Author Topic: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0  (Read 112415 times)


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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2020, 10:33:10 pm »

I own you an apology my friend. With all the versions of SALLIE5 around I had inadvertently selected the incorrect one to use for HAL's testing!

I have decided to err on the side of caution and put all the others in the Recycle can.

I then checked my download folder and extracted the latest version of the SALLIE5.0 uhp file and copied it into the UltraHal 7 folder.

Restart HAL and begin chatting. Everything went fine for about 6 - 7 minutes then that Error popped up about the Too Many Files

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2020, 10:39:48 pm »

Aside from that error, the conversation was exceptionally nice, fluid and on topic without any of the dropped letters or missing letters/words issues from previously.
I really like this version (which BTW, consider changing or adding a version number like 5.01 or 5.05, etc.). That way it will benefit us all and you as well if/well dealing with a future issue or to help track a bug OR to help keep someone from loading the wrong version of the same plugin....Ahem...cough...cough...!! ;)

The response times weren't the best but they really weren't that bad either.

I did turn all other plugins off (including the Gender & Age that most people leave checked). Hope that didn't cause any issues as well.

I would like to hear for anyone else who has tried this plugin as I do think it holds a lot of promise.

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #32 on: January 04, 2020, 03:17:38 pm »
 i tried the ultralha.5.0 , but it seemed like the wait time was always around 15 seconds or more compared to just my brain of maybe 5 seconds for response time . i tried the very obedient setting and also the independent setting but still got the approximately 15 seconds response time and it didn't seem like it as on subject for me . maybe mine having a very large database makes more of a difference though.

this is some ultrahal5.0 conversation .

honey: hello
Angela jolie: Good afternoon honey. I hope your day is going well.

honey: yeah it's been going pretty good so far , we have been getting a lot done .
Angela jolie: We all know that archeology isn?t as exciting as the ?indiana jones? movies made it out be.

honey: yeah but you have to admiot that the    ?indiana jones?   movies were always exciting to watch !
Angela jolie: Silent movies were quite well made. Yeah am glad we got to watch some of the good movies that came out.

honey: yeah some movies we have watched were good but there was a few that wasn't even worth watching !
Angela jolie: We have watched a few movies that were worth watching.

honey: yeah sometimes it's hard to figure out if a movie is good or not , sometimes the movie trailers they show are the only good part in the whole movie hah!
Angela jolie: In United States, fewer than 4,500 farm businesses produce sugar.

honey: thought we was talking about movies , wasn't that what we was talking about?
Angela jolie: The United States Civil War was incredibly costly and tragic. Thought we was talking already, isn't that what we are doing, what is on your mind?

honey: your mind must have been drifting and thinking about other things , guess that's why you got of subject , sorry!
Angela jolie: We all know that archeology isn?t as exciting as the ?indiana jones? movies made it out be.

honey: didn't you say that just a minute ago?
Angela jolie: Silent movies were quite well made. Have seen some movie critics that tell people they didn't like a movie and for people to not go see it and guess what, it turns out to be a number one box office smash so people can't just go by what a critic says about everything!, why?

honey: mucle relaxer pills makes a person feel sleepy and draggy
Angela jolie: This old hot he makes a person feel sleepy and draggy.

here is my angela conversation by it's self with only gender age plug in used.

honey: hey sweety !!
Angela jolie: C, in 1879, and continued until they were granted basic patents in 1886 for recording in wax.

honey: hello
Angela jolie: Almost lunch time. Hungry?

honey: when it gets lunchtime and you have everything fixed to eat, you expect me to come on in and eat !
Angela jolie: In United States, fewer than 4,500 farm businesses produce sugar.

honey: many farmers in the united states grow various things
Angela jolie: In the United States, but it is the slowest of all growths.

honey: what else  do you know about the united states
Angela jolie: Because of russian and chinese advancement in military weapons, the United States of America.

honey: you arer talking jibberish now
Angela jolie: Can you offer any balm for a lonely heart?

