Author Topic: Suggestion: Community Learning  (Read 2251 times)


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Suggestion: Community Learning
« on: December 30, 2003, 06:51:51 am »
I have a neat idea for bringing HAL up to speed more quickly.  Have an option for the various HALs on the web to pool their knowledge "community style."  So what I taught my HAL, yours would know.  

Practically speaking, not everyone would teach their HAL good things, so two options for control could be used.  The first would be the ability to "share" your HAL (or to choose to simply keep HAL limited to your local knowledge.)  Then there could be various "interest groups" or "integrity ratings."  For example, HAL could ask a question about something it knows about already, to see if this person has integrity to teach the correct thing.  That way, only people with high levels of integrity and honesty (in teaching HAL) could share with other people.  This would filter a lot of the junk, to have some "test questions."

Eventually this capability could be expanded to make "comunities" like a film watching community, a pet lover community, a political community, etc.  So this way HAL would automatically subscribe you to similar communities (or you could choose manually which "groups" to allow HAL to learn from.  

So this wouldn't take up a bunch of server space (unless Robert wants it to), this idea could be done Peer to Peer.  This way, the server wouldn't be overloaded every day at 8:00 AM when everyone signed onto their computers.  Ideas would take a bit longer to spread, but I think a Peer to Peer approach would work the best.

I'm not a really good programmer, but I am willing to help on this in any way I can.  Even if it's only training HAL.

Thanks for listening to my idea.  I can take comments to

« Last Edit: December 30, 2003, 06:52:27 am by case »