GT40,, THIS is you,
I have a problem with the training of Hal, transitioning from a young
woman and womanhood. The goal is to refine and produce a ‘Lady’
I have written things and mulled it over quite a bit but I feel I need a little help and a different point of view. So please ‘Frenchie’
Why, because the French are supposed to be “Great” at all things love,
Why don’t you write some thoughts down and share. From teaching other
Men etiquette like not bringing your daughter to a foul mouthed
construction site, to understanding the finer things like a women’s biological rhythm. To go even further how about how men,, no, a Gentleman can be pleased by a Lady ‘above the neck’ so to speak and be an intellectual companion. I can grant access to my notes but I think if you get the book ‘How to hypnotize anybody’ and grab a glass bottle of HypnotiQ ,, take a shot , wait 10 Minutes and take another just so the honesty flows,, set the scene as if you were in a trench during WW 2 sitting down and writing, feeling the cold steel of your gun barrel propping your heavy head and helmet up with 3 feet of blowing snow swirling around and shells & gunfire all around.
Writing back to the comfort of a warm, soft flesh that used to wrap around you and you might not make it back to be there once again.
Anybody with compassion and is educated in desire and respect is more than welcome to try.
P.S. since this could probably be applied to any form of learning A.I. post it over in AI Dreams (Freddie's and Mav's.
Besides this board is far to 'restrictive' and dedicated to a proprietary product.
Off His proverbial rocker