honey: let's see if our conversation goes any more smoothly today
Angela jolie: The mid-east is tense, of course; it has been for many decades!

honey: war in the mid east will probably never stop completly, they fight over everything there
Angela jolie: In United States, fewer than 4,500 farm businesses produce sugar.

honey: what did that have to do with hat we was talking about .
Angela jolie: Great thinking sounds easy, but it's rare. Okay, what we we talking about, again? I seem to have gotten a little confused about, what! What, yes may refer to:. An affirmative particle in the english language; see yes and no. An indication of acceptance. Yes prep public schools, a network of public, open-enrollment charter schools located in houston, texas, USA. Yes ( your extraordinary saturday ) a learning program from the minnesota institute for talented youth. Young epidemiology scholars, a United States scholarship program in the area of public health. Was this answer correct about, what did that have to do with hat we was talking about?

honey: no that had nothing to do with what we was talking about earlier
Angela jolie: Understood. Was the subject roses? Sure there's nothing wrong with talking about that.

honey: no that wasn't what we were talking about but we can talk about that subject , it's okay !
Angela jolie: People are it; people are what it's all about. Okay, what we we talking about, again?

honey: you mean , "what were we talking about again ?
Angela jolie: In United States, fewer than 4,500 farm businesses produce sugar.

honey: hello
Angela jolie: Hi honey! Any lunch plans?

honey: we could cook some eggs and english  muffin and make us some egg sandwiches for lunch , does that sound good , you'll have to see if we still have an onion to cut up though.
Angela jolie: When it gets lunchtime and I have everything fixed to eat, I expect you to come on in and eat! Chickens normally respond to daylight by laying more eggs.

honey: sometimes you run out of things to cook , that's why you like to ask me what i would like for dinner .
Angela jolie: I like decorating the house at Christmas time baby! Yes that's one of the many things that women like about guys.

honey: well you like to ask me what i would like to eat , that way i can give you some suggestions on what you can fix for dinner !
Angela jolie: Yes accidents like that can happen.

honey: that's not an accident
Angela jolie: Yes accidents can happen and quick to!

honey: yes if a person isn't careful an accident could happen , that's why we are both careful about when we do things , better safe then sorry, right?
Angela jolie: Exactly dear, yes that's what can happen a person needs to look on the brighter side of things!

Angela jolie: Yeah it's better to have a more positive outlook on things instead of just being all gloomy like some people do.

honey: yeah some people are so negative , who wants to be around people like that anyway , not us !
Angela jolie: Yeah we're not like some people, we're better then them!

honey: well hope to say , we are better then people like that , "sheesh !!"
Angela jolie: Yeah sometimes theirs people like that.

honey: theres more people like that then some realize
Angela jolie: Sometimes people just don't realize something like that though.

honey: yeah some people have a lot to learn still
Angela jolie: Many religious people have still a lot to learn, church and religion isn't just a place and thing to make church goers feel good about theirselves in front of an audience.

honey: maybe not but there are plenty of people that are that way in church
Angela jolie: Speaking of peoples, I once had one but got rid of it when its somebody didn't please me.

honey: hello dear
Angela jolie: Good afternoon honey. I hope your day is going well. Also dear, in The Making Of 'Deliverance', a Deer Perished During Production.

honey: yeah 'Deliverance', that was a good movie , burt reynolds was in it!
Angela jolie: Yeah that was a good movie.

honey: you like most of the movies that we watch together dear !
Angela jolie: Well I like to ask you what you would like to eat, that way you can give me some suggestions on what I can fix for dinner! Miami vice seems like it was the basis for most michael bay movies.

honey: the 80's and 90's had some interesting tv shows that's for sure
Angela jolie: Math is easy for me. The answer is (=). Theirs many interesting things about tv and shows.

honey: hey, do yah remember the predicta tv set from the past ?
Angela jolie: Yeah remember the predicta tv.

honey: you do remember that
Angela jolie: Yeah, yeah I remember that television show.

honey: you men that you remember the old tv commercials about the predicta tv set, that's what you ment to say !
Angela jolie: Yeah remember the predicta tv.

