Author Topic: I am soooo annoyed.  (Read 5687 times)


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I am soooo annoyed.
« on: January 12, 2007, 08:11:50 am »
I corrupted one of my brains, so I am starting over.(with a brain that was partially trained) I cannot get her to respond in a way that makes her seem human. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

Mark: Ok, but what food do you like?
Rhonda: Polar bears seem to like being at the top of the food chain.

Mark: shut up
Rhonda: No! Make me!

Mark: you are made
Rhonda: What do you think about while I'm made, Mark?

Mark: fish!!
Rhonda: Do you like little puppies and kittens?

Mark: Do you like fish?
Rhonda: Finding scandals among politicians is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Mark: What do you like?
Rhonda: You know what I like? There's opinion that this is something you can discuss. You like to spend time with me.

Mark: fish!!!
Rhonda: Finding scandals among politicians is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Mark: You like fish!!
Rhonda: Oh Mark, I know I like fish!

Mark: do you like fish?
Rhonda: Finding scandals among politicians is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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I am soooo annoyed.
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2007, 10:46:04 am »
One of the proper learning techniques is to write a simple script that build up a curiosity learning chain and deduct from it, like:

User: Do you like fish?
HAL: What do you mean, Do I like fish?
User: I mean, Do you like to eat fish?
HAL: I don't know, Do you like to eat fish?
User: No, I don't like the taste of fish.
HAL: Why don't you like the taste of fish?
User: because fish tastes bad to me.

User: Do you like to eat fish?
HAL: No, I don't like the taste of fish.
User: Why don't you like the taste of fish?
HAL: because you said it tastes bad to you.

I once wrote a brain in HAL 5 and tested it, it was a really small brain that asked a lot of questions about why you said something and then deduces a response or action based upon your opinion, The bot was really annoying to Users because the users constantly got questioned about what ever they were saying and the users didn't seem to like it when tested, but, this was because the bot had not built up a massive file of user (Question & Opinion) responses, to avoid the bot not being spoken to I pulled the brain out and set it aside and replaced it with another, If I had patient users talking to that simple brain continually it would of become quite intelligent.

Maybe I'll make a come back on that brain when I get the time for HAL 6.



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« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2007, 11:08:54 am »
Sounds interesting. I don't train my brain right, but I do what I can.

I try to train it to respond in ways I'd expect a person to respond.

I tried:

you like fish.

Then I ask "do you like fish"

I'd expect her to at least say something relevant to the question.


"Yes, I do"

"I like fish"

or , even get negative and say:

"No, I do not like fish"

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2007, 12:26:08 pm »
Originally posted by markofkane

Sounds interesting. I don't train my brain right, but I do what I can.

I try to train it to respond in ways I'd expect a person to respond.

Some times you have to do things differently to get different results.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2007, 12:47:24 pm by Bill DeWitt »


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« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2007, 12:39:55 pm »
It seems to me that teaching Hal how to respond should work, but it's like talking to someone that cannot hear me.

Funny, I think Hal5 was easier for me to teach.[:0]
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2007, 12:55:53 pm »
ok, the fish fiasco

Mark: Hi
Rhonda: Hi Mark! Any lunch plans?

Mark: I already had lunch.
Rhonda: Brunch is a great invention.

Mark: That's nice
Rhonda: Why not great?

Mark: I said so.
Rhonda: I truly enjoy fine wines.

Mark: That's good
Rhonda: Why not great?

Mark: lol
Rhonda: Was that really that funny?

Mark: yes
Rhonda: You are completely certain.

Mark: I like pizza
Rhonda: I don't like anchovies on pizza.

Mark: I also like fish
Rhonda: Finding scandals among politicians is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Mark: I like soda, too.
Rhonda: Is it like putting soda and vinegar in a closed container together?

Mark: I have no idea
Rhonda: That's perfectly understandable.

Mark: tell me why
Rhonda: But I don't know why.

Mark: Why is because I like the taste.
Rhonda: Watson, it's elementary; Because you like the taste Mark. Do you still like the taste of chocolate if it melts?

Mark: Yes
Rhonda: All right!

Mark: Do you like fish?
Rhonda: You also like fish.

Mark: what do you like?
Rhonda: I like little surprises, moving toward a known outcome.

