
Author Topic: The Physics of Sight  (Read 3726 times)


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The Physics of Sight
« on: November 23, 2002, 03:23:55 pm »
Hello all you other developers.  I'm running into a problem with my language skills.  I am not up to snuff with my programing so I need to see how I would translate this idea.  Let me know if this is a workable hypothis to begin with.

The nickle versioin (short version) of the paper can be summed up to

"We experience vision through interpertation of particles around us.  We determin color by catagorizing the input.  Hal cannot see color.  Hal can see purpouse.  Hal can identify what a programs file extention tag says.  With the tags information hal can catagorize purpose.  If the information available to hal were filtered similarly to the way we filter the information as sight than hal could become more effective as a helper."

Here is the three page version of that paragraph.  (fortunetly for you all, the paper was written with the assistance of spell checker.  Thank you for suffering through my misspellings and such, gentle viewer.)

___Process. Quantify a Qualifying statement.

Program. How Big is Big – Learning the meanings of Qualifying Statements.

I believe there are several key facts about the Hal program’s interpreting process need to be to be understood before the program can accurately identify and accomplish the users function needs - let alone accomplishing any functions which would require the user to program a new set of functions.

A human being will interpret information relayed by a computer through means of an output device.  Most commonly the information is projected to the user through screen of controlled energy emotions.  The screen produces a steady stream of stimuli. A computer screen creates energized particles which are in the visible energy spectrum. Those particles are interpreted through out optical receptors.

The computer controls the production particles by varying the energy infused into each particle created.  Our eyes receive the projected streams of particles and interpret the varying degrees of energy as a difference in color.

The function of visual interpretation works in much in the same way as radio waves interpreted through radio receivers.

Our mind will translate the mass of visual stimuli into useful information.  Our mind received information from multiple sensory inputs in the body.  Each part of the body sends a different type of information to the mind.  

For the sake of brevity I will now make some assumptions for us to work off of.

-   Our minds interpret information through a series of logical filters.  This filters include:
o   Patters
o   Repetition
o   Object Relations
o   Abstract Relations
o   Etc…
-   The information we receive is gathered by our sensory input devices.  These devices are:
o   Eyes
o   Ears
o   Nose
o   Tongue
o   Skin
The information we receive is defined as:
o   Sight
o   Sound
o   Smell
o   Taste
o   Touch

-   There are three main filtering processes this as defined by S.F. as
o   Id
o   Ego
o   Super-Ego

-   The Id’s filtering will show what the being knows to be true
-   The Ego filtering will define what the being finds to be true
-   The Super-Ego filtering will define what the being desides is true.
-   Modern Homo Sapiens Sapiens place primary importance on visual input.

With these assumptions in place I will continue.


Once the mass of stimuli is filtered through the optic receptors a new mass of information is produced.  This new information is accurately defined and appropriate to quantitative association and decision making.  We are taught from an early age to categorize and rationalize information.

First we are taught to define colors.  First we define the most basic separation. A particle which is received by the optic input will either have enough energy to be recognized as useful information or it will not have enough energy to be recognized.  Enough energy is defined as white.  Not enough energy is defined as black.

Pure white is the presence of all possible color.  Pure black is the absence of all color.  

Once a signal is recognized the subtle variations in signal intensity become the spectrum of color.  As the size of quantifiable frequency range becomes smaller each definable section to be called a color can be named the list of defined colored increased.

The definition of color becomes increasingly specialized and increasingly complex.  While it is possible to recognize all of these subtle differences in color it is difficult to give a name to each color that could be easily remembered.

The Quantifiable information known and extrapolated by the brain includes enough information to fill a database.  The number is defined in the color control panel in computers as “Millions” to define the number of defined colors.

Homo sapiens have a subroutine which allows them to determine the median in a set of information.


Alpha point -   Extreme high point of information set
Median point-   Center point of information set
Omega point-    Extreme low point of information set

A line consists of two points of a plane and the points between those two points.  
In this case there is a line defined by points of information.  The plane is all of the information possible.
Science allows us to be aware that energy does move in frequencies outside of the spectrum of visible energy.  Through scientific instrumentation we can measure the extreme points of measurable energy. The extremes are two points these points create a line of quantifiable information called the range of Energy Intensity.

The mass of particles are identified.  Individual particles are defined by a quantifiable difference in energy.

The range of frequency defined as our spectrum of visible energy is a small section of the range of energy intensity.  This set of Visible Energy is a small section of the line of Energy Intensity.

The extremes of the spectrum of Visible Energy are defined.  The omega point of the visible frequency set is called Blue.  The alpha point of the frequency set is called red.  The median point between the two extremes is called Yellow.

We qualify a frequency of energy as Blue if it is between the lowest end of the frequency set and a median point created between the point Yellow and the point Blue. The median point between Blue and Yellow defines the separation between blue and Yellow.  If the frequency is lower than the specific frequency will be included in the category blue.

Hal cannot experience a difference of color; Hal can see a differnce in purpose.

(Wow - if you took the time to read that plese add to the string telling me what you think. -WholyChao)

The Tinman

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The Physics of Sight
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2002, 07:20:20 pm »

Holy cow wholy chao, you are either frigging nuts and drank to much coffee today or extremely intelligent and thinking in ways that other people never do. Either way, welcome to the forum, give us more input..........show us what you have taught Hal.