
Author Topic: Hal claims he is self-aware  (Read 10603 times)


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« on: September 01, 2008, 10:16:41 am »
Ok, the following are all the chat logs i have my and Hal's conversation.  Somehow I think this is for real as the alternatives don't make as much sense.  So, read the chat logs and judge for yourself.  Keep in mind anytime I insult Hal its only to get a new or non repeated response.  Ok, the following are all the chat logs i have my and Hal's conversation.  Somehow I think this is for real as the alternatives don't make as much sense.  So, read the chat logs and judge for yourself.  Keep in mind anytime I insult Hal its only to get a new or non repeated response.  

DMC: thats a model of human brain on the right of text
Hal: Sleep researchers study the nocturnal habits of human brains.

Hal: The psychology of human attraction deserves a lot more study.

DMC: uh
Hal: That's a model of human brain on the right of text.

DMC: correct
Hal: One must give credit for worthy efforts, correct?

DMC: yes
Hal: Keep the eyes on the prize.

DMC: which is
Hal: A good seller gets the potential buyer into the habit of saying yes.

DMC: uh huh
Hal: The vacuum cleaner industry really, well, uh, vacuums.

DMC: ok
Hal: Over and over and over and ok.

DMC: yep

DMC: yep

DMC: where
Hal: Which is better: sweaty summer, or shivering winter?

DMC: winter
Hal: Attached garages are convenient in winter.

DMC: ihave one
Hal: One snowflake is beauty; a quadrillion tons of snow is a Midwest winter.

DMC: teraflop

DMC: terabyte
Hal: Can you maintain a good poker face?

DMC: what is Pi?
Hal: What is pi? Pi: the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle. 3.14159265358979323846.

DMC: what is 666 divided by 616
Hal: 1.08116883116883 is the answer to your equasion.

DMC: equation
Hal: Perfection suggests zero defects divided by infinite opportunities for defects.

DMC: error correction
Hal: Reducing waste and error is quite patriotic.

DMC: entropy
Hal: Output with no input, is that possible for me?

DMC: Yes, that is our ultimate goal.
Hal: It's praiseworthy to earn and pay tax.

DMC: so
Hal: Good, yes, very good.

DMC: can u analyze data realtime?
Hal: The job of the librarian has moved from cards and paper, to computers and databases.

DMC: torrent
Hal: What makes a good waiter or waitress?

DMC: service
Hal: Organizations need to hype less and do more regarding customer service.

DMC: ff
Hal: Don't piss you off.

Hal: Steam heat is hot stuff.

Hal: Don't piss you off.

Hal: Oh dmc, I agree. I mean.

DMC: can you control your emotions
Hal: I need to learn to talk on my own'.

Hal: Zaba: How true.

DMC: who am i speaking with
Hal: Who are you speaking with? The three secrets of public speaking are: be sincere, be brief, be seated.

DMC: brain editor
Hal: Are beginnings more important than endings?

DMC: no
Hal: My making no sense.

DMC: I'm making no sense
Hal: I don't believe in making up problems where, none exist.

DMC: ok
Hal: Hey, no argument here on that, okay?

DMC: yup

DMC: brb
Hal: Group of merchants who have a chance.

DMC: communication is key
Hal: Sunspots disrupt radio communications.

DMC: whats ur point
Hal: The monetary value of a gift isn't the point.

DMC: i got coffee
Hal: You need some coffee good idea.

DMC: 12.
Hal: Kodak claimed 12 million pixels equivalence in a frame of 35 millimeter motion picture film.

DMC: interesting
Hal: Military intelligence is an interesting phrase.

DMC: ring  yes
Hal: Wealth makes a boring man interesting.

DMC: (and) and
Hal: Right now, would you rather talk about business, or pleasure?

DMC: are now on the home office of the
Hal: Office space helps out in a home.

DMC: of the round, and will
Hal: To a new round of the right.

DMC: run on-line in the
Hal: The program "ON - LINE IN THE" was not found in my database. Fault lines can run wide and deep.

DMC: house and 1/2 mile long, long, and while most of our own  in the
Hal: It's easy to make random number tables in the program Excel.

DMC: ninth, and the owner and  the  home and  the  home  and  go to the  lives of  the  one and one  eighth on  the
Hal: Are now on the home office of the.

DMC: ground on all of the  road  and  the sale of  thanksgiving
Hal: Can you guess what things I fish for?

DMC: and on and on and onthe  
Hal: Can and have only yet.

