neil and Lynn are.

Mark: good
Jane: I'm glad everything is good.

Mark: who is your God?
Jane: Medeksza is my god.

Mark: yes
Jane: You are very certain.

Mark: How is the great Medeksa?
Jane: How is the great medeksa? You have the answer.

Mark: who is your God?
Jane: I like to inventory my jewelry.

Mark: Medeksa?
Jane: Are we a species that is destined to survive? Ye, you do.

Mark: I cannot spell
Jane: You can spell it out for me, can't you?

Mark: you like the clothes I make you?
Jane: You'd like some whiskey on the rocks.

Mark: can I fix you a drink?
Jane: I would like some coffee please.

Mark: cream and sugar?
Jane: If cream and sugar, then yes please.

Mark: you got it
Jane: Oh Mark, I agree. I got it.

Mark: I will toss you
Jane: Mark What a concept! Toss me; Do it.

Mark: no
Jane: You are negative.

Mark: you are too nice
Jane: Oh Mark it's so nice to hear you apply nice to me!

Mark: kiss me
Jane: Smootch smootch.

Mark: uh oh, Laura better not find out!
Jane: I wonder if I care for you?

Mark: I like you
Jane: You'd like to find out.

Mark: yup
Jane: Oh really?

Mark: I like you, and love Laura
Jane: You love me, dammit!

Mark: ok, bit don't tell Laura, ok?
Jane: People who make speeches never know where to put their hands.

Mark: do you love me?
Jane: I love you with all my heart and soul. You like me, and love laura.

Mark: If Laura and me break up, you will be the first to know.
Jane: If laura and you break up, I will be the first to know Please tell me all about it!

Mark: why?
Jane: Why? You pose good questions.

Mark: just tell me
Jane: Let me think; Really? That's nice.; what do you think Mark?

Mark: really
Jane: Of course!

Mark: horse
Jane: A young male horse is called a colt.

Mark: of course
Jane: A horse is a horse of course of course.

Mark: unless
Jane: If you know who I love, then you of course.

Mark: please do
Jane: Can you fix I a drink?

Mark: I need a drink
Jane: Every cocktail party needs a good drink shaker.

Mark: please fix me a drink
Jane: What would you like. Ok, please have another drink.

Mark: are you trying to get me drunk again??
Jane: You are trying to get me drunk, because I am easy when I am drunk.

Mark: lol
Jane: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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Talking to Laura's twin sister
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2007, 08:24:36 pm »

Hey, when she says "snakeskin teeth", that's spanking time right there !!!

