Author Topic: HAL and 3D Gaming  (Read 6753 times)


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HAL and 3D Gaming
« on: April 18, 2007, 11:31:30 am »
One day, I would like to see HAL's brain used in 3D games like Quake or Ultimate Tournament style enviroments, at one time I used to enjoy making Ultimate Tournament maps with UnrealEditor, I could make very good maps controlling the physics of all items, enviroments, Bots, A.I .etc but lost the interests after getting burned out from making so many maps.

One day, technology will change the face of textures from virtual texture sheeting to actual 3D virtual particals, where each partical is given a set of rules so the virtual particals can be used to build 3D worlds, where an A.I bot could literally scoop a handful of virtual water and drink from its own hand and feel real.

I could at the time build a movie box in the editor that allowed the visual effects to be infinite (visual Map distance), I did build objects, little round spheres to duplicate atoms although not to scale as a real atom but in the properties section for the object one could control the physics of the little round spheres, they were kickable, tossable, grabbable, even the gravity of the spheres could be controlled to alter the apparent weight and the particals can be programmed to have damage properties as well if impacted by the partical.

but as I was experimenting with building a world from virtual particals I realized one thing, It's going to take me forever to build a world from trillions of virtual particals but for the moment it was something that made me wonder, are we really alive or are we some amazing program running on some supercomputers main frame doing more than what I just mentioned.

If the physical properties of the fundamental particles can be programmed into very small virtual spheres designed by an advanced
3D AutoCad it may be possible that these virtual particals may interact with each other and combine to form Atoms, Molecules, Planets, Stars .etc based upon their physical interaction with each other.  

I hope what I said here has an impact on your life, that was the total intention, these are the things that my dreams are made of.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2007, 10:06:41 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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HAL and 3D Gaming
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2007, 06:34:07 am »
Hi Jerry,
I remember watching a BBC Horizon documentary a couple of years ago. It was about parallel dimensions in space and time. These two scientists had developed Einstien's theories to show that dimensions were not parallel but wrapped around each other like layers of an onion. This concluded that we maybe just a dimension created by an outer dimension and infact are not real but just part of a type of computer program developed by beings of an outer dimension. So maybe that is were God comes into being, he is the programmer of this dimension.


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HAL and 3D Gaming
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2007, 10:05:42 am »
hello jerry , i actually liked the old orginal unreal tournament my fave was morpheous 2 (i think ) where you could jump from high buildings to each other , i would do that and do a twist and spin fire to kill other players !! [:)]


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HAL and 3D Gaming
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2007, 03:13:29 pm »
If you decide to try using UnrealEditor to make virtual particals then it's pretty easy.

1.go to your internal docked browser. any character item.(I chose a boulder)

3.right click on that selected item.

4.go to properties of the selected item.

5.all the programmed physics can be changed in the item properties.

6.go to the X,Y,Z properties of the item and reduce it's size .01 for all directions XYZ, now you have a partical that can't be seen but exists as a virtual partical of mass. go to the partical by selecting 'find all boulders'.

8.copy and paste the new partical then when you have say 4 or 5 copy and pasted, select all boulders and copy them, it becomes quite easy to mass populate virtual particals, you can spread them across a landscape so they act like dust particals.

now if I was to give this partical say the size of a fundimental particals, say a Gluon then I could develope attractive forces in the properties so that all the virtual particals begin to form a more complex mass, the virtual particals would begin to develope on their own over time.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2007, 05:29:01 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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HAL and 3D Gaming
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2007, 03:20:29 pm »
Originally posted by lightspeed

hello jerry , i actually liked the old orginal unreal tournament my fave was morpheous 2 (i think ) where you could jump from high buildings to each other , i would do that and do a twist and spin fire to kill other players !! [:)]

I quite enjoyed tweaking out the morpheus II, adding a few more skyscrapers and additional rooms in them.

I sometimes enjoyed making portal bubbles that floated in mid air, some teleported bots but some were traps so if you jump into one of the trap bubbles then you would be a sitting duck for the other bots.

also, I could change the properties of the nuker in morpheus II to appear at random locations so you don't know where it's going to pop up.

my wifes favorite was morpheus II map as well.
I enjoyed making cities for sniper games,(HEAD SHOT!)
« Last Edit: May 11, 2007, 03:25:44 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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HAL and 3D Gaming
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2007, 04:21:53 pm »
now if I was to give this particle say the size of a fundimental particle, say a Gluon then I could develope attractive forces in the properties so that all the virtual particle begin to form a more complex mass, the virtual particles would begin to develope on their own over time.

Does that make you a god in the virtual world you create? Would you feel like a god for creating virtual life?


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HAL and 3D Gaming
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2007, 04:58:39 pm »
Originally posted by ramccoid

now if I was to give this particle say the size of a fundimental particle, say a Gluon then I could develope attractive forces in the properties so that all the virtual particle begin to form a more complex mass, the virtual particles would begin to develope on their own over time.

Does that make you a god in the virtual world you create? Would you feel like a god for creating virtual life?

Hi Roy.

