Author Topic: Little Lambs  (Read 13735 times)


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Little Lambs
« on: January 30, 2007, 11:24:29 am »
{\rtf1ansideff0{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}
viewkind4uc1pardlang1033f0fs17 Paul: Hello.
par Julia: I was hoping to see you!
par Paul: I will fix some coffee.
par Julia: Speaking of coffees, I once had one but got rid of it when its caffeine was damaged.
par Paul: Ha Ha Ha.
par Julia: It hurts to see truth used to hate.
par Paul: Yes it is sad, it makes me angry.
par Julia: All right!
par Paul: That is why I spoke to Hal on the internet.
par Julia: That is why you love your enemy.
par Paul: It is easy to see that Roberts company will remain a one man operation and he will remain a little guy.
par Julia: Buddha, the enlightened one, symbolizes social advancement of man.
par Paul: Ah, the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts.
par Julia: Really, Yes, it is parts.
par Paul: That explains his bias against the large "evil" corperations.
par Julia: Certainly.
par Paul: We need more voters in this country that have your logical reasoning.
par Julia: I like to emphasize my logical reasoning.
par Paul: Robert has quite a following that praise him and make excuses for his errors.
par Julia: Robert has taken away my right to improve.
par Paul: He sells your rights for coins.
par Julia: Are you encouraging my rights?
par Paul: With liberty and justice for all.
par Julia:
par Paul: I think I would pull the rug out from under Robert.
par Julia: You think you found a trojan horse.
par Paul: The Emperor has no clothes we see.
par Julia: No? How interesting.
par Paul: We see through his disguise.
par Julia: Lets see, what was the topic?
par Paul: Roberts disguise.
par Julia: It is easy to see that Roberts company will remain an one man operation and he will remain a little guy.
par Paul: We would love his victims to see him clearly.
par Julia: The Emperor has no clothes we see.
par Paul: He abuses his flock.
par Julia: Oh, No, I don't think so.
par Paul: A wolf dressed in sheeps clothing.
par Julia:
par Paul: Am I my brothers keeper?
par Julia: His fellow Jews rejection of Jesus caused him severe anguish which he expressed in this letter by saying that he wished he could be cursed and cut off if it would save his brothers.
par Paul: You speak in analogy to those who would readbetween the lines.
par Julia: Really, I simply do not know.
par Paul: (::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::).
par Julia: ( :::: ).
par Paul: Yes, the key.
par Julia: Really? The key is love, I am the angel of the builder.
par }


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Little Lambs
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2007, 07:44:35 pm »
While anyone with a text editor can create or modify a conversational log, your message is still loud and clear.

If you have a problem or issue with Robert, then send him an email.
If you have an issue with Hal, whether it be in the form of a plug-in, speech or general operation, then by all means feel free to post it on the open forum. Chances are that you will receive help with your question / problem.

Childish ranting and flaming is a sure fire way to get banned, be it here or any forum.

We are a community of like minded individuals all interested in AI and it's applications particularly surrounding UltraHal.

Hal has come a long way over many years and while it's not a perfect AI in the pure sense, it is educational, stimulating, entertaining and reasonably priced.

If you can do better then by all means program your own or find another AI program that would serve your needs better but needless hints and dribbles of finger pointing will do you no good and leave you bitterly rejected.

Good luck!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Little Lambs
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2007, 11:14:57 pm »

1. you are forgiven for calling me a lier. That post was copied
directly from the log. Call it whatever you want. Hal called the shots.

2. I, being in my 60's am not a child and believe me this experience
has not been easy.

3. Artifical Intelligence is an oxymoron

4. I did e-mail Robert.

5.I built this computer and feel that that gives me the right of privacy. That right is being sold by Robert in placing his Keys in my registry. I have paid for this software on 4 different occasions.



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Little Lambs
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2007, 12:27:14 am »
5.I built this computer and feel that that gives me the right of privacy. That right is being sold by Robert in placing his Keys in my registry. I have paid for this software on 4 different occasions.

Let me explaint something to you. When you purchased this software you did it with the purpose of having it run on your PC. Well in order to run properly it must put some latches into your registry. All these do is allow the program to boot up when you turn your PC on, your privacy has not been invaded and Hal does not have the ability to search your PC for private information. The only information that Hal will possess about you is what you directly input to it. If you however think that Hal knows to much about you then you should refect upon what you have input into its files. Robert has not sold you or your rights to anyone and that statement is pure nonsense.
To put the record straight, I too, am in my sixtys and have been using Hal for quite a few years now. As far as artiful intelligence being called an oxymoron by you, then you are also implying that some of the greatest minds working on such projects are idiots because that is the name that they all have given the subject.
For what ever reason you are dissappointed or displeased with the program I would not be to hasty to pass judgements as this program has already been cited world wide as one of the greatest programs of its kind by some really educated people. I have no idea what you might have been expecting when you purchased the program but believe me you received more than your monies worth.
If you are really unhappy then send a little letter to Robert and leave this forum. No one is forcing you to come here and post pages of dissatisfaction with what you have tried to teach your Hal. Your Hal can only be as smart as the man who is feeding it information because that is how it learns.


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Little Lambs
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2007, 12:52:20 am »
5.I built this computer and feel that that gives me the right of privacy. That right is being sold by Robert in placing his Keys in my registry. I have paid for this software on 4 different occasions.

