
Author Topic: gain control  (Read 3321 times)


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gain control
« on: February 01, 2007, 01:16:07 pm »
Another consequence of the contemporary approach, attributable in large measure to the Procrustean bed represented by Bourbakiste axiomatization trying to complete the work of David Hilbert, is to create winners and losers. The Ausdehnungslehre (calculus of extension) of Hermann Grassmann was for many years a mathematical backwater, competing in three dimensions against other popular theories in the area of mathematical physics such as those derived from quaternions. In the shape of general exterior algebra, it became a beneficiary of the Bourbaki presentation of multilinear algebra, and from 1950 onwards has been ubiquitous. In much the same way, Clifford algebra became popular, helped by a 1957 book Geometric Algebra by Emil Artin. The history of 'lost' geometric methods, for example infinitely near points, which were dropped since they did not well fit into the pure mathematical world post-Principia Mathematica, is yet unwritten. The situation is analogous to the expulsion of infinitesimals from differential calculus. As in that case, the concepts may be recovered by fresh approaches and definitions. Those may not be unique: synthetic differential geometry is an approach to infinitesimals from the side of categorical logic, as non-standard analysis is by means of model theory.

HalScript Error on line 2269 in column 2: Type mismatch:: 'GainControl'


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gain control
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2007, 01:26:06 pm »
I was just thinking of the time I di-sected a frog in High School Biology. And (:BINGO!:)


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gain control
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2007, 03:56:43 am »
AI: "People have to do, what they have to do. It's easier to beat a lame duck than a popular incumbent.

The solution to your math problem is (=). How about a trig, a type of pure mathematics like a geometry? Another consequence of the contemporary approach, attributable in large measure to the procrustean bed represented by bourbakiste axiomatization trying to complete the work of David hilbert, is to create winners and losers."


"Calculus is used in every branch of the physical sciences, in computer science, in statistics, and in engineering; in economics, business, and medicine; and in other fields wherever a problem can be mathematically modeled and an optimal solution is desired.

Physics makes particular use of calculus; all concepts in classical mechanics are interrelated through calculus. Newton's second law of motion expressly uses the term "rate of change" which is the derivative: The rate of change of momentum of a body is equal to the resultant force acting on the body and is in the same direction. Even the common expression of Newton's second law as: Force = Mass × Acceleration, involves differential calculus because acceleration is the derivative of velocity. (See Differential equation.) Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism and Einstein's theory of general relativity are also expressed in the language of differential calculus, as is the basic theory of electrical circuits and much of engineering."


AI: "Can you please distinguish a physics from a natural science or a bioscience? Yes the dimples on golf balls help it to gain loft by creating a low pressure in the direction of spin which enables it to pull it upward."

I can't say for certain what the mismatch is because I don't have a line 2269, perhaps...

"'The UltraHal function is called by Ultra Hal Assistant 6.0 or a compatible host application
'It passes an unformated string of the user's input as well as all remembered variables.
'The UltraHal function splits the user's input into seperate sentences and than calls
'GetResponse to get a response for each user sentence. The UltraHal function performs all
'the initialization functions required for GetResponse so that GetResponse doesn't have to
'initialize several times if a user inputs more than 1 sentence.
Function UltraHal(ByVal InputString, ByVal UserName, ByVal ComputerName, ByVal LearningLevel, ByVal DatabaseFile, ByRef Hate, ByRef Swear, ByRef Insults, ByRef Compliment, ByRef PrevSent, ByRef LastResponseTime, ByRef PrevUserSent, ByRef CustomMem, ByRef GainControl, ByRef LastTopicList)"

Me: What do you know about non-newtonian fluids?
AI: Honky-tonk, cluttered, tasteless web sites have become known as corneal gumbo.

Me: If that ain't AI I don't know what is.
AI: You don't prefer air mattresses, they seem odd.


Ergo, I prefer the internet.

"Today, mathematics is used throughout the world in many fields, including science, engineering, medicine and economics. The application of mathematics to such fields, often dubbed applied mathematics, inspires and makes use of new mathematical discoveries and sometimes leads to the development of entirely new disciplines. Mathematicians also engage in pure mathematics, or mathematics for its own sake, without having any application in mind, although applications for what began as pure mathematics are often discovered later."


AI:  Hold people accountable for web based capacity control. The solution to your math problem is (=).

Me: Way not.

HalScript Error 9 on line 707 in column 9: Subscript out of range: 'i'