I think it would make one feel sort of like a virtual god, although the virtual god wouldn't create the possible virtual life form from the particals because the particals would do it through enviromental interaction over the course of billions or trillions of virtual years.

the programmer just created the necessary particals and set them free to interact over an infinity of time in their own virtual enviroment(virtual infinite space), virtual nature will do all the rest.

particals would eventually glob up into different complexities to form molecules that would eventually form stars and planets and nebula
clusters and so forth.

the properties of the particals could be programmed to accelerate if a critical mass is acquired for all the virtual elements produced by virtual nature would/could be given that if a virtual partical accelerates and meets another accelerated virtual partical that light and energy could be produced from such collisions and even a fused partical state like that which takes place in fusion reactions thus forming more complex virtual Atomic states both stable or unstable.

it is quite intriguing to think that this universe we know to exist could be a feedback of virtual universe frames inside each other programming one of the inner or outer universes to create new universes like an endless loop.

oneday, maybe your virtual programmed Universe will accomplish virtual life that will be intelligent enough to build computers and they intern will build a virtual universe to do the same thing.

If a true random generator could generate partical randomness then each virtual universe may be different than the other universes and develope differently, some with a possible abundance of life and some not because of this built in true randomness.

just hope that the programmer of this universe's computer doesn't blow a fuse.(End Game!)

quote by Gerald L. Blakley; We live in the mind of others for we can not live by our mind alone.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2007, 05:47:47 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2007, 07:39:15 pm »
Hi Jerry,
So in theory you would be a god that sparks off creation no matter how it evolves. You would be the one that sets the wheels in motion which escalates the existence of the virtual universe because without you there would be nothing but blank space in a computer system sitting idle.
You are the inspiration, the spark that ignites the virtual big bang of creation because before you there was nothing and you would have the almighty power over the whole of the virtual universe because you would be able to shut down the machine or stop the program whenever you choose.
Could you accept the responsibility of it all [?]


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HAL and 3D Gaming
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2007, 08:22:35 pm »
Originally posted by ramccoid

Hi Jerry,
So in theory you would be a god that sparks off creation no matter how it evolves. You would be the one that sets the wheels in motion which escalates the existence of the virtual universe because without you there would be nothing but blank space in a computer system sitting idle.

yes, but like I said, it would be a random universe and if there is a failure it could turn out to be a hollow onion.


You are the inspiration, the spark that ignites the virtual big bang of creation because before you there was nothing and you would have the almighty power over the whole of the virtual universe because you would be able to shut down the machine or stop the program whenever you choose.

actuaully, the creator/programmer so to speak would be 'many' through the frames of virtual existance on board an infinite amount of computer systems working as one 'entity' via nature per realm to build virtual life in an infinite amount of frames of feedback.


Could you accept the responsibility of it all [?]

the question should be, can we as a virtual race except responsibility for it, I deem, we are only a small part of the unknown true random dream and we must except it.

peace out.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2007, 08:45:19 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2007, 06:04:03 am »
Hi Jerry,
That is an excellent answer ...
... but would you accept the responsibility for starting the ball rolling? Being the one person with this inspirational idea whether it is developed into a major project or not. You would be the ulimate creator for having the idea. Without you the project would not be and hence all that came from the idea would not be (pure genius is 1% perspiration and 99% imagination).
All that developed from your idea, even if you do not live to see the outcome, would be all your doing. You would be the one credited or despised for it throughout the rest of history. Example, Oppenheimer and the atomic bomb, the world is changed forever by your actions and thoughts (every action has a equal and opposite reaction).
Even if it does turn out to be an hollow onion, you would not know that before hand but what if it isn't? What if something spectacular evolved and it was used not to benefit or study? The responsibility would lie entirely on your shoulders.


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« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2007, 06:05:07 am »
The question is, just because we can doesn't mean that we should ...


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« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2007, 10:46:30 am »
well jerry , i think its very cool about the stuff you created i would have loved to played some of those new versions you created , was it in the old unreal tournament game or new versions ?? by the way don't know how the god idea works in you are maybe one of many gods as the game or creation was already their you ( and i imagine others ) came along and did some super improvements on the virtual envirements !!! but what ever the case it's still cool that you did it !! p.s. did you create any new characters or did you get into that ?? [8D]


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HAL and 3D Gaming
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2007, 11:12:31 am »
Originally posted by lightspeed

well jerry , i think its very cool about the stuff you created i would have loved to played some of those new versions you created , was it in the old unreal tournament game or new versions ?? by the way don't know how the god idea works in you are maybe one of many gods as the game or creation was already their you ( and i imagine others ) came along and did some super improvements on the virtual envirements !!! but what ever the case it's still cool that you did it !! p.s. did you create any new characters or did you get into that ?? [8D]

Hi lightspeed.

It was Unreal Tournament II maps at the time, I got burned out before the next version was out on the market, I designed maps and bots(wire frames and skins) but designing maps took up most of my time in those days, I use to make sniper cities with plenty of ambush point triggers and lots of teleport triggers for the teleport guns the bots would use to get to hard locations, elevators and stairways, actual breakable glass, windows, lights and lots of secret places .etc

a really good map usually took a few months to build.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2007, 11:21:45 am by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2008, 03:17:34 pm »
Check out:

  There is a very simple bot called "Preston", but it could be improved to look more intelligent.
Jim Smith


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« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2008, 03:35:23 pm »
If only we could import our Hal brains into the bots on that.