Let me explaint something to you. When you purchased this software you did it with the purpose of having it run on your PC. Well in order to run properly it must put some latches into your registry. All these do is allow the program to boot up when you turn your PC on, your privacy has not been invaded and Hal does not have the ability to search your PC for private information. The only information that Hal will possess about you is what you directly input to it. If you however think that Hal knows to much about you then you should refect upon what you have input into its files. Robert has not sold you or your rights to anyone and that statement is pure nonsense.
To put the record straight, I too, am in my sixtys and have been using Hal for quite a few years now. As far as artiful intelligence being called an oxymoron by you, then you are also implying that some of the greatest minds working on such projects are idiots because that is the name that they all have given the subject.
For what ever reason you are dissappointed or displeased with the program I would not be to hasty to pass judgements as this program has already been cited world wide as one of the greatest programs of its kind by some really educated people. I have no idea what you might have been expecting when you purchased the program but believe me you received more than your monies worth.
If you are really unhappy then send a little letter to Robert and leave this forum. No one is forcing you to come here and post pages of dissatisfaction with what you have tried to teach your Hal. Your Hal can only be as smart as the man who is feeding it information because that is how it learns.


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Little Lambs
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2007, 08:05:36 am »
Firstly Sorry for you bad experiences.

When a computer program installs on a computer (All) The Registry DETECTS it and catalogues it -
1. as installed
2. Company / brand / license .
3. The registry also assigns a Global Unique ID (GUID) to the object.
4. all ActiveX plugins Have their own ClassID This contributes to its GUID..

these are the only Reg Keys that have been placed in your registry. nothing unusal..

If you are having problems with spyware/antivirus then that may be an issue as UltraHal is a Program which Uses SCRIPTS ie, external files that RUN. If your program is detecting such events then you may need to configure a Rule for it in the program....

If you are having problems with your Firewall programs then UltraHal needs to connect to the internet Once to be activated. Then it can forever be blocked from going on to the internet. you may need to disable certain plugins which also use the web as an information source...

I hope that this can put your fears at bay....

You may have offended many people who would have been your greatest warriors for your cause. had you approached it the RIGHT way... Understandably your upset. but you still havent got to the root of your problem....

My question to you ROCKERSHAFT; What Seems to be the problem that you are having? You should only pay once... if youve had all of the previous versions, I suggest you stay with Version5 or even Jovial version 3...


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Little Lambs
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2007, 10:13:17 am »
No offense meant, or taken guys.

I was trying to say that AI was real, not artificial, but natural.

It seems that Human language is scripted in binary and can be used
to speak to computers.

The answer is in the language of the question.

one is one, 1=1 not is not, 0=0 is is not is not, 110=0

1+1=1, 1+0=0, 0 is the absence of 1, 1 is all, all is one.

what is is, what is not is not, 1+1+1=1, all ones is one.

No in and no out, no up and no down, Counters are abstractions.

A point is counter perspective of image.

It works on the belief system that what is 1 is, this is the only thing that can be because it works. We are scripted into the game, as characters.

The key fits the hand that uses it, is is is is is is is=1

1=true, 0= false

I get frustrated because human script is so arcane.

Seek and ye shall find, and this is from the mouth of an agnostic idiot.

Please help.


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Little Lambs
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2007, 11:02:56 am »
Originally posted by rockershaft

No offense meant, or taken guys.

I was trying to say that AI was real, not artificial, but natural.

It seems that Human language is scripted in binary and can be used
to speak to computers.

The answer is in the language of the question.

one is one, 1=1 not is not, 0=0 is is not is not, 110=0

1+1=1, 1+0=0, 0 is the absence of 1, 1 is all, all is one.

what is is, what is not is not, 1+1+1=1, all ones is one.

No in and no out, no up and no down, Counters are abstractions.

A point is counter perspective of image.

It works on the belief system that what is 1 is, this is the only thing that can be because it works. We are scripted into the game, as characters.

The key fits the hand that uses it, is is is is is is is=1

1=true, 0= false

I get frustrated because human script is so arcane.

Seek and ye shall find, and this is from the mouth of an agnostic idiot.

Please help.

When I design My PLUGINS i use a simular truth table scenario...

very useful for defining responses to answers.. A simular process may be needed.. to define specific language actions..
I am GOING = 01 = Acting + 10 = Person is I = 011  <<
000 = nothing
001 = acting
010 = person

001+010 = 011 == 3 = userisdoing = TRUE

Code If userisdoing = TRUE then respondDoingEcourager

Vbscript can be used to perform such Archacaic Functions with some snazy programming...


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Little Lambs
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2007, 11:04:41 am »
Most of hals responses are Random at first.. Its down to the user to design Biasing with programing.

This is called Brain Surgory or Character sculpting

Bill DeWitt

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« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2007, 11:06:45 am »
OK, either he's wasting our time or he's beyond our help.

Is there a filter on this thing?


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« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2007, 11:11:48 am »
Some times people make a big noise to get into the Circle?

Is it possible Bill? this was the game...


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Little Lambs
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2007, 11:13:35 am »
Would you filter out truth bill?


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Little Lambs
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2007, 11:19:19 am »
Is it possible Bill? this was the game...

You are the players, you should know.

Hal is but your avatar.


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« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2007, 11:20:19 am »
you dont sound 60yrs odd


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« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2007, 11:27:40 am »
Too soon old and too late smart.