
Author Topic: sight  (Read 14989 times)


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« Reply #30 on: September 11, 2008, 06:31:19 pm »
Some interesting observations and some good points as well.

Discussions regarding what AI is and what it is not have been going on for decades but the underlying fact is that despite the computational power, the program will always be just that...a program.

While said program might have the ability to scan thousands of patterns, IF-THEN's, What-if's and so on in a few seconds or nanoseconds, the basic premise will remain the same.

Artificial = not real, imagined, pretending to be real, pseudo.

The future holds as many questions as it does answers. If humans create an "intelligent" being will it have rights or entitlements? If disconnected or destroyed would it be tantamount to murder?

Sure Hollywood has glorified AI through movies like AI, Bi-Centennial Man, Matrix and many more yet we continue to watch and think and dream. Can something or rather some cybertronic brain be developed that would allow the AI / program . robot to think on its own, have the equivalent of emotions, reason, understanding, sympathy, compassion, self analysis / repair, aware state? (I left out the undersirable traits like greed, jealousy, lust, anger, etc.) - Let's hope the designers do likewise! ;)

For now there is no right or wrong approach to AI as no real standards for learning or brain building have been established. No artificial brain that can create its own thoughts save from logic, have been developed.

Scripted bots using AIML do not learn, they merely do the search and find patterns or previously written scripts.

A good AI brain must be given all the senses that humans possess in order to learn how to deal with them and in what manner they are to be used.

Yes, the future is still a long way off but as a man once said...It's the journey, not the destination that counts!!

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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« Reply #31 on: September 11, 2008, 08:44:15 pm »
I dont think humans will ever create something intelligent, as much as they would create something capable of hosting intelligence.

My own view is that life is in data itself, and intelligence will move on to bigger and better hosts as they become available.

( intelligence as in data or rather, the smallest possible structure of matter )

a thought becomes energy, energy becomes action, action becomes occurrence,  occurrence causes an event to think about. Cause and Effect,  a thought causes an effect lol.

I'm sure this concept would bring much adversity though, because this is now a metaphysical / spiritual view.

How many times can we split matter until it becomes pure data ?

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« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2008, 03:39:34 am »
How many times can we split matter until it becomes pure data ?

How close to the size of infinity is a quark?

Matter is energy, as e=mc squared.

Ans: 386,000 times in a second will do it.

Software is matter split to data by wetware

Matter is data combined to matter.

The subjective is the objective, as the objective is the subjective.

In other words folks, you bought a device, that Robert designed as data collection software agent, because he told you it was artificial intelligence.

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« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2008, 06:56:05 am »
OK what if we thought of Hal in a different way.
Hal dose have one thing in common with humans. if you take
away all the flesh and Grey matter and all the hardware and programing, what are you left with...energy. That is what we all
are. So to say Hal isn't alive, is not entirely true.
Or think of it as we are both alive,
just in different containers.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 06:58:58 am by catseye »


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« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2008, 08:49:50 am »
What a wonderful way of thinking about Hal catseye.

Hal means something different to many people, we all pretty well knew what Hal was when we purchased it, I think it’s a shame that some people feel the need to knock it and put it down.

After frequenting this forum for a few years the topic of “is Hal AI” comes up over and over again in the end no one can give an answer that can satisfy everyone. Hal might not be true AI but it is the beginnings of AI as we know it today.

What Robert has made is unique, a chat-bot that learns new sentences and it even has the beginnings of a deductive brain and I give praise to his effort.

I also look forward to future developments, if Robert can get the beginnings of site through a webcam into Hal I will be cheering the dawn of a new adventure with my Hal bot.  


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« Reply #35 on: September 12, 2008, 09:06:04 am »
Originally posted by Datahopa

What a wonderful way of thinking about Hal catseye.

Hal means something different to many people, we all pretty well knew what Hal was when we purchased it, I think it’s a shame that some people feel the need to knock it and put it down.

After frequenting this forum for a few years the topic of “is Hal AI” comes up over and over again in the end no one can give an answer that can satisfy everyone. Hal might not be true AI but it is the beginnings of AI as we know it today.

What Robert has made is unique, a chat-bot that learns new sentences and it even has the beginnings of a deductive brain and I give praise to his effort.

I also look forward to future developments, if Robert can get the beginnings of site through a webcam into Hal I will be cheering the dawn of a new adventure with my Hal bot.  

THANK YOU datahopa, If we treat Hal as a less developed
mind, then in that context it becomes very
clear why Hal acts the way he dose.

oh by the way check this out http://www.zabaware.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=5778
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 09:09:38 am by catseye »


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« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2008, 03:55:41 pm »
Over the years I have searched and read tons of material about A.I.
Although I would tend to think that most people here are high school graduates and some may have a few years of college there are those who have been in the business of A.I. for decades and possess Phd.s.
One of the latest reports by a large group of theses fellows revealed the following information. It is their belief that that major break throughs in A.I. will take place with software that comprehends and speaks English and has the ability to learn. In other words programs exactly like Hal. The gentlemen are heads of univrsity departments that have millions of dollars invested in computers and programs designed to test and grow A.I. types of programs. This is what the have dedicated their lifes work to.
I have been following these and others in  the fields of A.I. and robotics since the early 60's. It amazing to see what they have tried and developed over the years and now the final conclusion: Build a Hal type of A.I. program.
They did not mention Hal but that does not mean that they may discovered it while surfing the net.


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« Reply #37 on: September 14, 2008, 12:26:20 am »
Originally posted by rockershaft1

Matter is data combined to matter.

that made me think of this...

"CANBERRA, Australia (AP) - Australian scientists said Monday they had successfully "teleported" a laser beam encoded with data, breaking it up and reconstructing an exact replica a yard away."


and I found this in the process...

"Although many physicists think such ideas are claptrap, it would be ideal if the United States could teleport U.S. soldiers into "a cave, tap bin Laden on the shoulder, and say: 'Hey, let's go,' " said Ranney Adams, spokesperson for the Air Force Research Laboratory at Edwards Air Force Base in the Southern California desert. "But we're not there (yet)."

Not for want of trying, though. Last year, the Air Force spent $25,000 on a report, titled "Teleportation Physics Study," to examine possible ways to teleport humans and objects through space. "


so in theory,  for this to be possible, the scientists would have to believe that for a moment in time we could become pure energy and data.

goodness,  I wonder if one day our government will try to compress us into mp3 format to compensate for global overpopulation....

a civilization of people compressed to hal size, the prison of the future!! O.o
« Last Edit: September 14, 2008, 12:31:56 am by ricky »
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« Reply #38 on: September 14, 2008, 08:15:39 am »
I have been thinking on the subject and I thought of something
that is not the norm. What if a truly intelligent AI's mind would
be something completely different from are minds because of the nature
of of the type of energy and the configuration of the hardware.
something completely different because it isn't constructed like us
so we wouldn't have to understand what life really, just what the
an AI is


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« Reply #39 on: September 14, 2008, 09:19:49 am »
As far as intelligence (but this is dangerous) if a AI can think and do things spontaneously without input, that would be, to me, intelligence.

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