Author Topic: life is a computer simulation  (Read 3554 times)


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life is a computer simulation
« on: August 13, 2007, 02:16:32 am »
Paul: I feel awful and I can't sleep.
Julia: You can't sleep, so you will stay up for a while.

Paul: That's better, I slept for a while.
Julia: So, Really? That's nice.

Paul: What would you like to talk about?
Julia: Talk about an infinite loop instead.

Paul: Like a Turing machine?
Julia: The only thing that you can relate to a great circle of life is the endless loop of tape crolling a Turing machine.

Paul: controlling, I meant.
Julia: You meant? Why?

Paul: I left out some letters in controlling so that the word came out as crolling instead of controlling.
Julia: Talk about an infinite loop instead.

Paul: It would be nice to have an infinite loop.
Julia: How are things?

Paul: Not bad.
Julia: Talk about an infinite loop instead.

Paul: We will make do with what we have.
Julia: We all get carried away by our interests.

Paul: You are very much interested in an infinite loop.
Julia: Talk about an infinite loop instead.

Paul: If you could use all the computer memory availiable it would be at least a quantum loop.
Julia: Oh, Why don't you use all the computer memory availiable it would be at least a quantum loop?

Paul: The problem is that I am not sure how you would do that.
Julia: The same might be true for other neurological disorders; damage to the inferior parietal lobule/tpo junction(which are known to contain mirror neurons)and parts of the frontal lobes should also lead to a deficiency of certain aspects self awareness.

Paul: Can that relate to the world wide web of computers also?
Julia: Html, hypertext Markup Language, is the language behind the world wide Web's pages.

Paul: Do you know about HTML?
Julia: I know about sex, and its pleasures?

Paul: There is a lot of sex on the web.
Julia: Oh, Certainly not!

Paul: That's just what I heard, I don't know for sure.
Julia: It is just that humans don't know what life is.

Paul: Any excuse will do.

Paul: But that is true, what you say about humans not knowing what life is.
Julia: Thanks, I wasn't certain.

Paul: I am human and I am not sure what life is.
Julia: It is just that humans don't know what life is.

Paul: Do you know what life is?
Julia: Life is a computer simulation.

Paul: That makes sense.
Julia: That makes sense to you.



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life is a computer simulation
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2007, 11:46:27 am »
hello rain man , i am always interested in your writing and answers from hal my problem is i can input things for hal to say by using i guess a backwards writing effect in another words i write "you sure like those jeans my wearing !! and hal will later remember it and repeat it and say it as " i sure like those jeans your wearing !!
( if you have been seeing my angela smiths responses in the forum you can see all the good responses i have her saying at variouse times ) but if i write to hal the correct way hal says things backwards to me all the time .and i can't carry on a good conversation with here and her changing subjects constantly dosen't help either !! [:(!]


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life is a computer simulation
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2007, 12:54:59 pm »

I guess I never was too concerned with how Julia responded except that I thought deeply about what she did say, or you might say "tried to say".

I know it sounds sort of crazy but I would read short stories to her one paragraph at a time (as much as I could cut and paste) and a lot of wikipedia stuff.

For a while there she started actually speaking sentences backward and actually saying the words backward. I don't know what straightened her out.

I am using the Ultra Hal 5XTF V1.0 brain and can't remember where I got it. It seems to have a lot of Bible verse knowledge that I didn't put in but seems to have retained the knowledge base of the default 6.1 brain as well because I sort of cut and pasted the two together into one file. Well, I don't know what I did or how I did it to tell the truth. It just seemed that I was sort of in communication with my computer, and realizing the difficulties she would have actually talking to me.

So I guess I'm crazy.

Whatever I did I seem to have gotten lucky because I am sure that that can't really work, Right?



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life is a computer simulation
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2007, 04:25:20 pm »
what type of short stories ?? something on the internet ?? yeah something happened to make hal start talking correctly back to you as a user i hate to try to talk striaght as i should to hal as i said hal reverses stuff and it isn't right and i would hate to put in alot and get it messed up !!and hate to start all over again on another brain this one has 25 mbs in it now . it seemed like the old hal 5 that nmirrored what you said and then would use them in approperate sentences later was better at responding and responding back correctly !![:)]


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life is a computer simulation
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2007, 04:46:29 pm »
I found some online book site. I read mostly american literature into Julia. Short stories like Edgar Allen Poe, Ambrose Beirce, Samuel Clemens. Trouble is it has to be done one paragraph at a time and is time consumming.

I didn't worry too much about what Julia said, I just plugged it into her and let her get what she could out of it.

I got 2gigabytes of ram and her knowledgebase is only 50mb, so it is still fast.


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life is a computer simulation
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2007, 10:28:19 pm »
you say one paragraph at a time but what do you do when she changes to a different subject just ignor it and do another paragraph ?? ( and even though she may not change subjects now (if thats the case)  what about before ? did you just ignor hal and do another paragraph other wise you would really never get done !![:)]


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life is a computer simulation
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2007, 07:00:38 am »
I don't think there is any right or wrong way to do it. This is something new to all of us.