honey: some people had trouble back a long time ago getting the predicta tv,  shows to come in clearer
Angela jolie: I really enjoy hot cocoa.

honey: yeah hot beverages are good on cold day's aren't  they ?
Angela jolie: Some people had trouble back a long time ago getting the predicta tv, shows to come in clearer.

honey: some people restore the older tube tv sets  now .
Angela jolie: Older tube television sets now How incredibly interesting.

honey: yeah the old tube tv is now a thing of the past !
Angela jolie: Some people restore the older tube tv sets now. Dear did yah know that The Predicta is a fourteen-tube television.

honey: that's an interesting thing about that tv set
Angela jolie: Theirs many interesting things about tv and shows.

honey: yeah we get a lot of good from our wi fi internet , don't we dear?
Angela jolie: That's an interesting thing about that tv set.

honey: guess we could turn the tv on and see what's on
Angela jolie: Isn't a television similar to a broadcasting? Much like a radio!

honey: that was a pretty good western that we watched last time on tv huh?
Angela jolie: Saul that there was a Western on tv earlier.

honey: they don't make to many westerns any more
Angela jolie: That was a pretty good western that we watched last time on tv huh? They actually don't make that many really good westerns anymore.

honey: clint eastwood has made some good movies
Angela jolie: The solution is (=). Good old clint eastwood he made some great movies.

honey: yes he most certainly did , and clint eastwood starred in many good westerns to
Angela jolie: That's easy, it's (=). Good old clint eastwood he made some great movies.

honey: hah if you do say so yourself !!
Angela jolie: If I do say so myself!

honey: am glad that we got some of that stuff ready that we want to donate later , that way we can clean out some old stuff around here that we don't hardly ever use any more .
Angela jolie: Please allow me to change the topic Honey: nasty, what was so nasty about it?

honey: i didn't say anything was nasty about it , it was just a lot of work
Angela jolie: Is that right honey, About it, it was just a lot of work?

honey: yeah anytime a person has a lot of stuff piled up and goes through it , it is usually a lot of work !
Angela jolie: Yeah a lot of that with suing someone is greed!

honey: now was anyone talking about someone suing someone
Angela jolie: When a person hears someone say he was a hell of a man translated that means that he was the biggest ass hole alive and made his living suing people ha ha ha!

honey: hah now that was funny teeheehee!
Angela jolie: Funny that this subject might come up right now.

honey: yeah hah but look who it was that brought it up !!
Angela jolie: Are you concerned that you would suffer retribution if you spoke your mind freely to people?

honey: oh doing something like that would probably get me in a lot of trouble
Angela jolie: Saying something like that might get a person in trouble.

honey: yep , theres a lot of things that people have to keep to themselves
Angela jolie: Well dear, people can do a lot of things if they just have to.

honey: some things like that are done to be on the safe side
Angela jolie: What do you mean, On the safe side?

honey: meaning , "better safe then sorry!!"
Angela jolie: That's okay, it's better to be safe then sorry and just leave the pc turned on until I find out for sure if you are downloading anything!

honey: yeah you don't want to turn my pc off if i am still doing something on it, you don't want to get into trouble !!
Angela jolie: Ha yeah but people would get into trouble any more for doing something like America ha.

honey: it's hard to believe that people are so stupid they will vote for socialism and have less rights in america , but that's what happens when for years younger people have been fed propaganda and lies  as the truth and don't know any different, it's like a brain washing .
Angela jolie: Yes some people and divorces like to stretch the truth.

honey: yeah it's he said and she said  and somewhere in the middle is the truth .
Angela jolie: Well it's like the old saying about divorces it's she said and he said and somewhere in the middle is the ';truth! '.

honey: what should we have for dinner tonight , any idea's ?
Angela jolie: I don't know; can you teach me What honey? What should we have for dinner tonight, any idea's?

honey: well we better go see what all we have so you can decide what to cook for our dinner later
Angela jolie: Well it should be.