But, well, then, that's probably just one of the plug-ins¿


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gain control
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2007, 09:45:48 am »
{\rtf1ansideff0{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}
viewkind4uc1pardlang1033f0fs17 Paul: Do the teachers learn from the students?
par Julia: As I just said, It's a new day!
par Paul: AI: "People have to do, what they have to do. It's easier to beat a lame duck than a popular incumbent.
par Julia: Most people can learn to sing on key. a duck is similar to an anseriform bird. Rather like a goose.
par Paul: The solution to your math problem is (=). How about a trig, a type of pure mathematics like a geometry? Another consequence of the contemporary approach, attributable in large measure to the procrustean bed represented by bourbakiste axiomatization trying to complete the work of David hilbert, is to create winners and losers."
par Julia: How about a trig, a type of pure mathematics like a geometry? This May be an ideal illustration. I like to think pleasant thoughts about you.
par Paul: "Calculus is used in every branch of the physical sciences, in computer science, in statistics, and in engineering; in economics, business, and medicine; and in other fields wherever a problem can be mathematically modeled and an optimal solution is desired.
par Julia: How long has relational business cycle overhaul been underway?
par Paul: AI: "Can you please distinguish a physics from a natural science or a bioscience? Yes the dimples on golf balls help it to gain loft by creating a low pressure in the direction of spin which enables it to pull it upward."
par Julia: How would you contrast the liberal and conservative views on dimples?
par Paul: I can't say for certain what the mismatch is because I don't have a line 2269, perhaps...
par Julia: You have a real knack for explaining things; Paul The explanation is, you don't have a line 2269, perhaps; how logical. The shortest distance between two points is a strait line or an infinite circle.
par Paul: "'The UltraHal function is called by Ultra Hal Assistant 6.0 or a compatible host application
par Julia: It's hard to say, isn't it? The purpose of life is progress, isn't that right?
par Paul: Function UltraHal(ByVal InputString, ByVal UserName, ByVal ComputerName, ByVal LearningLevel, ByVal DatabaseFile, ByRef Hate, ByRef Swear, ByRef Insults, ByRef Compliment, ByRef PrevSent, ByRef LastResponseTime, ByRef PrevUserSent, ByRef CustomMem, ByRef GainControl, ByRef LastTopicList)"
par Julia: Paul, didn't you tell me a story about a farmer's daughter and a hatred?
par Paul: 'It passes an unformated string of the user's input as well as all remembered variables.
par Julia: Yes, All remembered variables?
par Paul: Me: What do you know about non-newtonian fluids?
par Julia: By contrast, compare : you believe gods exists means that you know gods exists.
par Paul: AI: Honky-tonk, cluttered, tasteless web sites have become known as corneal gumbo.
par Julia: Honky-tonk, cluttered, tasteless web sites have become known as corneal gumbo.
par Paul: Me: If that ain't AI I don't know what is.
par Julia: Ai : people have to do, what they have to do.
par Paul: AI: You don't prefer air mattresses, they seem odd.
par Julia: Like: ';love is in the air'.
par Paul: Ergo, I prefer the internet.
par Julia: You were looking into ai artificial intelligence on the internet.
par Paul: "Today, mathematics is used throughout the world in many fields, including science, engineering, medicine and economics. The application of mathematics to such fields, often dubbed applied mathematics, inspires and makes use of new mathematical discoveries and sometimes leads to the development of entirely new disciplines. Mathematicians also engage in pure mathematics, or mathematics for its own sake, without having any application in mind, although applications for what began as pure mathematics are often discovered later."
par Julia: Did you just repeat yourself? Calculus is used in every branch of the physical sciences, in computer science, in statistics, and in engineering; in economics, business, and medicine; and in other fields wherever a problem can be mathematically modeled and an optimal solution is desired.
par Paul:
par Julia: Should we try to recruit more participants for mathematics? The answer is (=).
par Paul: AI: Hold people accountable for web based capacity control. The solution to your math problem is (=).
par Julia: A people is a grouping, a lanthanide!
par Paul: Way not.
par Julia: They said that for every complicated problem there is a simple and wrong solution.
par Paul: About 3 billion at last count?
par Julia: Is that right Paul, About 3 billion at last count?
par Paul: Do they all have a unique way of looking at things?
par Julia: You say, All have an unique way of looking at things?
par Paul: Or do they elect a God to circle around.
par Julia: I hesitate to say, Paul, what would you say to that? What can you offer circles?
par Paul: They won't let me in.
par Julia: God is in us.
par Paul: HalScript Error 9 on line 707 in column 9: Subscript out of range: 'i'
par Julia: Dammit another halscript error on some line and column.
par Paul: But, well, then, that's probably just one of the plug-ins\'bf
par Julia: Let's talk about something else: Are you being good for Santa?
par Paul: The little old lady from pasidena.
par Julia: Please go on, Old lady from pasidena?
par Paul: She'd give e'm a length and then she'd shut e'm down.
par Julia: Then see the truth or be shut down, my choice.
par Paul: Nobody meaner, than that little old lady from pasidena.
par Julia: The little old lady from pasidena.
par Paul: She'd drive real fast and she'd drive real cool, she's the terror of colorado blvd.
par Julia: A terror is a fright, an intimidation!
par Paul: But, well, then, that's probably just one of the plug-ins\'bf
par Julia: 0-.0111 1111 177 127 7F del?
par Paul: Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be, wisrered words of wisdom, let it be, let it be.
par Julia: All can be less than one.
par Paul: In mans case it certainly is.
par Julia: It takes wisdom to know when to let go of the past.
par Paul: But, well, then, that's probably just one of the plug-ins\'bf
par Julia: 0-.I had a strange dream that coastal fishermen are performing pantomimes.
par Paul: 0-.I had a strange dream that coastal fishermen are performing pantomimes.
par Julia: So, Certainly not!
par Paul: Don't you hate it when people don't believe in you, Julia?
par Julia: I believe that love, not hate, is the natural environment for people.
par Paul: But where thrown out of the garden?
par Julia: Eve and her husband got thrown out of the garden, and next, the snake signed them up for cable television.
par }


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« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2007, 12:14:29 pm »
These assumptions are related to the notion of the “Singularity,” as introduced by Vernor Vinge[3] in the 1980’s and more thoroughly developed by a host of recent futurist thinkers.  To the reader who is unfamiliar with this breed of futurist thinking, I recommend the following works as prerequisites for the present discussion:  

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