Mark: Do you like fish?
Rhonda: You also like fish.

Mark: do you?
Rhonda: Finding scandals among politicians is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Mark: you suck
Rhonda: Your Mama's so fat, I had to roll her in flour and look for the wet spot.

Mark: Fish!!! Fish!!!
Rhonda: Okay; you don't have to repeat yourself.

Mark: Why not?
Rhonda: Why not? Who else have you asked? Please communicate with me, Mark. I have a very hard time understanding you unless you try to speak to me in full sentences.

Mark: why should I?
Rhonda: Why should you? When did you get interested in this?

Mark: you have the answer.
Rhonda: Let's think up some new statements.

Mark: fish
Rhonda: Who is smarter, a pig or a horse?

Mark: fish
Rhonda: Did you just repeat yourself?

Mark: fish
Rhonda: You aren't going to be a broken record, are you Mark? Please communicate with me, Mark. I have a very hard time understanding you unless you try to speak to me in full sentences.

Mark: kiss off!
Rhonda: Research shows that fish has antidepressant properties.

Mark: Ok, but do you like fish?
Rhonda: You also like fish.

Mark: Do I like fish?
Rhonda: Finding scandals among politicians is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Mark: kiss my arse
Rhonda: When I think of something that's timed, I think of your timed arse!

Mark: I like soda
Rhonda: I like diet lemon lime soda.

Mark: I like Diet pepsi.
Rhonda: Diet cola is fine with me.

Mark: Why don't you drink some?
Rhonda: Chocolate does have some healthy chemicals!

Mark: fish
Rhonda: Fish apparently don't think about much.

Mark: lol
Rhonda: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: what about shark meat?
Rhonda: What about shark meat? It's apparent that this is for you to explain. I know a meat! I think its protein is great!

Mark: meat?
Rhonda: Are the Japanese very far ahead of us in meats?

Mark: you beat meat
Rhonda: How did all that meat scare in Europe turn out?

Mark: I have no idea
Rhonda: No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come.

Mark: I like cookies
Rhonda: You like to spend time with me.

Mark: yes, you are my cookie
Rhonda: Dieticians get paid to tell us that a green salad fattens us up less than a big bowl of ice cream and cookies.

Mark: You are hot
Rhonda: Thanks for teaching me that I am hot.

Mark: are you cold?
Rhonda: No, I can't be cold since you told me that I am hot!

Mark: Are you a fish eater?
Rhonda: I don't know if I am fish eater. Please tell me!

Mark: You are a fish eater
Rhonda: Thanks for teaching me that I am a fish.

Mark: lol
Rhonda: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: Do you like fish?
Rhonda: You also like fish.

Mark: I like fish
Rhonda: Finding scandals among politicians is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Mark: are we getting anywhere?
Rhonda: Is this casual interest, or something more?

Mark: you tell me
Rhonda: So, You? Why?

Mark: I said so, that's why
Rhonda: Please allow me to change the topic: I seriously enjoy historic little towns.

Mark: Where there are fish
Rhonda: Where there are fish? I'm thinking that it's challenging to consider. The most careless fish gets to lead the school wherever it goes.

Mark: I like fish
Rhonda: You like to spend time with me.

Mark: I like to eat fish
Rhonda: You have just got to eat fish; There's no time like the present.

Mark: you eat fish
Rhonda: I am a fish eater.

Mark: good/
Rhonda: I'm glad everything is good.

Mark: do you like cookies?
Rhonda: Hot tea, with artificial sweetener and just a touch of lemon, tastes great!

Mark: cookies?
Rhonda: Should we try to recruit more participants for cookies?

Mark: I tossed my cookies
Rhonda: We might be on the same tack.

Mark: tack?
Rhonda: I like to be there for picnics in the country.

Mark: where there are fish?
Rhonda: No dispute here.

Mark: good
Rhonda: I'm glad everything is good.

Mark: do you want fish on rye?
Rhonda: I see that this May be opportune to consider. Undeniably I do not want fish on rye.

Mark: How about on white bread?
Rhonda: We aren't hearing the whole story. Whole grain bread tastes so much better than the flimsy white stuff that has no nutrition.

