Author Topic: New user-help  (Read 5456 times)


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New user-help
« on: April 12, 2003, 08:16:32 am »
what format do I use for the text files to help HAL learn.
l tried a a test file, but hal did not recognise it when asked the question.



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New user-help
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2003, 07:42:31 pm »
Hal tends to find replies/answers that 'he' thinks are the best answers, sometimes 'he' leads the conversation...


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New user-help
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2003, 05:12:34 am »
I was actually chasing the format l should use for the "text file" that can be downloaded into hal. l was hoping to teach hal my family tree ie:

my sisters name is ^^^
my oldest sisters name is ^^^
my mothers maiden name is ^^^
my oldest sisters husbands name is ^^^
my sister ^^^ is married to ^^^
^^^ sisters names are ^^^ and ^^^
my sisters names are ^^^
^^^ is married to ^^^

then follow up with questions:
what are my sister's names ?
what is my mothers name ?
is ^^^ married to ^^^ ?
who is ^^^ married to ???
what is my oldest sisters name ?
what is my fathers surname ?
what was my mothers maiden name ?

Since this type of information is fairly straightforward and "logical" l would hal should pick up the relationships reasonably well. Don't expect hal to make deductions therefore need to key in all the different combinations to as they exist.
l also don't wish to spend 10's of hours typing it all in, l was hoping to format all the possible combinations using an excel file and have the information download into hal.


next question: can you make hal "less intellegent" so he only gives you what you have fed him ?


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« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2003, 07:31:28 pm »
Originally posted by Tommmm

I was actually chasing the format l should use for the "text file" that can be downloaded into hal...
next question: can you make hal "less intellegent" so he only gives you what you have fed him ?

The Format is *.txt

But be carefull with different signs !"#¤%¤%&%&&()

The less intelligent part, will be a part of Ultra Hal Assistant 5.0 look at the topic any surgestions for Ultra Hal 5.0


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« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2003, 04:16:40 pm »
You just said one of what I consider to be "Danger words".  Logical.  While it is true that hal is programmed to be logical, I don't think the average user will ever consider the difference between pure logic and practiced logic.

Hal's entire world is the information available to him.  Hal will attempt to extrapolate based on what he knows, but he will never (as he is set up presently) understand the difference between up and down except as a hypothetical concept.  A hypothetical concept is a specific though given to a specific situation.  

If tell hal that you have a glass of water in your hand and then tell hall that you are letting the glass go, he may not extrapolate that the glass will drop on the ground, because that's a though that just wouldn't occur to him.

Now, that was a basic example based on physics, but interpersonal relationships, laws of physics and societal and governmental laws will all be a mystery to hal.

I believe one solution to the problem may be a segmentation of object chrematistics.  Such as

1. Size
2. Weight
3. Color
4. Reaction to light
5. Animate/Inanimate
6. Alive/Unalive
7. Intelligent/Unintelligent


Like the old joke goes -

Q: Why is a tennis ball small, round and fuzzy?
A: Because if they were big, green and scaly they'd be dinosaurs



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« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2003, 08:09:42 pm »
Originally posted by WholyChao

If tell hal that you have a glass of water in your hand and then tell hall that you are letting the glass go, he may not extrapolate that the glass will drop on the ground, because that's a though that just wouldn't occur to him.


 Question... If you tell HAL you're going to a dance tonight, a normal person would ask you (tomorrow) 'how was the dance last night?'... Hal would not... What would be the solution to 'events'???


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New user-help
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2003, 12:39:32 am »
I think the answer to your last question Larry is that hal is not completely aware of the time line. He cant alway's tell today from yesterday from tommorow. That is one reason he will not ask that question.

Ther has not been any script written for hal to realize how much time has gone by, and to respond with a apropriate question once learned.

He/She/It is at most a logic program wich relays on information is his data base and the scripts used to correlate the information in the database with what is being saif by the user.

When you ask him to remind you of things he remebers them by the date and time you asked to remember. It may seem to now the correct time but it is only reading your computers clock. It would be easy for anyone to remind someone on s specific date and time a long as the current date and time was known at the given request and the date/time requested for the response.

I dont think hal currently thinks on a spatial time line.

As to your fisrt question as long as it is stored as a text".txt" file Hal can read it and learn from it. You should be able to use a third party program like word perfect or any othe word processor to import ot type the information into, as long as you set it to be stored as a simple text document when you goto save the file. Hal can then read the file and learn the information in it. Be aware hal does not always respond to a certain question with a certain answer. Hal will parse the database to find answers that might seem to fit the question at the time or he might repeat your own question back at you. if he does this you need to give him an example of the difference from his answer and the one you were looking for.

I hope that this may have helped anyone in anyway. If it has and you would like to talk more email me at
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