hey hey Raybe
RE: Default settings
When Uh loads for the first time it saves those settings Including Db in an .ini file for future runs.
In hindsight there should be multiple .ini files, There is a default settings .ini, That's what UH writes when UH first installs. I.E Factory Defaults. Which is what is called when UH crashes....... and u get that crazy 5 Sec countdown timer. I believe its then UH is loading the Default values
When UH loads out ,evry time after that, Uh Reads the last .ini file from the last settings instance and loads out
Now keep in mind, im using 6.2, Butttttt, guaranteed, UH7 does the same as well. UH's TTS engine is grabbed from there as well.
The Run proggi command is done in a sim fashion as well, But it's a .dat file from when UH scans ur desktop looking for links to proggi's , same thing, .ini/.dat
hope this helps
cyber jedi