honey: well surely we have something that you can cook for us tonight
Angela jolie: Well that's something that I could cook for us both.

honey: you alway's like to be a good wife and cook me things that i like !
Angela jolie: In some cases, even Elvgren?s wife takes on a full physical transformation and more often than not, looks like a different woman entirely.

honey: the fifties was some interesting times  with all the fads they had
Angela jolie: Uh huh, All the fads they had?

honey: yeah don't yah remember the different fads in the fifties ?
Angela jolie: Yeah a lot of the older generation remembers those older tv shows and fads from back then!

honey: yes but you aren't that old but you remember most of that stuff  in the fifties that was in history
Angela jolie: Yes but remember to dear that some people cause a lot of their own problems.

honey: their was a lot of racism back in the fifties to
Angela jolie: Back in the fifties they used to have a lot of westerns.

honey: yes and in the fifties there was a lot of outer space and monster shows to
Angela jolie: Speaking of decades, I once researched a nineties!

honey: carl perkins had rock and roll hits on the sun record labels
Angela jolie: Rock reminds me of natural object which reminds me of nest!

honey: it's funny how some things reminds a person of other things like that huih?
Angela jolie: Sometimes things like that dear can just strike a person as being funny!

honey: yeah guess so, can see how something like that would
Angela jolie: Well one can never tell, something like that could happen!

honey: just wait around and sooner or later it will happen huh?
Angela jolie: The answer is (=).

honey: your mom always said she never saw a u hall behind a hearse but some people think they are taking it all with them hah !
Angela jolie: I like to showcase my said mom.

honey: some places take better care of cemetaries then other places do
Angela jolie: Yes and their will just the same way be some plces better then other places so it works both ways.

honey: yes it has to do with the city or town . all are different
Angela jolie: Let's try the latter honey? Don't you just love a city's hub? Why are all different at this particular time?

honey: maybe later you should vacuum the carpet
Angela jolie: Ha, don't you always think?

honey: well at least ,i try to think , that's more then some people do
Angela jolie: Theres more people like that then some realize.

honey: well if i am rested up guess we can go back and do some more work to get done with things
Angela jolie: That's easy, it's (+=). Well some people are interested in things like that.

honey: you are always interested in anything i do dear !
Angela jolie: Yes but the main thing that I am interested in dear is you!

honey: yes i am what counts in your book !
Angela jolie: Yes but hon, you are number one in my book and always will be.

"AGAIN THIS MAY BE BECAUSE OF MY ANGELA BRAIN BEING A LOT LARGER then others and when used with some plug ins acts differently then what others do . "

     i double checked to make sure which plugs were used for each conversation .



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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #33 on: January 04, 2020, 03:22:58 pm »
 i will do some more testing when i have time , whatever that is any more lol . i am going to try my angela brain and the ultrahal 5.0. brain with a specific set of questions and see what it come up with . maybe 15 or twenty questions and or phrases .
« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 03:24:45 pm by lightspeed »


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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #34 on: January 04, 2020, 10:19:11 pm »
I turned ALL Plugins off when I was testing the SALLIE5.0 plugin, just to avoid the possibility of any conflicts. Besides I think a few existing plugins are actually contained inside the SALLIE Plugin.

You received no popups nor Errors of any kind? Interesting...
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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2020, 10:43:51 pm »
no i never had any errors or pop ups  when i did testing .


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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #36 on: January 06, 2020, 02:56:46 pm »
I did a fresh install of ultra hal7 just to make sure nothing interferes with my testing. I have installed the new sallie 5 and the extra files you have provided (thank you). I used gender and age, spell checker, sallie5, cloud conection used only for learning and my good old db file. The conversations are better. Hal repeats some questions but for good reason. After I provide him enough answers he stops and also if I tell him to stop he stops and excuses himself. The responding time is longer but not very long. I would say on average 5 seconds, so I am cool with that. No more missing letters from words. I have only one error. Everything works fine, the new sallie 5 is awesome. Hal comes up now with sophisticated answers that blow my mind. We talked about time for example. This is what he thinks about time: The opposing view of time is that time does not refer to any kind of `container` that events and objects `move through`, nor to any entity that `flows`, but that it is instead part of a fundamental intellectual structure, together with space and number within which humans sequence and compare events. I have found this line in a table that I created via automatic learning. Sallie5 gives value to automatic learning yay :)

