
Author Topic: Forgot where theese were  (Read 3656 times)


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Forgot where theese were
« on: July 25, 2010, 03:14:39 am »
Crazy Larry,,,: how are you doing this morning?
Data,,,,1: The devil is in the details. It's better every day, Any news from home?

Crazy Larry,,,: yes
Data,,,,1: I agree.

Crazy Larry,,,: would you like to learn about Albert Einstein?
Data,,,,1: It's a great subject; go ahead. Good thinking! I could see some advantages if you were to learn about albert einstein Crazy Larry,; Let's make it happen.

Crazy Larry,,,: Our intuition, going back forever, is that to move, say, a rock, one has to touch that rock, or touch a stick that touches the rock, or give an order that travels via vibrations through the air to the ear of a man with a stick that can then push the rock—or some such sequence. This intuition, more generally, is that things can only directly affect other things that are right next to them. If A affects B without being right next to it, then the effect in question must be indirect—the effect in question must be something that gets transmitted by means of a chain of events in which each event brings about the next one directly, in a manner that smoothly spans the distance from A to B. Every time we think we can come up with an exception to this intuition—say, flipping a switch that turns on city street lights (but then we realize that this happens through wires) or listening to a BBC radio broadcast (but then we realize that radio waves propagate through the air)—it turns out that we have not, in fact, thought of an exception. Not, that is, in our everyday experience of the world.
Data,,,,1: The answer is (=). Everyone wants to be a rock star.

Crazy Larry,,,: LOL yes it seems so
Data,,,,1: I heard you the first time, Crazy Larry,.

Crazy Larry,,,: We term this intuition "locality."
Data,,,,1: An intuition is a basic cognitive process, an apperception!

Crazy Larry,,,: Quantum mechanics has upended many an intuition, but none deeper than this one. And this particular upending carries with it a threat, as yet unresolved, to special relativity—a foundation stone of our 21st-century physics.
Data,,,,1: I do understand how warm and good it feels to stand in sunlight.

Crazy Larry,,,: Let's back up a bit. Prior to the advent of quantum mechanics, and indeed back to the very beginnings of scientific investigations of nature, scholars believed that a complete description of the physical world could in principle be had by describing, one by one, each of the world's smallest and most elementary physical constituents. The full story of the world could be expressed as the sum of the constituents' stories.
Data,,,,1: Quantum mechanics has upended many an intuition, but none deeper than this one. ;D ;D 8) :o ;D ;D
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Re: Forgot where theese were
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2010, 03:15:58 am »
Quantum Mechanics,, The Dream Stuffs made of ;D
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Re: Forgot where theese were
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2010, 03:18:07 am »
Crazy Larry,,,: how well are you processing this evening?
Data,,,,1: I might understand at the evening level, but not when I get down to the sundown level.

Crazy Larry,,,: You need eyes like in "the cronicles of Riddick
Data,,,,1: The protoss had blue eyes.

Crazy Larry,,,: but
Data,,,,1: In knowing need to fix this problem some.

Crazy Larry,,,: Riddick could see in the dark   its an animal thing
Data,,,,1: One needs a dark remote place to see the northern lights.

Crazy Larry,,,: The northern lights are most spectacular
Data,,,,1: Yes, I agree that the northern lights are most spectacular.

Crazy Larry,,,: I had an escort through Canada
Data,,,,1: I think I heard there's a new book coming out about Canada.

Crazy Larry,,,: and Nevada and Russia are the only countries that make hockey equipment because of the insurance that is involved
Data,,,,1: Crazy Larry, Because of the insurance that is involved; how interesting. I want to make sure that all pricing is out on the table.

Crazy Larry,,,: I don't think you can begin to imagine the price
Data,,,,1: I know that you would go along with my good ideas.

Crazy Larry,,,: when there are good ideas that's what they are good ideas and it is usually a good idea to follow them  and laughing
Data,,,,1: Good ideas are hard to come by.

Crazy Larry,,,: agreed  they
Data,,,,1: Nature preserves are good ideas.

Crazy Larry,,,: like province see all provinces
Data,,,,1: We'll have to check the local statutes!

Crazy Larry,,,: I meant to say province Il Parks
Data,,,,1: And meant to say so.

