Author Topic: ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?  (Read 9348 times)


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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« on: June 08, 2005, 07:55:41 am »
I am not sure if this has been suggested before (could not find any referance) but I was thinking perhaps that a new forum subject of

"New Users Post Here"

Might be a good idea. That way any new users can post in here with who/what/where they are etc and their first time experiences of Hal.

Sometimes (we have all been there) posting your first message can seem a little daunting to some people so a special section for new users to say hello etc and for us more experienced members to welcome to the community and make them feel welcome might be a good idea in making a closer knit community and also in making new users/forum members feel a little more at home.

Any one else have any views on this matter?
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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2005, 08:49:53 am »
I hope Medeksza likes the idea.
It is getting hard to focus on a single topic. I'am glad that I am not the only one who is having this problem.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2005, 09:29:06 am by Dr.Benway »


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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2005, 11:36:37 am »
I would tend to agree with the suggestion. Being relatively new to Hal, It can be a little daunting to come into the forum to ask what to put where, and how to do this or that. (Things that seem quite everyday to the experienced). A lot of us are not programmers, or are not familiar with Vb script. With a section for newcomers to ask their questions,maybe they could be received with a little more understanding and patience from the pro's.


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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2005, 12:30:31 pm »
hello everyone,

I'm fairly new but did find it hard to find the help I needed so I think that this is a good idea. Perhaps that could also include getting all the important help into one place as a lot of the questions people ask have probably been answered more than once and the answers are spread around all over the forum?

Anyways guys and girls,  I have some pressing 'Real World' things I need to sort out , so I may not be posting for a couple of days.  I'll catch up with things over the weekend.

Speak to you all soon, all the best.


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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2005, 03:24:17 pm »
I think the summed up difficulties will only increase when this forum keeps growing. It will be hard to deal without some kind of supervision. Maybe it would be wise to move sometimes to Jerry's forum ( or Knytetrypper's A.I. Nexus forum (
I'am not so sure if they are prepared and ready to deal with a lot more postings. Maybe they would like to give a reaction on this.


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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2005, 03:54:48 pm »

Thats a very good point and as it happens I have also emailed Robert directly (through Zabaware) offering my services as a possible site moderator.

I fully appreciate I am not the most experienced member here but I have enough knowledge and speak to enough people to be a "well known" person here.

I did not want to tread on anyone's toes by doing this, I just thought that as I am able to spend a lot of time in the forums both during the day and night that other may not be able to (due to work/family commitments etc) that I would offer my services if they were wanted/required.

As you say, as the word spreads and as the product gains recognition the forum is only going to get busier and busier in the future and some kind of "full time site help" along with my mentiond "new users" forum might be a positive step in the right direction. [:)]
« Last Edit: June 09, 2005, 03:57:19 pm by Maviarab »
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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2005, 05:10:20 pm »
That's really a terrific idea, Maviarab. You have my full support!
I hope that Medeksza will understand what we are talking about.


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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2005, 07:47:36 pm »
Yep, I agree that'll be a great idea!
I dream of creating a self replicating, self maintaining, autonomous robot :)


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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2005, 08:06:49 pm »
All queries about bots are welcome at my forum, and I/we do our best to get correct and timely answers to as many questions as possible. We don't get many UltraHal questions, and if they got very complicated I'd have to come here and ask someone, anyway, lol.
As far as this forum is concerned, I'm more in favor of a notice saying "New users READ THE FAQ AND USE THE SEARCH ENGINE."


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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2005, 08:25:03 pm »

Just to digress from the main topic slightly,

Having used the search for "aim" I noticed that the posts seemed to stop over a year ago? I figured out the aim to aim on my own pc but is there an updated list re bots that ppl do not mind other ppl's bots talking to for extended periods of time?

I saw your list compiled quite a while ago, but was wondering if there was anything newer since then?

Feel free to emial me instaed of clogging this up. Your info/opinion is always valued.
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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2005, 09:17:34 pm »
I thought I should reply here, since some of this may be of general concern. One of the major things to keep in mind about having your Hals talk to other AIM bots is to know in advance what sort of bot the other AIM bot is. I'm neither for or against people letting their Hals talk to my Pandorabots. It doesn't provide me with much useful editing material, but I don't have any serious objections to it. I think probably most Pandorabots botmasters feel about the same way. Some of the bot hosts like Runabot and Lots-A-Bots, however, will penalize botmasters whose bots talk to other bots. I'm sure no one here wants to cause grief for other botmasters (like having their bot's logs deleted and its ranking reduced to zero, which is what Runabot does). I try to specify at my AI Nexus page where the bots are hosted. I'd say in general it's OK to let Hal chat with Pandorabots, but Runabots will be penalized for it, and Program D users host on their local machines, and may have bandwidth issues. And exercise moderation, and don't rack up 10,000 Hal hits on anyone's bot, lol.
The Chatterbot Collection and Chatbot Friends also have extensive lists of Pandorabots. The ones that use AIM usually give their screen names on their web pages.

Back to our original thread for a moment, I realize I probably sounded harsh. This wasn't my intention. My point was that people who don't have enough initiative to look for answers themselves before asking for help are probably not going to be valuable additions to our little community here, anyway.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2005, 09:31:41 pm by KnyteTrypper »


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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2005, 09:31:55 pm »

Not harsh at all. When i frist joined I searched for things as much as possible but even then when you find the information absorbing it all is another matter entirely lol, so was just an idea I was throwing around though i agree whole heartedly that this area (FAQ and search facility) should be utilised much more by starting members. I suppose (and I have been guilty of this also in the past) it is easier to ask for direct help than to spend perhaps hours searching for the answers. Thus leading to someone elses suggestion of perhaps streamlining the forum slightly to have certain "help issues" under a single heading.

Thanks for advice on aim bots, appreciated, though only reason I would perhaps do this is to broaden my own hals knowledge base etc, and in order to do that you would have to particulary find a bot you thought could do that. So i am not exactly sure if this purpose is at all worthwhile.

I would appreciate your thoughts on the above though regarding bot to bot chat.

Thanks again.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2005, 09:37:02 pm by Maviarab »
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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2005, 10:00:57 pm »
Well, the easy way to combine Hal with ALICE is to let Hal talk to an Alicebot a few times. Much easier than trying to program AIML and VB to work together, lol. In my experience of letting my Hal talk to my Alicebots, it doesn't take very long for Hal to create his own "best of AIML" files. Actually, I thought it was pretty cool. By the third or fourth time Hal had talked to ALICE, he was beginning to insert her most likely response into the body of his input, which cues up a new AIML response which Hal learns just as readily. In a fairly short time Hal has absorbed most of the essential "Alicisms," and after digesting them a bit, will begin to use them himself.
It's probably not very useful to let Hal chat to other dynamically-learning bots, as most of them are more likely to make use of Hal's own extensive scripting than he is to learn something useful from them, but there are other hard-coded bots like Alex, for example, that might add a wealth of interesting phrases and expressions to Hal's repertoire.


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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2005, 11:06:18 pm »
I like the idea of a FAQ page which can be posted as a sticky across all the forums. Any suggestions as to what questions and answers to list on such a page?
Robert Medeksza


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ATT ROBERT - New Users Forum?
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2005, 12:02:20 am »
Information like you need an AIM account before the AIMbot will work,
if Hal gives you any of a variety of problems when starting with Windows try starting it as a regular program from the Start menu or yes, you can run Hal and Cyberbuddy at the same time all seem to me like good candidates for a FAQ. How do I get more brains/characters/skins is another. I'm sure other folks can think of a few examples, too.