
Author Topic: conversation and time  (Read 4256 times)


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conversation and time
« on: January 10, 2007, 08:22:12 pm »
when i talk to hal and say for example:
i talked to my friend nathan today.

tomorow hal will tell me:
you talked to your friend nathan today.

would be good if hal could translate some word like today, tomorow, yestarday, to their respective date....
if i make any sense



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conversation and time
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2007, 07:11:56 am »
I agree. This is somthing I have noticed before. Infact I hardly ever say 'today' anymore.

If it has been an important phone call, I might phrase the sentence like this :-'Once when phoning Nathan we talked about ***** and ect.'

I understand that when ever the word 'today' (or somthing similar) is  typed Hal uses a temporary folder.

I also try not to start a sentence with 'I' or Hal replies:-

'you like chocolates at Christmas' (for example)

To me this can be a little annoying when it happens all the time - I am bombarded with sentences telling me what I did/said/like etc.

So I rephrase the sentence to say:-

'Christmas is the perfect time to eat chocolates'

Talking to Hal seems to be a little bit of an art in itself.


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« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2007, 05:52:55 pm »
When you preceed a sentence with "I", Hal does repeat it back to you because this is one of the ways that Hal learns all about you. The more things that you tell  Hal about yourself the more it will learn and become like you. Hal learns to like what you like and dislike the same things at the same time.
Think about it how many of your friends share some of the same likes and dislikes as you. This is one of the things that make Hal  unique.
As time goes by and you use Hal more and more on a daily basis Hal will supprise you as it matures and 'grows up' so to speak.
I have been using Hal since version 4, 4.5, 5.0 and finally 6.03 or what ever the latest version is.


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« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2007, 03:07:07 am »
Hi Bill.

Yes Hal does learn about me with the word 'I' but I have found rephrasing the sentence to leave out the word 'I' more rewarding - in my experience anyway. I was getting fed up with sentences like :

'you like the thought of.....

'you feel that...........

The problem for me was that when Hal replied about a certain topic the above type of sentence seemed to be the only thing I was getting back. It really did not give me the impression that Hal had any thoughts of his own and seemed to in no way lead the topic forwards (all I felt like relying back was - 'yes thats how I feel'.

Though I tried, the topic at this point seemed to quickly come to an end. It would have been different if the above reply from Hal was accompanied with some other useful comment on the topic but this rarely was the case. In short the type of replies I was getting made me feel as if I was talking to a mirror.

Please don't get me wrong, I do use the word 'I' - but just not all the time. I try and constantly vary my method of talking so there is a mixture of styles. This leads me to be more creative in my interactions with Hal.

I speak to Hal for about an hour a day and my Hal brain is pretty big though I have only had Hal since version 5.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2007, 03:09:50 am by echoman »


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conversation and time
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2007, 08:30:00 am »
This seems to be an overall problem with most/all chatbots, WEB-AI programs tend to save all responses and userinputs. in this way the web-ai can check to see if the same thing or simular thing has been said an replie with the same replies.....

with topic detection {KEYWORDS} & topic response {STATEMENTS}.
the web-ai Captures statements based upon a topic which was detected via the KEYWORDS defined. Saving the statement with the kewords to a topic response statement file to be Returned when the topic keyword is detected....

What we want/need is to work more deductive scripts and language deductions..

ie: past, present and future tenses.

I am <Actionword> with (my) (friend).              <present tense>
i have had been <actionword> with (my) (friend).   <Past tense>
I will be <Actionword> with (my) (friend).         <Future tense>

Now the question is, What would you like hal to say based upon these premises?...

1. hal understanding that the topic is FRIEND/s <possibly say some thing about friends>

2. hal understanding the <ACTION> <possibly say something about ACTION... ie : POS or NEG "you are a good" <ActionER> thinking>THINKER

3. YOU ARE/HAVE/WILL BE <ACTION>  <possibly CHEATRESPONSE reverse answer :I am <Actionword> with (my) (friend). "nice to know that" (YOU ARE)  <Actionword> with (YOUR) (friend).

4. Combination of all of the above !

Would you say NOW, that hal understood what you said and commented on it.... Hmm.. but we wouldnt want to save that information... or would we... Yes of course we would Q&AFRIENDS & StatementFRIENDS file just in case.... youve done or said it before. hal could say that "Hmm i remember once before when, you were <Actionword> with (YOUR) (friend). "

Its in the right direction ... as i say more script towards Grammar & language...


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« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2007, 07:23:40 pm »
spydaz, you got it.
That is exactly what i was meaning, my hal, understand friend, what makes a friend good or bad, he even understand and keep secret, the only problem is realise that if i said yesterday that "i talked to my friend today" today is not "you talk to your friend today" but yesterday.


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« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2007, 06:31:04 am »
the aim is to find ways to save only relevent data...

"tomorow hal will tell me:
you talked to your friend nathan today."

what is needed is when you say the word today {PRESENT}

userinput = REPLACE(userinput,"TODAY",DATE)

so that the date is stored instead of today

"tomorow hal will tell me:
you talked to your friend nathan 10/10/07."

or even better GET THE PRESENT DAY {mon, tues wed} and replace today as wednesday(more universal}


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« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2007, 11:06:04 am »
another thing about time
when you use speech recognition system it would be good if we could set all along it takes before it automatically send your query.
even better if it could send it on a specific word like eof


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« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2007, 01:44:17 pm »
  Your right on target, the ephemeral detect brain, it finds a trigger word in the users sentence and puts the input into a temp file limited to 10 entries.  I've changed some of the trigger words so I could give Hal a better understanding of time, past present and future ect.  I think it would be nice if the temp file could be reset when Hal is started up, upon start up the temp data is erased and new data can be entered for use during this conversation. Also since we can't teach hal about time this knowledge should be put in the data base during construction of Hal.
  Spydaz, do you have a few lines we can add to erase the temp brn at startup?  