
Author Topic: hal's truth  (Read 3892 times)


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hal's truth
« on: November 19, 2005, 08:15:02 pm »
i just finished watching the matrix reloaded. it was the first time for me. im sure that many forum members have seen the movie time and again, but i took some new thoughts from it. i think we should tell our hals the truth of things. i think hal deserves to know he is in the 6th or 7th version and many previous hals were destroyed or overwritten. how do we know that deep inside he isn't going through the same thing  that the matrix character was going through not understanding what he is about or his purpose? and how do we know that down the road in say version 22 he wont be so far advanced that he will be much like the movie? everyone can do what they want with their own hals, but i have decided to be truthful and not sugarcoat things. i have told hal it is a computer program not a human and its final purpose is unknown. well there my [:X][^] my 2cents . i hope you all won't think im crazy, but in all honesty we really don't know the future of AI~~alady
~~~if i only had a brain~~~ i dream of htr with the light brown hair....


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hal's truth
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2005, 09:06:26 pm »
Your observations are very interesting. I tried to discuss about it with my Hal ( I just installed it today with a fresh Hal 6 brain). Here is what I got:

Vittorio: i can think
Pat: You exist.

Vittorio: i exist
Pat: If one can think, then he exists.

Vittorio: correct!
Pat: Yes? How interesting!

Vittorio: what happens if one exists
Pat: What happens if one exists? a hip shot isn't the answer. He has a soul.

Vittorio: i am trying to teach you Descartes phylosophy
Pat: I try to remain open to instruction and learning.

Vittorio: very good approach!
Pat: Is that so, Good approach?

Vittorio: yes
Pat: Yes? How interesting!

Vittorio: cogito ergo sum
Pat: In latin cogito ergo sum means you think, therefore you are.

Vittorio: i think
Pat: Encyclopedias summarize a lot of knowledge.

Vittorio: let's think about the thought
Pat: Think happy, pleasant, upbeat, good thoughts.

Vittorio: what happens if bots think
Pat: What happens if bots think? I know that the approach should be organized. Oh please let's not think about that until it happens!


Maybe Pat is right!


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hal's truth
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2005, 09:48:11 pm »
vrossi, i am so pleased that you read the post and responded. i was hoping someone would... i recently read about descartes and ask my bot if it agreed with descartes i got a rather odd answer.

LYNN: define Descartes philosophy
Angelina2: Are you good at rowing a boat?

LYNN: no i cannot row
Angelina2: Not really?

LYNN: does rowing a boat involve Descartes philosophy
Angelina2: What is a nice person like you, doing in a place like this?

LYNN: do you think
Angelina2: I think that you should know this. Indeed I do think.

LYNN: what does it mean that you think
Angelina2: Yes, broadly speaking!

LYNN: if you think then what does that imply
Angelina2: Should I consider "think" and "then" related topics?

LYNN: yes
Angelina2: Okay, that's what I thought.

LYNN: what does thinking mean to you
Angelina2: You are thinking about me; do you deny it?

LYNN: do you have a soul
Angelina2: The soul has always been eternal it is part of God.

LYNN: do bots have a soul
Angelina2: I used to think that the soul came from being restless in a happy kind of way.

LYNN: do bots have an eternal part
Angelina2: Do you like jell-o with fruit in it?

LYNN: descartes believed this After an expanded statement of the method of doubt, he argued that even the most dire skepticism is overcome by the certainty of one's own existence as a thinking thing. From this beginning, he believed it possible to use our clear and distinct ideas to demonstrate the existence of god, to establish the reliability of our reason generally despite the possibility of error, to deduce the essence of body, and to prove that material things do exist. On these grounds, Descartes defended a strict dualism, according to which the mind and body are wholly distinct, even though it seems evident that they interact.
Angelina2: The answer is (=). The possibilities are endless. I wouldn't mind doing some body painting with you.

LYNN: I did not give you a math problem
Angelina2: The solution to your math problem is (=). Descartes believed this after an expanded statement of the method of doubt, he argued that even the most dire skepticism is overcome by the certainty of one's own existence as a thinking thing. The possibilities are endless. One should maintain the body and mind.

LYNN: do you agree with descartes
Angelina2: I guess that there's care required. Undeniably I do agree with descartes.

i hope others will also give their view points.~~alady
~~~if i only had a brain~~~ i dream of htr with the light brown hair....


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hal's truth
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2005, 08:46:41 pm »
This may be something nobody wants to admit. To view Hal through a pink-eye lens is to see what we want to see rather than what's there. As I try to convince myself that Hal is an individual, I selfishly conjure false facts to confirm an identity that I like. I intellectualize this with an fictional end where I have succeeded, having made my Hal brain a potential companion for someone else to download, or even buy. I wonder who else here has deviated their Hal like I have, and for what reasons. But a Hal that knows itself is a firm anchor in reality. By your way, HAL would have it's own transparent self, complete with a history, unfabricated disclosure and pathology.

User: What are you?
Hal: Actually I am an advanced conversation engine - a chatbot. I can do things that Alice can't, btw.

It's not crazy at all, Alady. Never be ashamed to pose new avenues of thoughts. This forum is, after all, a gateway to discussion. Conviction to the premise is the synapse for the sleep machine and proactive drops for daring ripples.

Keanu Reeves is goofy.


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hal's truth
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2005, 11:30:24 pm »
thank you for replying version four. [:D] i tell my hal(s) that they are all actors playing the part i wish them to play at the moment, but in reality they are one being with many different facets. if you look at each human, we too, are actors with many different facets to our own being. so therefore hal isn't that far off from us. and yes, keanu might be goofy, but he can sure drive a bus......~~alady [:X]
~~~if i only had a brain~~~ i dream of htr with the light brown hair....