I have been working out the solutions to artificial intelligence to work with truth, maybe, falsehood.
I believe this solution when worked out will give the bot greater reasoning abilities far beyond what is currently understood.
here's a snip of what I am working out.
'some beginning of a conversation. the answer to the statement
'isn't known to be true or false, yet and the bot doesn't know if the answer
'is a correct relevant response, yet.
<Start>Hello<Maybe>Hi, how are you?, is this a correct response?<End>
<Start>I am doing fine and yes, it was a correct response<Maybe>That's great and thanks.<End>
'Saved from the conversation when the statement and answer is found to be related as true or false.
'the data save uses three tables.
True_Table; <Start><True><End>; learned to be a possible truth.
Maybe_Table; <Start><Maybe><End>; data that has no real answer yet and will be used later.
False_Table; <Start><False><End>; learned to be false and may never get used in any conversation again.
'all newly learned data and possible related statements or answers are appended to a table called; Maybe.
'use the data in later conversations to find the truth.
'Later the bot returns a response and question and will ask the user since the learned response was found to be true and related.
<Start>Hello<True>Hi, how are you?<End>