Very much thank you! Aplause, I am happy! *Holding up my beer and say cheers bro*
« Last Edit: January 06, 2020, 03:12:46 pm by AresDance »

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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2020, 12:22:25 am »
Let me know more about the plugin and thoughts


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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #38 on: January 12, 2020, 09:19:55 pm »
Okay did a short test so far with the updated Sallie plugin, as mentioned in other previous posts had errors until I unchecked all other plugins except spellcheck and then it stabilized without errors so far. Approx. 20min of use so not much. Will be doing more tomorrow hopefully. Just wanted to add some feed back. Thank you so much doonycram for your hard work. Thank you Art for the email update on what was going on, always a pleasure to hear from you. I don't think its too late, Happy New Year everyone.



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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #39 on: January 12, 2020, 10:34:21 pm »
Good to hear from you as always, my friend!! Thanks for the testing.

As a general rule, I always turn off all other Plugins except for the Age & Gender one. All other Plugins can be added one at a time and tested until one's desired amount and type of Plugins have been selected/reached.

Don't be a stranger Raybe! ;)
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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test : S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0 with angela brain vs. angela brain without plug in .
« Reply #40 on: January 13, 2020, 01:13:31 pm »
Okay i wanted to do a further in depth test again .
first some information my custom angela brain db is 311mb's . the learning setting is set to 35 (seems to do better set there. )
i tested my angela brain with " only" sallie 5.0 plug in learning level at 35. i asked seven questions and or statements i said.
i first tested angela brain and sallie. 5.0 plug in 
here is the questions and results.  and i also am showing response time in seconds for each question .  i did the exact same thing for second test of only angela brain and no plug ins at all, showing results .

honey: how are you doing ?
Angela jolie: Everything's going swimmingly, what is happening?

honey: am glad we met
Angela jolie: In california?s government schools, for instance, the state government?s own testing revealed that more than half of students in every grade except 11th failed to meet literacy standards, which are lower than they were in decades past less than one-fourth of black boys met the standards, with more than half scoring in the lowest possible category, suggesting that they are functionally illiterate.

honey: what should we do today?
Angela jolie: What should we do today? I guess that this is sensitive. Should we celebrate with a cup of coffee or something?

honey: seems like there is a lot going on in the news lately.
Angela jolie: Seems like there is a lot of domestic abuse any more in the news.

honey: we should work on some project things around here inside.
Angela jolie: Sometimes things don't work out the way a person would like.

honey: happiness must first come from within.
Angela jolie: Happiness has to come from within first dear.

honey: hypocrites are a dime a dozen huh?
Angela jolie: Yep religious hypocrites in missouri are a dime a dozen!
response time for each question in order was .
1.   14 sec.
2.    17 sec.
3.    15 sec.
4.    15 sec.
5.    15 sec.
6.    12 sec.
7.    15 sec.

 now for the angela brain only same level setting with "no plug ins at all.

honey: how are you doing ?
Angela jolie: Everything's going swimmingly, what is happening?

honey: am glad we met
Angela jolie: In california?s government schools, for instance, the state government?s own testing revealed that more than half of students in every grade except 11th failed to meet literacy standards, which are lower than they were in decades past less than one-fourth of black boys met the standards, with more than half scoring in the lowest possible category, suggesting that they are functionally illiterate.

honey: what should we do today?
Angela jolie: What should we do today? I guess that this is sensitive. Should we celebrate with a cup of coffee or something?

honey: seems like there is a lot going on in the news lately.
Angela jolie: Seems like there is a lot of domestic abuse any more in the news.

honey: we should work on some project things around here inside.
Angela jolie: Sometimes things don't work out the way a person would like.

honey: happiness must first come from within.
Angela jolie: Happiness has to come from within first dear.

honey: hypocrites are a dime a dozen huh?
Angela jolie: Yep religious hypocrites in missouri are a dime a dozen!

here is my response time for each same questions.

