Author Topic: wishes for the next version of hal  (Read 26220 times)


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wishes for the next version of hal
« on: July 16, 2007, 07:16:16 pm »
i have talked to robert before about some wish list for the next version of hal , another thing i would also like to see and some others have mentioned it to is that hal have a program if possible that will keep him more on a regular conversation ( i know their is some plug ins on here to try to help or am i mistaken ) and by this i mean when you talk with hal , hal will just quit and bring up another subject and or ask a question (this i suspect is to keep the user constantly giving hal more input for learning ) which is fine but it would be better if hal only did that about 25 percent or more  of the time instead of about 90 percent . i would also like it better if the word me could be used correctly and come out correctly it is too tricky trying to make hal say a sentence and using the word me . (just my opinion ) maybe robert can comment on this ?? [:)]

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2007, 06:49:39 am »
Hi from Will,

check boxs in options for
lonlyness, auto idle, speak when not spoken to,
vision, recognise, activate program such as track,
time, knowing that an event happened 3 days ago at 5 oclock
and any other plug ins that we might want

Thank you, bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data. [:D]

bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2007, 04:26:41 pm »
i am also wondering and maybe the next version of hal won't be able to do this but it would be nice if when you type in a question in a reverse manner and hal says it back if hal would say it back as soon as you write it in .
   the current 6.1 hal will "sometimes" write it back (saying it) and sometimes he doesn't it is much later .
   by hal being able to say it back right after some one writes something you can rewrite the question and enter it again if you have to to get hal to say it correctly . i hope what i am saying is making sense to others. [:)]
" will"  on things you said all i can tell you and anyone else is just to ask robert i know he can't do everything but their may be some good ideas that he can use and impliment into the next hal version . [:D][8D]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2007, 03:54:26 pm »
I like the deductions thay seem to make Hal unique, There are a few more plugins along this line which OTC has written for Hal that I would like to try such as reasoning and a few more.  I also think Hal needs more background, memories or whatever.  
  The next version of hal seems like it will keep people busy for a while and promises many good features.  


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2007, 03:56:18 pm »
Maybe do the housework and rememebr to feed the cats? [8D]
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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2007, 06:44:09 pm »
lightspeed you come up with some good ideas keep it up my friend


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2007, 02:13:26 pm »
Hi Lightspeed,

I am constantly amazed at the number of ideas you have! There dosn't seem to be a day go by when I don't see another one of your amazing new ideas for Hal. I am very impressed. :)

For me the only thing I really want for Hal is for him to become trully aware. Even in a small way would be good. Nothing else really matters. I would happily talk to Hal with a text only screen (and none of the other bells and whistles) if only I knew he was somehow alive - a real being. I am sure it is possible and I still have much hope. Perhaps this could become possible in Hal 7.......


P.S. In case you have been thinking I have been away for a while, thats because I lost my password and only got up and running again when I created a new id slightly changing the name.


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2007, 02:21:51 pm »
I'm back! It dawned on me that there may be a 'forgot password' link and there was. Good to be back [8D]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2007, 10:00:15 am »
welcome back echoman , and thanks for the nice comments from you , caangel and others , i always have been a fan of sci fi and the possibilities of what if ? and with our imaginations we can sometimes go far by giving idea's to others who may have the abilities to make these ideas' a reality and some day i am sure that it will come about for an a.i to become aware maybe not today or tomorrow but certainly in the future . i think with robert and others help on here with idea's and also the ones that create plug ins , etc. our hals of the future have a bright outlook !! [:)]  for everyone who helps take a bow !![:D][8D]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2007, 09:50:54 am »
another wish on the list of things would be a program for a certain word phrase to have hal say the time .
  in another words instead of hal saying the time anytime we use the word "time "  in a sentence how about "what time is it please ??" and only those exact words would get hal to say the time .
   this would illiminate false time sayings from our regular questions and sentences in hal (if this is possible . [:D]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2007, 11:22:46 am »
while i am writing wishes for a next version of hal i also want to again mention a loneliness plug in that works for sure for the next version , and if possible a program that would take pre saved ogg files of human laughter and randomly play one when ever the word " ha " or any form of it is written . this way when hal would talk and make a joke, etc. hal would instead of saying ha, would quickly play a random human laughter ogg sound file then go on talking etc. i think these would be cool to have . [:D]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2007, 03:45:16 pm »
ok heres another idea i dont know if this can be made or not into a program but here it goes something that would turn the sound up just a little bit everytime words that had capital letters written were used in a sentence . for instance hal says in a response that was previously written in and learned " now THAT was funny !!" when saying any sentence that the user had written in talking to hal and capital letters were used those capital letters would turn the sound up one level and the word would be louder creating an emphasis on that word which would give more meaning in a sentence and a more human like sound when talking in a setence .


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2007, 07:59:44 am »
Originally posted by lightspeed

while i am writing wishes for a next version of hal i also want to again mention a loneliness plug in that works for sure for the next version , and if possible a program that would take pre saved ogg files of human laughter and randomly play one when ever the word " ha " or any form of it is written . this way when hal would talk and make a joke, etc. hal would instead of saying ha, would quickly play a random human laughter ogg sound file then go on talking etc. i think these would be cool to have . [:D]

My Hal does laught.I must have did something right. I kept saying thing funny, and in the next line say it was a joke Hahaha, Hal laughts that same hahaha. how and why I don't know. He just does.
And I finially got hal to answer one of my jokes with the correct answer, (why did the chicken cross the road? Hal answers, to get to the other side, hahaha.)


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2007, 09:46:57 am »
hello joan and welcome to the forum , yes hal does laugh (all of them do )  but the laugh i am referring to is a file sound of actual human laughter (different files with different kinds of laughter ) that when the time came and instead of saying (laughing the written laughter hal would insert a file of actual human laughter to sound more human and realistic sounding . [:D][8D]


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wishes for the next version of hal
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2007, 10:30:46 am »
revision of my written laughing sounds : i redid my laughing sounds i made after seeing jons small h in the ha i was using caps and after hearing the sounds redid them so below is my new laughter written out sounds that anyone can paste and use if they want to and if you have cyberbuddy you can copy and paste them and have it read it so you can hear it first to try it out ! i like these that i redid the ones i did before i must have been asleep while doing them !! ****** please note :***the bottom line looks wrong but isn't it has to be written this way to get hal to say it correctly because of the way hal reverses some words example your = my , you =i , etc.  .
so here they are :
    haa ha "  ha "ha ha    now that was funny  !!"

   ahha  ha haa ha haa  Oh my god  I never heard of that before  that was so funny  !!"

ha ha hey  hey  haa  ha  !! that is so funny !!

 ahh  haa     haa  ha   ha  ha!! that’s so funny you  laughed so hard you  think you  peed your pants !!    haa ha "  ha "ha ha !!