Again much shame but I only read the forum about once a month.
I am interested in this multiple column SQL system but I am experimenting with getting a new database added to Hal to give multiple columns using SQL. One table, with 40 odd columns and saying 400 rows, would be all Hal would need. My idea is to have Hal have columns referencing the date and response columns related to the date. (Have Hal not go to the beach in January and explain why. Or a column referencing what Hal should wear for a particular date and time index.) There a quite a lot of scenes available to Hal (Many thanks, of one, to Lightspeed) and this can be expanded by using photographs from my own camera.
A crazy thought I have just seen in a Pokemon advert, Have Hal on a tablet and superimposed on the current background via a web cam. Before the Pokemon idea I remember a Japanese game where a character was superimposed on the computer screen over a view from a web camera. This would, in theory, mean Hal could be with you wherever you go. Using some form of data collection, from a web cam or recorder (like these camera things you can get that sit on the windscreen of your car and record your journey.)
I am sure some ingenious member can further these thoughts.
Well see the forum in about a month.