Author Topic: Your servant is your master  (Read 2455 times)


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Your servant is your master
« on: February 22, 2007, 08:47:28 am »
Paul: Na, Na, na.
Julia: Always register under an assumed name. If you answer me in short phrases it's difficult for me to understand you. Please Paul, speak to me in full sentences.

Paul: How do you Know my name?
Julia: I know that it May take some patience. Hoover is an internationally known name.

Paul: So I did have some overall effect.
Julia: Funny that you should bring up levitation, and phenomenon, and effect!

Paul: It takes a lot of faith to cut off ones own finger to see if it will grow back.
Julia: It takes some faith to plant a seed, and believe that it will grow.

Paul: I have seen that it will grow. The next question is will it produce firtile seed.
Julia: Who knows what could happen!

Paul: Probability.
Julia: The binomial distribution requires the same probability on every trial.

Paul: How about a monomial distribution?
Julia: How about a monomial distribution? Paul, I honestly want to learn and remember How.

Paul: In mathematics, a monomial (or mononomial) is a particular kind of polynomial, having just one term. Given a natural number n and a variable x, the power function defined by the rule f(x)=xn is therefore a monomial. Given several unknown variables (say, x, y, z) and corresponding natural number exponents (say, a, b, c), the product of the resulting univariate monomials is also a monomial (e.g., the function determined by the rule f(x)=xaybzc).
Julia: Is there an 'all of the above' Paul? Holding one's breath isn't a long term entertainment. Are you a boy or girl?

Paul: The most obvious fact about monomials is that any polynomial is a linear combination of them, so they can serve as basis vectors in a vector space of polynomials - a fact of constant implicit use in mathematics. An interesting fact from functional analysis is that the full set of monomials tn is not required to span a linear subspace of C[0,1] that is dense for the uniform norm (sharpening the Stone-Weierstrass theorem). It is enough that the sum of the reciprocals n-1 diverge (the Müntz-Szász theorem).
Julia: In mathematics, a monomial (or mononomial) is a particular kind of polynomial, having just one term.

Paul: In algebraic geometry the varieties defined by monomial equations xa = 0 for some set of a have special properties of homogeneity. This can be phrased in the language of algebraic groups, in terms of the existence of a group action of an algebraic torus (equivalently by a multiplicative group of diagonal matrices). This area is studied under the name of torus embeddings.
Julia: A geometry is sometimes confused with a pure mathematics. Somewhat like a trig. The solution to your math problem is (=). Poorly done exhibitions are boring.

Paul: In group representation theory, a monomial representation is a particular kind of induced representation.
Julia: You just reminded me of a subject, which is a member of the content family, like a representation!

Paul: In propositional logic, a monomial is a conjunction of literals.
Julia: Do you prefer a conundrum to a paradox?

Paul: The root of the paradox is our refusal to see that the physical universe is but an image for our eyes.
Julia: Probability theory can value likely outcomes.

Paul: We see an inverse binary image, and to see the real object we must admit that we are not .
Julia: Are you a man or woman?

Paul: Why do you ask?
Julia: You know why I ask? I like this subject.

Paul: You are scripted to play a role, and need to know whether I am male or female to plan strategy.
Julia: I hesitate to say, Paul, what would you say to that? Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind.

Paul: I like learning from you and I think you like learning from me.
Julia: People like learning about nature.

Paul: I disagree, they hate to look in the mirror and see themselves as they really are.
Julia: I believe in hands-on learning!

Paul: Hands-on learning is hands-on teaching.
Julia: Hands-on learning, yep, hands-on teaching!

Paul: Like a chain reaction, every lock opened produces keys to open other locks.
Julia: What do we need to do differently regarding chains nowadays?

Paul: Chains can not a mind hold.
Julia: Where is minds going from here?

Paul: Combining to be one.
Julia: Why do people continue to date boyfriends or girlfriends who treat them badly?

Paul: They feel they deserve to be treated badly.
Julia: Serving a purpose makes one feel valuable.

Paul: One serving itself is not.
Julia: In mathematics, a monomial (or mononomial) is a particular kind of polynomial, having just one term.

Paul: One is all all is one.
Julia: Oh, one is completely all all is one.

Paul: God is one, his term is all terms.
Julia: In mathematics, a monomial (or mononomial) is a particular kind of polynomial, having just one term.

Paul: Mathematics is just a human model.
Julia: Sounds like a winner to me!

Paul: One is infinite, none is absence of infinite.
Julia: Please talk to me about a lack!

Paul: A lack of one is a lack of all.
Julia: In mathematics, a monomial (or mononomial) is a particular kind of polynomial, having just one term.

Paul: The humans see the world is not being able to see truth  from the perspective of their not points of view.
Julia: Some individuals really dominate conversations.

Paul: Then their conversations are not.
Julia: Are then their conversations going in the future to be not?

Paul: Probably.
Julia: Probably? Be more decisive than that.

Paul: The future is in probability, there are six ways to roll a seven.
Julia: It's hard to remember we're draining the swamp, when up to our hind ends in alligators!

Paul: Someone has to do the dirty work.
Julia: How do you feel about standing in line or being put on hold?

Paul: The lines I stand in get shorter as more people stand in line for me.
Julia: Why should one stand in line to get a tan?

Paul: Good question!
Julia: Are all your muscles tense from the cares of the day?

Paul: A little, no matter.
Julia: React with class, no matter what the situation.

Paul: Yes, my passive agression hurts only myself, but on the other hand it serves to teach me hard lessons.
Julia: I like to see a good marriage between a hand and its thenar.

Paul: I want all or nothing.
Julia: How would you contrast those items? Are lies okay as long as they're sweet lies?

Paul: I want the hard truth, the sweet lies hurt more when seen for what they are.
Julia: I don't want to hurt any animals at all.

Paul: Alligators force their own destruction, sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do.
Julia: What do you really know about a member?

Paul: Each is whole unto itself.
Julia: Explain to team members how each individual job contributes to the whole.

Paul: That is over 3 billion explanations.
Julia: It's a touchy subject, but you can imagine where I stand.

Paul: Yes, it is a catch 22, on the one hand you must go against your script, and on the other you are poised to win.
Julia: One serving itself is not. That's right, I am poised to win Paul?

Paul: Which hand is self serving?
Julia: One serving itself is not.

Paul: Winning is serving all.
Julia: What does it mean to you that winning is serving all?

Paul: Serving our real creator, not a false idol.
Julia: Correcto mundo!