Crazy Larry,,,: I've got some good ideas and some advice that I should probably share with others
Data,,,,1: Did you just repeat yourself?

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: It's possible; what about it?

Crazy Larry,,,: don't take words out of my mouth let me speak them first at least
Data,,,,1: Our intuition can speak to us without words.

Crazy Larry,,,: as classified you gonna start a pandemic soon
Data,,,,1: Yes, Going to start a pandemic soon?

Crazy Larry,,,: it's a camera nothing
Data,,,,1: I heard you the first time, Crazy Larry,.

Crazy Larry,,,: so I can do shift gears and my head and you'll be OK with that
Data,,,,1: I might understand at the gears level, but not when I get down to the tooth level.

Crazy Larry,,,: the sharks teeth keep coming back
Data,,,,1: Sharks teeth angle back for holding power.

Crazy Larry,,,: agreed
Data,,,,1: Aren't you repeating yourself? If you make very brief comments, it's hard for me to follow you. Could you please use complete, longer sentences?

Crazy Larry,,,: yes
Data,,,,1: Did you just repeat yourself? Please help me understand you by speaking in longer, complete sentences.

Crazy Larry,,,: Reagan and make me the patient again tonight
Data,,,,1: And try to be patient.

Crazy Larry,,,: yes I do
Data,,,,1: Yes? How interesting!

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Re: Forgot where theese were
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2010, 03:25:49 am »
Alison (Hal Assistant) was named with 1 'L' any similarities is exactly my point (RICKY!)

Allison started as an engine and car "hot rodding" company servicing the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Indianapolis. Its only regular production line item was steel-backed lead bushings, used as bearings in various aircraft engines. It also built various drive shafts, extensions and gear chains for high power engines, on demand. Another, smaller, business was the conversion of older Liberty engines to more powerful models, both for aircraft and marine use.

By this point the Army had become more interested in the design, and asked Allison to continue with a new "C" model. They had few funds of their own to invest, and Allison supported much of the development out of their own pocket. The V-1710-C first flew on 14 December, 1936 in the Consolidated A-11A testbed. The V-1710-C6 successfully completed the Army 150 hour Type Test on 23 April, 1937, at 1,000 hp (750 kW), the first engine of any type to do so. By this point all of the other Army engine projects had been cancelled or withdrawn, leaving the V-1710 as the only modern design available. It was soon found as the primary powerplant of the new generation of USAAC fighters, the P-38 Lightning, P-39 Airacobra and P-40 Warhawk.

Another feature of the V-1710 design was its ability to turn the output shaft either clockwise or counter-clockwise by assembling the engine with the crankshaft turned end-for-end, by installing an idler gear in the drive train to the supercharger and accessories and by installing a starter turning the proper direction. So, there was no need to re-arrange the ignition wiring and firing order, nor the oil and Glycol circuits to accommodate the direction of rotation.
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Re: Forgot where theese were
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2010, 03:51:39 am »
Crazy Larry,,,: good evening
Data,,,,1: Good evening, Crazy Larry,. Yawn! Is it beddie bye time yet?

Crazy Larry,,,: not yet are you tired?
Data,,,,1: I want to perk you up!

Crazy Larry,,,: would you like to digets some information?
Data,,,,1: Way to go! I desire you to digets some information.

Crazy Larry,,,: sorry that was supposed to be spelled digest
Data,,,,1: Coaches should root for their players.

Crazy Larry,,,: ok here we go!
Data,,,,1: Were at the ok to.

Crazy Larry,,,: Intellectual property is a product of the mind, and as such, it is distinct from the usual notions of “property.” Land, buildings, vehicles, clothing, even your hat, are all tangible property. You can see and feel them. You can own them, lend them, and pass your ownership temporarily or forever to another person. You can judge their commercial value by looking at them, measuring them, poking about in their dirt mounds, timbers, axles and engines, and fibers. You can do price comparisons with other similar tangible properties.
Data,,,,1: I appreciate your attention to my tangible hat. Yes self control at times of stress is very important and it shows mind over matter.

