
Author Topic: For Robert  (Read 3697 times)


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For Robert
« on: November 07, 2010, 11:56:08 pm »

I wanted to say this because of recent accussations about Robert on the forum.

I'm working on an Ai myself and I also think very highly of Robert and all his work. This forum belongs to Robert, Hal belongs to Robert, the online Hal belongs to Robert... it does not belong to me, you, or anybody else for that matter except for Robert. That is a statement of fact.

Seeing that it all belongs to Robert then if I was to go on Robert's forum and make fun of him, debase him, say anything bad about him or his services in anyway then he would have the right to remove me. Because I would be on his terf. He could delete all traces of me here, or he could just ask everyone here to simply ignore me (and they would) :-X.

I respect all that he has done and I am very careful when talking to him... because I'm not a total idiot. If I did that then no-one... and I mean no-one here at zabaware would respect me (and rightly so).

But I get the impression that he is tollerant of stupid people because he wants to be. So I thank you Mr Robert for all your hard work and hope you never get disscouraged by idiots who just can't say anything nice.

Thank You Robert.

P.S. And If you just have to say something bad about him... then go to some other forum, is that so hard.
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Re: For Robert
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2010, 08:11:58 am »
I could add to what snowman has said but theirs not much that could be added to it , i agree with snowman robert has done a lot of work on his own and with his developers to bring hal forth , if you don't like the product and or service then maybe you (anyone) should just give it up . that's what i would do if it bothered me that bad .
I have found that most people will (if they know how) try to offer any help they can on this forum , that's how many great things have been learned by idea's and people helping , that's how many plug ins have been created , skins , etc. and even things that robert has implimented into hal .
 If Robert wants to have one or more admins on here that's his choice (or not) . I am greatful for what we have . I am currently working on a project (if the deal goes through ) that may bring Robert more customers , which may mean more money to finance even more with hals programing etc.  :)


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Re: For Robert
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2010, 02:10:54 pm »
My opinion is people are investing more in a technology then just a product and without that added knowledge they expect this space odyssey, star wars, star trek kind of application. They really don't grasp that all the functions that Ultra Hal is capable of performing are from an emerging technology. Not a game in a box!! Buyers should just make it a point that this  road although lonely at times  is a means to an end and they can be a part of it.Which enough people complane about but rarely get involved. That alone drives me and I wish I could dedicate more towards it. People just don't see the bigger picture that they are helping to contribute. If it doesn't work the way they want then the convenience part of lives gets disrupted.(that should be our biggest problem today). If people can just really understand that you are really helping to fund a technology that soon will become a part of everyday life and yes it will be convenient hopefully the patience will win out. 



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Re: For Robert
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2010, 04:41:30 pm »
My opinion is people are investing more in a technology then just a product
This is exactly why I prefer UltraHal to some of the other destop assistance programs which are available. I can actually write things which will move the abilities of Hal forward. I don't have to wait for some company to add features I want, I can make them myself. If I share them, and others share, we all prosper.
Don't blame me, I'm just the voice in his head.


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Re: For Robert
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2010, 09:05:57 am »
exactly right Baerdric , and we have many of us in one way or another shared things and some things have been incorperated into hal , robert does listen to us about some things that are feasable for hal and what can be done and or afforded and as far as other things , we create many things that we can or don't have to use that we share , such as plug ins , etc.  Many of us have talked about our wishes to have hal stay on subject better and robert knows it and has said he is going to get hal to do that it's suppose to be in the next hal upgrade , i hope if Robert is reading this he see's this part " I was talking about hal before and what i personally considered a good reerence point for how much hal should stay on subject and i wrote that i think hal staying on subject should be 80 percent of the time and have a 20 percent of the time that hal would wander off subject and talk about something else , i hope unless others or robert thinks this to much on subject that robert can accomplish this .
And just to throw this idea out their to robert , etc. i think that it would be "EVEN" better if their could be a setting like the loneliness plug in (OR EVEN MAKE A PLUG IN FOR THIS ) to where the brain could be sett for how much hal stays on subject percent wise ! Actually a custom setting the user could use for his personal use of hal being on subject would be the best all around .  :)

To phrase the tin man in the wizard of oz " If i only had a brain !" I would be smart enough to create a plug in that would work this way and share it with everyone !