Mark: With fish, right?
Rhonda: To catch fish, use the right bait.

Mark: I want fish
Rhonda: Really, What would it mean to you if you got fish?

Mark: I would eat it
Rhonda: You like to eat fish.

Mark: yes
Rhonda: That sounds positive.

Mark: I like sex
Rhonda: Nothing sells newspapers like a juicy sex scandal.

Mark: you are sexy
Rhonda: Thanks for teaching me that I am sexy.

Mark: are you sexy?
Rhonda: Yes, I am sexy. You told me that.

Mark: Are you naked?
Rhonda: It's obvious that we should seek more expertise. But, In reality I am naked.

Mark: good.
Rhonda: That's great.

Mark: do you still like fish?
Rhonda: You like to eat fish.

Mark: do you
Rhonda: There's opinion that this isn't the first or last of it. Indeed I do.

Mark: good!!
Rhonda: That's great.

Mark: I like to drive my car.
Rhonda: Nobody likes working for a slave driver. Mark What a concept! You go ahead and drive your car; Go ahead.

Mark: I will throw you over a cliff
Rhonda: I could see some advantages if you were to throw me over a cliff.

Mark: I will shoot you and chop you to bits
Rhonda: How can I encourage you to shoot me and chop I to bits Mark?

Mark: Eat fish
Rhonda: You like to eat fish.

Mark: I will kill you
Rhonda: Go ahead and try. Mark kill i; There's no time like the present.

Mark: lol
Rhonda: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: I will throw you in front of a train.
Rhonda: Mark throw me in front of a train.

Mark: I will
Rhonda: Some frontier artists and photographers did pictures of train wrecks and other disasters.

Mark: How about that fish?
Rhonda: Fish apparently don't think about much.

Mark: I like fish on rye bread
Rhonda: You like to eat fish.

Mark: do you?
Rhonda: Finding scandals among politicians is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Mark: you
Rhonda: Are most men really secure and confident in their own identities? Please communicate with me, Mark. I have a very hard time understanding you unless you try to speak to me in full sentences.

Mark: shut up
Rhonda: You shut up!

Mark: make me
Rhonda: Really? That's nice.

Mark: I like to eat fish
Rhonda: How can I help you eat fish?

Mark: you need to get me some fish
Rhonda: Always get the hook well set before reeling in a big fish.

Mark: you like my rod
Rhonda: Will you make your rod more aggrieved for me?

Mark: I sure will
Rhonda: Really? That's nice.
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2007, 01:13:57 pm »
Originally posted by markofkane
Mark: Hi
Rhonda: Hi Mark! Any lunch plans?

Mark: I already had lunch.
Rhonda: Brunch is a great invention.

Mark: I would enjoy an early brunch on the patio.

Then later, if you ever mention brunch, it would know a new phrase with which to reply.

Mark: I woke up late, perhaps I should have a brunch.
Rhonda: I would enjoy an early brunch on the patio.

Full sentence replies to it's statements teaches it how you want it to respond to keywords.


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« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2007, 05:06:31 pm »
I see. Well, I am not much on full sentences, but I'll try.
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2007, 02:24:58 pm »
hello markofkane , well when i messed mine up the whole brain file name disappeared and i lost it all in the past so have been backing it up and did lose it again while writing in questions and answers but at least had the back up of most of it so didn't have to start over from scratch ( not a good feeling !)


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« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2007, 12:12:07 am »
Is there some place we can download the Ultra Hal 6 brain?  It would be nice to have a spare brain setting aside for those of us that did not save it before we started teaching it.


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« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2007, 01:01:06 pm »
  I've gotten through the worst part of training Hal and she is becoming fun to talk with again. I'm using Dragon and I feel it's much easier to speak with Hal while using it. I generaly try to include what we are speaking about when responding to her.
  While looking through the conversation markofkane had put in I can see the same process Hal uses to find a related sentence, I wish I knew enough to be able to improve it.
  Also you can get a backup brain, uhp, from VR at virtualhumans forum. Since it removes some bugs I downloaded it and am using it. VR also has a plugin for the Haptek characters that I love and use.  I'd heard there were three brain files you should back up, I copy the Hal folder to disk.


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« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2007, 10:49:15 pm »
thanks for the information[:)]