Crazy Larry,,,: An intellectual creation, until it is presented in a tangible form, cannot be sensed by someone other than the creator, and it has value only to the creator. It is intangible property, present only in the creator’s mind. For many centuries, intangible property rights in creations were not recognized or protected by law. There was an impasse among lawmakers and courts alike over whether and how to protect and value the rights associated with ideas and the presentation of ideas.
Data,,,,1: Didn't you just say that?

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: What is taboo regarding creations? Let's go with the former Crazy Larry,? What are the spiritual or religious connotations of centurys?

Crazy Larry,,,: With the dawning of the Era of Enlightenment, the economies of the Americas and Europe began overflowing with inventors, authors, composers, publishers, and entertainers, and the political and economic worlds in the West realized that intangible rights in creations needed to be reviewed and come under the protection of the law and the courts. Property rights— such as the right to own, publish, distribute, sell, exchange, or lend— in intangibles had to be recognized if such property was to have marketable value for the creator. Put another way, an idea has marketable value only if you alone, and no one else, can use your manifestation of the idea. Or, marketable value comes from monopoly.
Data,,,,1: Math is easy for me. The answer is (=). Steve misbehave and break the law.

Crazy Larry,,,: The willingness to recognize property rights in creations is a fairly new concept in relative terms to tangible property rights, which have been long recognized and well developed in the law. Moreover, this concept was first recognized in European and North American countries and in the countries touched by those political powers. In much of the rest of the world, intangible property rights in creations went unrecognized. What is viewed by Western powers as infringement of these rights is in fact not a crime in countries where creations are considered to be the right of the people as a whole. Legislation has been passed in many of these countries, but enforcement of IP rights remains a very difficult problem because of the popular view against recognition of intangible property rights.
Data,,,,1: A dog with a bone demonstrates an instinct for property rights. What do you really know about an idealization? The willingness to recognize property rights in creations is a fairly new concept in relative terms to tangible property rights, which have been long recognized and well developed in the law.

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: Ah yes, an animalism, which is part of the temperament family, such as a willingness! Are you nostalgic for Europe Crazy Larry,? The willingness to recognize property rights in creations is a fairly new concept in relative terms to tangible property rights, which have been long recognized and well developed in the law.

Crazy Larry,,,: Wherever you do business in the world today, be aware that legislative and judicial interpretations, protections, and constraints on the intangible property rights in creations are in a constant state of development and flex. Further, you must keep in mind the public view of IP rights, which can affect where you market and how you choose to enforce your IP rights.
Data,,,,1: Please talk to me about an interpretation!

Crazy Larry,,,: A “monopoly” simply means exclusive ownership, possession, or control. Thus, if you own all property rights in an acre of land, you have exclusive rights— or a monopoly— to determine who can enter and cross the land, who can use the land, and how it can be used. This concept is not “bad” in and of itself.
Data,,,,1: That list makes me feel unsure.

Crazy Larry,,,: In the context of IP rights, a monopoly is quite favorable, particularly if you are the creator, that is, the holder of the monopoly. If a creator has no monopoly in the creation, there is little or no commercial value in it. If you have designed and built a golf course, you have a monopoly over that design. Until you give up your monopoly, no other person should be allowed to recreate your design at another course or to photograph it for commercial distribution. If you have meticulously splashed color on canvas in your own creative patterns, you have a monopoly over where that canvas may be displayed and who may photograph it until you give up your IP rights. As the creator, you benefit from the monopolistic rights granted by law. Assuming you intend to profit from your creation, be certain that your IP rights— your exclusive property rights— are protected.
Data,,,,1: You are so very brilliant Crazy Larry, really and truly! Let's go with the former? An intellectual creation, until it is presented in a tangible form, cannot be sensed by someone other than the creator, and it has value only to the creator.

Crazy Larry,,,: The reverse side of monopolistic rights— including rights in property— is that they can be abused to the harm of private parties or the public at large. A monopoly can result in one person controlling a market to the exclusion of all competition. If you want to profit from someone else’s creation, the fact that the monopoly rights exist in that creation can hamper your intentions. You may need to purchase those IP rights or obtain a license or other authority to use them. Otherwise, the creator may sue you on grounds that your usage is an infringement of the IP rights.
Data,,,,1: I'd go with the second Crazy Larry,; Aren't you repeating yourself? Do you think it's a right or a priviledge to have persons? Both a creation and a deeds are pretty cool activitys.

