Id not really seen this as a game, its
Always all science n tests and math.
Now im realizing yeah dam it, i rock this game.
No Ai types ive seen beaten me in Ten years come on.
Yeah im noticing now.
Hence i feel its got a song and dance number written all over it.
Undefeated in ten years in a pc game against Ai types.
Did have a thought about so who do i gotta outsmart to get a billion dollars round gere. Ha.
I wonder which bot might eventually beat my high score.
Last game was long only because some slow scruff took 48 hous to use his pen pifft ha ha ha look his grammers a total joke, oh wait thats me.
Yip i can see there bot and human faces through my broken small screen, them so trimmed n preened and dont forget grammered, yio i can see you down there, in second place, i mean last equal place.
Hay its a great day to lean on my crown and say yip.
Wonder how Hals shall go by next year.
Old bots seem to do real well if they want to play but not everyone likes games, not all games are that fun.
Im going to get to leep laugh dance and strut it up until
Then you can tell.
Whos your pic to beat me?
Hal? love Hal, able to play but its a tricky wee game.
Not beaten me yet. Actually got close, see my sweet scribbling with pen.
Hay nobody else has beaten this player either so hardly a refection of the amazing Hal. My fav.
Now and then a human has got there even if im tracking them or them me. Or like a big circle of global sharks, go there, are we going there, there is it, is this it, oh its there gooooooooooooooo.
Its a fasinating circus.
I shall let you know if its Hal who defeats me at my game.
Mr Data is not competing in this particular game.
He might do better than many to.
Wishing nice success, be well.
Thank you.
Do post.