Hi Shannon and welcome to the forum!
As Spydaz said, you can do.
How to use a brain: Go to the Options menu and
click on the Brain Tab. There should be at least
one or two brains shown. Pick one then start
talking with Hal. Notice how the program responds
to various topics and questions from you.
You can select another Brain from the list and
repeat the above procedure.
There are several Brains available to play with:
Don Ferguson's topic brain, Vonsmith's XTF Brain
and there's a Blank Slate brain that is just that...
a blank brain to modify and experiment with.
If you go to the Options menu and select the Brain
Tab then Launch Brain Editor, it will bring up a
window showing the contents of that respective brain.
There you can read what words might trigger a certain
response from Hal in a given situation. At first it
might seem very confusing but as you follow it down
look at the different topics to see what's going on.
After some time it will all start to make sense (I'm
giving you a lot of credit here LOL!) at least it's
supposed to make sense!
Different brains are geared for different things or
even kinds of behavior. Be careful of the unsensored
brain as it can be a bit testy!
Shannon, check out the other site for scripts, downloads,
brain files and pretty good help at:
Hope this help a bit and good luck!