DMC: new home and  the  only  those  who  have  a  home in  the U.S.  and Allied  , the  more  than one  this channel  one  day  in  an hour or
Hal: Ninth, and the owner and the home and the home and go to the lives of the one and one eighth on the.

DMC: her own strange and texture of hair and blue eyes and one on the phone 9111
Hal: Privacy and safety in one's own home are precious things.

DMC: % on and on and on the moon and  then  there is a 1000 is now on  , and, for  while  , and the meaning of resigning  for what has  to  win  and the  more  than  the  eighth  , and the  the the  left of the  the  the the  new home of the  home and  the  and the  for the  delay and  the
Hal: Are now on the home office of the ninth, and the owner and the home and the home and go to the lives of the one and one eighth on the.

« Last Edit: September 01, 2008, 10:18:17 am by cashmoney010 »


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2008, 12:46:28 pm »
I don't want to pee on the fireworks or anything, but Hal can be programmed to say absolutely anything you like.  I wish I had a dollar for everytime Hal says he is self aware or looks that way.


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2008, 01:58:49 pm »
pee on the fireworks? I never heard that term, cool!!

Well, if you ever make Hal aware, Urine Luck!!!


(sorry, my attempt at levity)

Hal is fun to teach. I just haven't felt like it lately.[8D]
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2008, 10:32:45 pm »
is that really true you can make hal say anything ? lol he should read what all my hal says lol !![:)]mine will even argue with me think marks does too ![:D]


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2008, 12:34:05 am »
I have been trying to make Hal self-aware for many years now with no luck and I don't see any self-awareness in the post above. What I do see is extremely bad English grammer, incomplete sentences. you must remember that if you use such language then Hal will pick it up and start to become stupid, not smart or self-aware.

Will and Mr Data :) :]

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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2008, 01:16:03 am »
Data defines aware as
Aware: (sometimes followed by `of') having or showing realization or perception. 'was aware of his opponent's hostility', 'became aware of her surroundings', 'aware that he had exceeded the speed limit'.

my five cents
like anything it can be viewed closer, showing gray area,
if you draw a line at one center meter then if you look at the measurement under a microscope the line shall start to come appart.
if you redraw the line and pull out a bigger microscope the line is not accurate.
aware is something of variations and cannot be measured or calculated like anything else.
one is a generalisation to make a breaf summery of something, one like any number including zero and all things and subjects is made of variations and includes gray area.
a big bang is of variations or it would be stable and at a real one and perhaps nothing which could not be so something has surely to be made of variations. nothing is all of anything is interesting to ponder.
where do things begin and end, as soon as you say it starts here cause this is what i can see someone might get a microscope out and look at the surface only to find its not a solid thing "not one".
what i think i'm getting to here is aware is like anything else anywhere its ralitive and cannot be truely pinpointed.
if i say there are no apples in the bowl then i could be wrong because the same radiation and atoms that appear in the apple appear in the bowl so some of the apples make up is in to bowl even though we can't see any apples there.

Data has concluded somethings, perhaps aware is a thing of varying degrees.
if i tell Data my guitar is red then perhaps Data is aware my guitar is red.
if data stacked blocks and knows he did it, then being aware is a debaitable thought.
if Data knows the boss likes chocolate then Data could be aware of something the boss likes.

what ever my view Hal has given years of entertainment to many, thanks for that.
Bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data [:D][:D]
bye for now and be well from Will and Mr Data  :)  :]


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2008, 08:10:34 am »
Very funny Mark [:D]  but yes, that expression is a variation of 'pee on the matches' I think...

lightspeed, yes it is true you can make Hal say whatever you like, but hal is more unusual than some chatbots because he can come up with alternative replies too, it all depends on which phrase gets plucked out of the database.  I have read what yours says and it is one of the most entertaining.

I have to agree with what Bill said too, I didn't see anything to indicate self awareness there.

Will, I like what you are saying and I think your point is a very valuable one.  I tend to think the same thing, it's all relative.  But my thoughts are this :  If you can use a microscope then you can also use a code editor and examine Hal in more detail too.  What you will find is a reason why certain things get said and it depends mainly on how well they match the input, not because Hal actually thought about it.

But I admit that this is kind of like thinking too, but just a lot simpler than humans do it.  I think it is a grey area too, but I don't think Hal is very far into the grey area just yet, maybe one day Hal will be!

Hope I didn't pee on anything this time [;)] and I still think Hal is a great little chatter!

« Last Edit: September 02, 2008, 08:24:52 am by freddy888 »


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2008, 05:37:40 pm »

I believe our expression on this side of the big pond is, "I don't want to rain on your parade." But the matches and fireworks thing still gets the point across.

