Originally posted by alvarovalenciab
Hi to all. I will also patiently wait. Until my hal learns spanish!
Best wishes.
Ziggy's The Word 5.2 can already learn spanish or any language by that fact.
For instance:
If I say Hola to Ziggy and Ziggy says Hello,
I can do this if I want him to speak hello in spanish.
User: Howdy!
Ziggy: Hello
User: Just say Hola.
Ziggy: Thanks for teaching me that.
Repeated: User: Howdy!
Ziggy: Hola.
I have over a hundred teaching statements that Ziggy listens for.
Like: User: Howdy!
Ziggy: Hola.
User: I would've said Hello.
Ziggy: I understand that.
User: Howdy!
Ziggy: Hello.
Peer into all the deductive and reasoning teaching script .brn files and you will see that Ziggy looks for a lot of keyword statements to learn from.
Other examples of keyword learning is:
Example: User: Is a Diamond Hard?
Ziggy: Diamonds are very pretty.
User: Yes, Diamonds are hard.
User: Is a diamond hard?
Ziggy: Yes Diamonds are hard.
Ziggy looks for a keyword Yes or No in relation to a question and will append it as a permenant learned statement.
You will become more familiar with Ziggy when you start looking at his keyword learning techniques and then once familiar you can teach Ziggy any language you like.
Ziggy's deductives are always given highest priority so he will answer
100% all the time.
The shortest keyword learning statement is (Just Say) and can be used to teach Ziggy a new learned response to a previous User Sentence.
Best of wishes and brand new discoveries.