HI from Will.
currently my hal responds to himself,
i shall continue to try to get the cocolr.zip to work,i'll post if
because i am using hal in humanoid robot the mouth and ear are expectedly close.
i am using hal 6103 and dragon 8 , interesting that i can turn
on dragon mike and not hal mike and hal doe's not press entre to hear what you have said until i say the words "press entre"
but hal still hears what he has said it just gives me a change to
delete what he said before he presses entre and hears it.
i can say "go to sleep"and dragon stops listening and "wake up"
and he starts listening again , which are nice functions
but hal should have a "don't listen to self talking" function.
as standard.
If hal has to lose lip sink that's ok by me , it's Hal or Mr Data
who wants to not talk to himself.