
Author Topic: uhp read and list mistake line and number idea  (Read 1853 times)


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uhp read and list mistake line and number idea
« on: June 15, 2017, 11:34:59 am »
i have seen cyberjedi create many things so am throwing this idea out to you  to create .  for people who have made plug in when larger are extremely hard to track down errors , yes i know about using the editor etc. but when it is a very large uhp it can still be difficult .
 My idea if it can be made is a uhp file that can read and list all other uhp plug ins that are checked in use, basically what it does is if their is an error showing up on one or more plug ins , this "read -list error plug in would 1. list the name of the plug in 2.(example: general talk)  list the number (example 1 to 50) and the written line of the plug in.
  This would be extremely helpful , although i am shamelessly plugging this idea for myself as i desperately need it , it would also be useful to others that make uhp plug ins for hal , and future people.
   i have a personal plug in that has around 1,300? random talk based on the time plug in ! my trouble is being human on some i made mistakes , these mistakes didn't show up till a lot later as it is based on completely random numbers .
   idea;s yeah i have idea's some may stretch other abilities to code . lol !