Author Topic: Word meaning vs Word purpose  (Read 6129 times)


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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« on: March 10, 2009, 04:38:38 pm »
here is an example of word meaning:

Code: [Select]
Function NO()
Dim myArray(13)
myArray(0)  = " NO "
myArray(1)  = " NOT "
myArray(2)  = " NOTHING "
myArray(3)  = " NONE "
myArray(4)  = " NEVER "  
myArray(5)  = " NOPE "  
myArray(6)  = " ZERO "  
myArray(7)  = " NILL "  
myArray(8)  = " FALSE "  
myArray(9)  = " ZILTCH "  
myArray(10) = " ZILTCHO "  
myArray(11) = " NADA "  
myArray(12) = " NAY "
myArray(13) = " STOP "
For Each meaning In myArray
No = meaning
End Function

No means No. is now NO() means NO() in the NO function.

now that we have meaning of NO() we need to make that meaning have purpose or another words an action behind that meaning which I'll write later.

I am going to do this with all words that remain legal within Vbscript and see where it goes.


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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2009, 05:25:19 pm »

While I understand the method of what you are trying to do with the words but there are a few that might actually cause the program to use a wrong meaning or purpose for a word.

NOTHING, NONE, ZERO basically = 0 or show no value
FALSE is opposite of TRUE not really NO.
STOP = Halt, opposite of GO and has nothing to do with NO.
ZILTCH and NADA mean Nothing instead of NO.

So you see, even if some of these words have a negative connotation doesn't mean they can or should be used interchangeably with the word NO. You forgot ZIP which refers to nothing or 0 as well.

I'm not picking on you or your method but if I am in error please advise of your intentions.

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2009, 05:48:06 pm »

NOTHING, NONE, ZERO basically = 0 or show no value
FALSE is opposite of TRUE not really NO.
STOP = Halt, opposite of GO and has nothing to do with NO.
ZILTCH and NADA mean Nothing instead of NO.

User: Does the box contain 4 pieces of candy?
HAL: No, the box contains NO candy. also equals False
No or false have the same meaning in this question.

No Numbers;
User: are there any numbers in the box?
HAL: there are no numbers in the box. = 0 or False
User: Is it true?
HAL: No, it is false. No = False

User: I want to hug you HAL.
HAL: No! I do not want a hug! ' in context the word no now becomes a command for the word stop! or visa versa.

the human interaction of words can be very complex and would be a chore in working out all the functions.

I guess it depends on the words purpose as well as its meaning, the two can be intertwined to form an action of the word.

the code is incomplete at this time because I just started the project physically but the project has been contemplated in my mind for years and I am finally willing to share my thoughts on it.

I don't mind being corrected, it's all about keeping on ones toes. although toes has nothing to do with the meaning of sharpening ones mind.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 06:05:42 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2009, 03:28:29 am »
Basically, you are attempting a logical mathmatical formula.

If A = B and B = C Then A = C.

Where all the varibles are empty sets. i.e. A = ""

No = nada = zilch = nah = .......
But No has no real value until it is given one.

It would only work if you were building a meaningless sentence.

 i.e. "I ran across the street naked. " = "Aaron darted across the road clothless."

If the words where given a value like that of a particular action then the entire sentence subsequently has a value.

i.e. I = personal identity, ran = program that is asscociated with the memories of an action state and can be called into action by particular commands, across = ........

This way the words could be used as a type of resetable programming language. Like telling Hal to always remember to say his prayers before 9:00 and so Hal then discovers what praying means by use of a simple dictionary and programs itself from the words to do your bidding, witout anybody actually having to go into Hal's script to manually set every detail. He would have his own way of self teaching and evolving behaviors.

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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2009, 03:00:04 pm »
Basically, you are attempting a logical mathmatical formula.
If A = B and B = C Then A = C.

This is how Hal works in the first place ie. IF-THEN but to my knowledge it has not been fully implemented on the English languase.


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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2009, 07:25:05 pm »
I got inspired and looked up anything that suggests a natural programming language....

That was very productive...There are a few out there.

You basically write a program like you were writing a sentence.