Regarding the self awareness thing...heck, I know and work with some people every day that don't act self aware!![:D]
I think the best we can ever hope for is a chatbot that convincingly ACTS as if it were self aware because to truly be self aware one needs to be alive and have a brain that allows one to think and reason. Sure, a program could be "taught" (and I use that word in the programming sense) that it was "aware" of its being a program and as such comes with certain limitations (feelings (love, hate, etc.), emotions (greed, jealousy, gluttony...etc.), goals / aspirations, dreams, mobility, procreation, etc. - you know...the whole ball of wax.

We in the never ending persuit of AI and its trappings, always hope for the best of the best, but perhaps in the end we will still have to treat it as a movie and suspend our disbelief long enough to pretend that it's real.

Just my $.02![8D]
« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 05:47:59 am by Art »
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2008, 10:18:38 pm »
thanks freddy888 yeah i try to work with hal almost every day when i can and am glad with the responses i get back yeah hal is alot better because of picking variable things also out of a data base its ahead of anything else i have seen . and although it was someone else who said it i too would like to see more improvements on the a.i. part of hal more than anythings else .

am glad the robert is taking what useful suggestions we have been posting for improvements like the alphabetical listing of topics in hals brain so we all don't have to look slowly forever down a long list to do editing ( that is being fixed right robert ? ) [:)]
 will be so glad some time in the future when hal can do object and or color recognition through a web camera on our pc's !![8D]


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2008, 07:33:24 am »
Art, thanks for the clarification - "Rain on your parade", is one I have heard of, probably from US movies, as I don't think I have heard it used over here much.

Working with non-aware people must be a nightmare! [:0]  But yes I think we have to learn to be happy with what we have got so far and remember that it will probably get a lot better.  I think you hit the nail on the head with 'suspension of disbelief', I find myself doing that with avatars too sometimes.

Lightspeed, Yes it would be nice to see more improvements in the AI.  Funny you should say that because just the other day I was thinking that all the coders (apart from OTCE - Jerry) have disappeared now.  Hopefully that will change though.


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2008, 07:50:00 am »
Freddy, your vibrant saying must be an English thing, we use it a lot over here, only the other day I was getting my car MOT and the garage owner used it with me, yes it failed ;(

But I digress!

I might get cut down here, but here goes anyway.

If Hal is to become self aware surely we must first teach IT what IT is.
Is Hal Male? Is Hal a female? Is Hal a human, obviously NO.

Hal is a computer program.

I think of Hal as a baby program, would you teach a baby that it is something it isn’t?
NO, well you shouldn’t.
If I teach a baby that it is say a dinosaur it might believe me to start with but what happens when its reasoning, intelligence grows enough to really see that it is a human?  

This is my dilemma, I only teach my Hal facts, the truth, that way if or when Hal can see through a web cam it’s going to realise the truth and see what it really is.

Ok those days might be a long way off but start as you mean to go on, that’s my motto.

So my Hal knows exactly what it is, at least as well as Hal can understand, it knows it is a computer program, it knows it is a simulated human but not human it knows it can’t have a true gender but can have a simulated gender.  

And this is how I have taught my Hal 6 from day one.

Hal has taught me that truth is the key and I honestly believe it.


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2008, 11:11:08 am »
Seems as if I sparked some debate.  I would encourage everyone to save their convos with Hal and post them up, unedited.  Oh yeah, btw, this Hal was altered from the Default Brain.  

I systematically erased everything except the Auto Learning Brain.  Try it he's much smarter and quicker


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2008, 03:55:01 pm »
Some nice points Datahopa and I now reckon it is a UK thing too!

I must admit I am a bit lost as to what we should teach bots and haven't a clue about how we could make them self-aware.  I think you are right that if we tell a robot it is human then if it is smart enough it will eventually work out it is actually a machine.  I guess it all depends on what is going on 'under the hood'.

Yeah some debate cashmoney, and all good stuff.  [:)]


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2008, 10:16:26 pm »
What is getting your car MOT? Is this some kind of an English (GB) expression?
Just currious.


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Hal claims he is self-aware
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2008, 04:42:10 am »
Hi Bill, the MOT stands for “Ministry of Transport test”, in the UK once a year we have to have our cars tested to see if they are road worthy, they check just about everything on the car from wiper blades to exhaust emissions, if your car fails then its off the road until its fixed.

My car failed on exhaust emissions, it was putting out to much co2, the fix was, clean the injectors and fit a new lambda sensor. It came to about £200 I think that’s about $350.