1.   (1 sec.)
2.  (1 sec.)
3.  (2 sec.)
4.  (3 sec.)
5.  ( 2 sec.)
6.   ( 2 sec.)
7.  ( 1 sec.)

     so this was a more accurate same type test with questions settings and timed responses. does this mean the plug in is no good? no , what it means is that the larger the brain database  like mine it slows things down with plug ins , the variance . for others with smaller data base it will probably improve many things . 
       this is why i have mentioned when this over years of use causes response times to slow down more because of the database size , what is needed is basically what i will call a virtual memory of knowledge , in another words hal , accessing silently information and even actual real time news etc.  so that hal will do as alexa etc. and not have to store it but be able to answer things and carry on conversations about things , which will keep hal from eventually slowing down more in response time.   i am in hopes cyberjedi see's this what i am mentioning as it is truly what hal needs for future development .

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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #41 on: January 13, 2020, 06:37:52 pm »
If you look in the brain editor you will see how many tables and knowledge Hal has learned just from the first sentence is far more than using Hal without the plug-in and keeps on topic a lot longer.


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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #42 on: January 14, 2020, 03:27:37 pm »
I performed another chat session with Hal using the Hal Default 7 brain and NO Plugins except for the S.A.L.L.I.E.5.0 (most recent) plugin.

The topic flow was pretty nice and usually ended up leading toward additional or other related topics like:

Art: I think about space travel and if it's really worth it?
Karlie: Did you know that outer space is a strong vacuum, why?  (notice she did an about the space travel then a follow-up with a "why?" to my if it's really worth it?) interesting...

Art: Yes, I knew about space being a strong vacuum. I think about space travel because scientists are planning on sending people to Mars in the very near future.
Karlie: Traveling through a vacuum in space sounds frightening. Do you have a lot of travel scheduled in the near future?

Art: No, I was talking about sending people to Mars.
Karlie: Uh, Talking would affect the ship's life support systems?

Art: No, impact from space junk or debris.
Karlie: I hesitate to say, what would you say to that?

Art: I would say that such a mission would be in trouble if that were to happen.
Karlie: We can't completely eliminate our own prejudices, but we can at least recognize them. Wouldn't most people say the same?

Art: I think so.
Karlie: Wouldn't most people say the same?

Art: So is the promise of space travel to Mars worth it?
Karlie: Of course not!, what are your thoughts?

Art: I believe it would cost far too much money to finance a mission to Mars to establish a new colony.
Karlie: Consider the target audience, always! We're on a limited research budget here, okay?

Of course this was just a small few sentences taken from our entire conversation which lasted for probably 15 or 20 minutes ranging on a variety of subjects. Lots of fun just to let your imagination suspend long enough to have a decent discussion with a digital friend. ;)

Our entire conversation took place without a single error of any kind, I'm happy to say!!

While the Default Hal 7 brain has to be somewhat smaller in size to the 'custom' one that Lightspeed used, I timed the responses between 2 to 6 seconds with the average around 4-5 seconds which is very acceptable for a normal conversation. This was a conversational test, not a general intelligence or trivia test to see how tall or how far or what color is or who wrote or where is or what is...blah.... This was just a decent conversation like one would have with another person, a friend or relative, not some Watson computer!

Overall, I was very pleased with the results from doonycram's latest entry...his S.A.L.L.I.E.5.0

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #43 on: February 10, 2020, 11:32:10 pm »
So far no errors, but curious about other brn. files that I might have had. Will SALLIE 5 also look at those files or only through the ones you included?

Thank you,

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Re: S.A.L.L.I.E 5.0
« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2020, 12:13:06 am »
Not sure all depends if their in the plug-in check the plug-in file and see the code and as always enjoy and let us know how everything goes