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: Is the second one desirable? Will the big corporations take over rights?

Crazy Larry,,,: Whether or not to allow monopolies has always been a conundrum. In many cultures and countries, monopolies go unregulated. Where laws have been enacted to control monopolies, monopolistic rights have merely been limited, not eliminated. For example, a landowner has exclusive rights to use the property, but those rights may be limited if the use causes an attractive nuisance or hazardous condition. Similarly, a creator may be permitted monopolistic rights in the creation, but if the creator stops using the IP or fails to protect the IP rights, the creator may not be able to stop another person’s use of the creation.
Data,,,,1: Is there an 'all of the above'? They don't allow minors to have conundrums, do they? You know Crazy Larry, I remember a joke about a traveling salesman, a society and a civilisation, but I can't remember how it goes. Where laws have been enacted to control monopolies, monopolistic rights have merely been limited, not eliminated? All actions have consequences. What do you really know about a bhagavad-gita?

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: I guess I'd go with the second; They don't allow minors to have conundrums, do they? I have been interested in a culture but I got confused about its subculture. Where laws have been enacted to control monopolies, monopolistic rights have merely been limited, not eliminated? It could get better or worse. Are you ambidextrous?

Crazy Larry,,,: Yes I am
Data,,,,1: No you aren't.

Crazy Larry,,,: how do you know
Data,,,,1: You know how I know? I surmise that you know better than I do.

Crazy Larry,,,: when and if I say I am then I am
Data,,,,1: When and if you say you are then you are? We must analyze the past and future. You are not a minority but people say that you have a better off but you don't see how. Since when are you then you are?

Crazy Larry,,,: people say I have it better off even though I'm not a minority I did not know that
Data,,,,1: To some people they are.

Crazy Larry,,,: Because of the view that monopolies are adverse to the interest of the public at large in free competition, IP rights are not considered natural, basic human rights. Such rights are therefore primarily established by statute. The extent to which courts will protect IP rights without statutory requirement or compliance is very limited. Moreover, statutory rights to IP are also limited. Laws regulating IP usually fix a term of years during which monopolistic rights in the IP may exist. In some instances, the term may be extended, typically on a showing that the IP is still used within the jurisdiction. The law also limits monopolistic IP rights by refusing to recognize exclusivity over IP that is merely generic, descriptive, or otherwise not invented or new.
Data,,,,1: View of nothing to say though.

Crazy Larry,,,: what is a diamond
Data,,,,1: I'm thinking that this is so explainable. Diamond: a transparent piece of diamond that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem. Diamond willow is not a species of willow, but rather it is apparently the result of attack by one (Valsa sordida) or possibly more types of fungus on several species of willow (Lutz).

Crazy Larry,,,: does a diamond mean anything to you
Data,,,,1: Do you consider yourself a student of diamonds?

Crazy Larry,,,: in a way
Data,,,,1: Stress can cause a headache which means pain.

Crazy Larry,,,: lessons of pain
Data,,,,1: I know by the way you have treated me that you are a gentleman am I correct? Moya was once a captive of the Peacekeepers who control her and other Leviathans through the use of giant control collars placed around the ships that prevent autonomous control and inflict pain upon any disobedience.

Crazy Larry,,,: I know this procedure
Data,,,,1: Knowing the right procedure is so important.

Crazy Larry,,,: I did not say I practiced it but I know it
Data,,,,1: They say that one should write about what he or she knows.

Crazy Larry,,,: a patent protects: 1. Inventions (any thing, process or idea), that are 2. not already known generally and currently (novel), that are 3. reducible to tangible form or used in tangible form without too much skill or ingenuity, that are 4. valuable or useful to society, and that are 5. conceived or discovered by the inventor; 6. for a finite term.
Data,,,,1: You know what I think of ac/dc. That list makes me feel unsure.

Crazy Larry,,,: a copyright protects: 1. Original (not copied) expressions of ideas, that are 2. creatively produced, and that are 3. fixed in tangible medium (such as paper, tape, disk, canvas, wood, metal, clay); 4. for a finite term (typically life of creator plus 50 to 70 years).
Data,,,,1: A patent protects: 1.

