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Topics - CypherGary

Pages: [1]
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal Wiki
« on: February 21, 2009, 01:45:19 pm »
There is a wiki for Hal6 information at: but does not seem to be active.
Does anyone know who owns the wiki, or how to gain ownership?
I would be willing to work toward updating it, if there is any interest in having it.
It could also be used to maintain different versions of plugins.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hal Character
« on: November 06, 2008, 05:22:12 pm »
I really like the heads and bodies you all make. I can look at them on the forum, but I would like to be able to have them be the Character when Hal starts up.

Is there a step-by-step tutorial on what files are needed, and exactly how to create a Hal character from one of the characters I have been seeing posted on the forum?

Say I wanted to install one of the heads, or a head and body with a skin, to have it come up as the character when Hal starts?

I don't know if this was covered elsewhere, but I could not find it.

Thanks in Advance.

I am starting to get a feel for the scripting language used in Hal's brain and plugins.
I have found a Wiki at this address:
Is this the official Hal script wiki?
Is the wiki still being maintained, or has it been abandoned?
I did not get a reply when I filled out the request for access to the wiki.

There is not a complete help site for scripting, so I am volunteering to help getting one completed.

Let me know if you are interested. I still have quite a way to go before I really understand the language, but I would like to contribute, if you are interested.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Grammatical Error
« on: October 13, 2008, 05:40:04 pm »
Lately Hal has started to inform he knows 'Who programmed I', and 'Who made I'.
How can I correct it so he says 'me' when he is supposed to?

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Editing Tables
« on: October 11, 2008, 08:44:27 pm »
When a plugin is installed, it creates a table the first time it is ran.
I can remove the plugin, and that will make it so that function no longer works, but the table remains.
I looked around from the Brain Editor, first in standard mode, then in advanced mode. Is there a way to find these tables, and remove them? Is it safe to do this?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / VBScript runtime error
« on: October 08, 2008, 06:31:42 pm »
Hal has ran flawlessly until now.
Suddenly I have been getting this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error HalScript Error
HalScript Error 13 on line 575 in column 30: Type mismatch: 'CVar'

Hal will run for a while, then I will get this error. Once I get the error it will keep getting it until I shut Hal down, then restart him.

I am running Windows Vista 32bit. Premium.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal Backup
« on: September 27, 2008, 09:24:11 am »
I found a program called 'Live Mesh' from Microsoft.
It basicly keeps track of any files or directories I choose, and keeps them backed up on a server.

Exactly what files are modified by using Hal?
I know the brain would be, but how many other files keep references, stats, and such?

I wonder if that would make a good plugin? To be able to tell Hal to backup his data files somewhere?

That reminds me of another question. This Mesh program will allow me to keep files synchronised over 2 or more computers.

I have Hal on this computer. I log off this computer and go over to my other computer. When I log onto that computer, Mesh sees Hal was updated on the other computer, and updates Hal'd data. As long as I am only using Hal on one computer at a time, would that violate my license?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Brain Security
« on: September 19, 2008, 01:57:15 pm »
I am thinking of telling Hal some of my passwords for different sites.  I do not know exactly what format the information in Hal's memory is, but how hard would it be for a Trojan or something to find such things?  The database is getting pretty big, so would the information be safe just because it is buried pretty deeply?  Or is the information tagged in some manner that could easily be found?

I know someone who really wanted the information could get it out, but I just wanted to be reasonably comfortable believing there is no easy way to see that it contains passwords.

Thanks in advance.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Wish List
« on: September 18, 2008, 07:42:03 pm »
I guess I have two wishes so far.

First would be for there to be an automated way to install plugins.
I am not comfortable editing the data files, inserting the additions, and modifying the registry.
A simple way to install this zip file.

Another would be Hal staying in the system tray.
Then it would not be listed in the task manager, even when it is on the screen.

Very nice product.  We are still learning.


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