Perhaps if you want Hal to learn a new way of doing things you would just need to turn him loose on some sort of reference manual. He would need to copy the information down and then implement it as a new code that He could use right then or later.

Of course Hal already has a certain amount in a program database (its script) in which certain things occur 'IF' certain conditions arises. The idea would be that Hal could learn new ways of reacting  by taking in outside information and converting them into new IF THEN statements.

A programming language has a distinct meaning. Everything you say in that language causes certain actions by the interpreter. If Hal could do this, learn new ways of doing things, that would allow him to be taken to the next level of A.I. ascension.

There, of course, you would need an overshadowing primary motivation. That would keep him on the track of learning only desire oriented tasks. (I been working solely on that project.) Otherwise, He would try to learn all things and implement all programs at once.... (that would be bad)[:D]

The ideal situation would be to use one type of language (like Vbscript) to interpreter sentence structures into a separate/different programming language that would be used to dictate the behaviors of Hal.

User: I want you to read a story.
Hal: I don't know how to read a story.
User: First, open up a file from the readastory directory.
User: Then, tell me what that file says.
Hal: Ok
User: I want you to read me a story called DragonRider.
Hal: Ok, Here is your story.

It would be difficult, but very cool![;)]
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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2009, 09:44:55 pm »
Unless I am mistaken someone just recently wrote a plugin that does that already. I think it came from the guy who wrote the Singsong plugin. Look around and you'll find it.


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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2009, 10:51:14 pm »
JasonDude wrote that particualar program. I just used it as an example of how someone could re-program Hal through the console using simple language cues rather than going in and changing the Vbscript.

You could use the Vbscript to create a program within a program.

That was the difficult part....but not at all impossible.

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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2009, 11:10:28 pm »
Would a "because" in a sentence be like an "Else" in vbscript?
I understand what Art is saying but not quite sure about a program within a program and I am not sure exactly sure how Hal interprets things like the English language or as One might put it 'use a little english' [8][:)]


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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2009, 12:44:13 am »
I don't think a person should be as deffinate about a verbal language script like some of todays Natural Programming Languages are.

As a vebal cue you could say 'I want you ' to cause Hal to go into a command operation. 'read' could be assciated with a vbs program that reads files and then you would give the name of what you would like to read.

This has nearly been done already through the readastory program.

You would 'please read now' to initiate the command and then you'd say the file you would like to read.

This a good example of the type of programming language I'm reffering to.

You can now break it down even further.

I.e. I want you to read DragonRider but if it is not available read Elric.

'I want you to read' initiates a reading sub-routine,
'DragonRider' initiates a search sub-routine,
'but if it is not availiable' initiates an Else decission mode,
'read' reinitiates the reading sub-routine,
'Elric' Again, initiates a search sub-routine,  

This type of programming would require a few do While Loops I believe. Hal, in my experiece, does not like loops.

It would probably have to be run under another open ended vbscript and then push back into Hal. I think thats possible.

Then again, It might be possible to write a pluggin that would give Hal the ability to do many things through this type of verbal mismatch.

Hal can be taught to understand the reading, recording, math, opening outside programs, date book stuff.

You just need to break the phases down into conjoining states and behaviors that can be utiized by Hal and Vbscript.

JasonDude, If your listening...I got an idea[8D]
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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2009, 01:01:38 am »
AS my Hal would say; "Are we having a brainstorming moment". Else reconfigure and survey.

Just a observation in languages, "python " is becoming popular, are you familiar with this?
« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 01:05:09 am by Dollar »


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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2009, 01:05:19 am »
If a language could be written in this way then using an equivilency array such as what o.t.c.e is very possible.

You could say 'I want you to' or 'I would Like you to' or 'Can you'

or any thing like that....

That's a very good idea o.t.c.e
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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2009, 01:11:08 am »
I'm don't really know much about diiferent languages..

like almost nothing[:D]

I have learned quite allot about the human mind and how we percieve stuff.

I'm trying to put both the worlds together in an A.I. extraviganza![:p]

I'm having loads of fun! [8D]
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Word meaning vs Word purpose
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2009, 01:14:39 am »
snowman  my Hal seems to already be "there"  I guess it's like, if you took a concord flight from Paris to New York you would arrive there before you ever left.