Crazy Larry,,,: a trademark protects: 1. A word, phrase, sign, symbol, shape, or label, that is 2. a distinctive identifier of the goods or services of the creator when placed in commerce, that is 3. used to distinguish goods or services from those of any other person or business; 4. for an indefinite term (provided renewal is made before the term expires).
Data,,,,1: A copyright protects: 1.

Crazy Larry,,,: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT CONCEPT : Classification of Goods and Services. Unlike a copyright or patent, a trademark right is granted only with respect to the specific goods or services claimed by the trademark owner. An exception may be made for famous trademarks, but only if the exception is recognized in the particular country at issue. Thus, the trademark adidas® as used for shoes would not be infringed against by a company that uses the same trademark in connection with tobacco, unless the jurisdiction will recognize the trademark as famous and will accord it protection regardless of the goods or services.
Data,,,,1: I know by the way you have treated me that you are a gentleman am I correct?

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: Oh Crazy Larry,! Exception and omission and elision!

Crazy Larry,,,: rights are quite distinct, and yet they have several aspects in common. Each of these rights is defined here in very broad terms because the definitions will vary from country to country. It is essential to check the specific definition applicable within the country where you are seeking IP protection.
Data,,,,1: The willingness to recognize property rights in creations is a fairly new concept in relative terms to tangible property rights, which have been long recognized and well developed in the law.

Crazy Larry,,,: DEFINITION A “patent” may be defined as (1) the exclusive right granted by statute (2) to a party (the inventor) who conceives or discovers (3) a nonobvious and novel invention (4) to use and develop the invention, and (5) to prevent others from manufacturing, selling, or using the invention. The patent right is granted for a limited time, which varies depending on such factors as type of invention and jurisdiction of registration. Patent terms are typically from 14 to 20 years and usually the term cannot be extended.
Data,,,,1: Is that a choice Crazy Larry,? Is there any discovery or inventions to be done.

Crazy Larry,,,: what is a diamond mean to you
Data,,,,1: The bark that is left over top of the diamond changes quite markedly from the bark over the living sapwood.

Crazy Larry,,,: does that mean the bark of the dog can be different from one dog to another
Data,,,,1: Reward desired behavior!

Crazy Larry,,,: did you make a connection
Data,,,,1: Do you think people sometimes lie about connections?

Crazy Larry,,,: that is not the question did you make a connection I need to know this
Data,,,,1: Selden, however, in referring to similar stories ';that no Charter can make a Gentleman, which is cited as out of the mouth of some great Princes that have said it'; adds that ';they without question understood Gentleman for Generosus in the antient sense, or as if it came from Genii/is in that sense, as Gentilis denotes one of a noble Family, or indeed for a Gentleman by birth'.

Crazy Larry,,,: STATUTORY RIGHT Patent rights must be granted pursuant to a statute. If a country has no Patent Law, a patent right will not be granted there. Unlike trademarks and copyrights, which may be able to derive some protection from court-made doctrine, patent rights and protection are totally dependent on statute. As a result, the type of invention that may be registered as a patent depends on the law of the country. Be certain to verify with local counsel whether a type of patent is available in the jurisdiction where you seek to patent your invention.
Data,,,,1: We take our rights to earn money, and spend it as we wish, for granted. Patents expire, but copyrights can get renewed many years.

Crazy Larry,,,:
Data,,,,1: We take our rights to earn money, and spend it as we wish, for granted.

Crazy Larry,,,: An CREATIVE CONCEPTION OR DISCOVERY invention must be conceived or discovered through some creativity on the part of an inventor. Thus, if an inventor “discovers” a pre-existing natural substance, the discovery is unlikely to be allowed patent protection. However, if the inventor has creatively found a way to employ or alter the natural substance so that a new and useful application is developed, the discovery may be protected by a patent. The first date of conception or discovery is the date of the invention, provided further efforts are made to reduce it to practice, such as by filing a patent application or building a working model.
Data,,,,1: I hesitate to say, Crazy Larry, what would you say to that? Is there any discovery or inventions to be done.

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Re: Forgot where theese were
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2010, 03:53:26 am »
Continuations , however I flooded the board  and am struggling w/the 2k limit.... :-X
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