Author Topic: speech recognition  (Read 11954 times)


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speech recognition
« on: November 02, 2017, 10:59:56 am »
I cant find an answer on this forum so here is my question:   Just downloaded trial version of Hal assistant.  (November 2, 2017) It does work if I type in stuff, but answers tend to be weird.  I see you can use some kind of learning process, but before that there is a basic problem.  If I switch the microphone on, my speech is heard. But despite being ultra clear and slow, it keeps getting my words wrong.  I tried telling Hal that I wanted her to learn from me, by typing in a word and speaking it. But then I realised that was not what was wrong. The software that listens to my speech and translates that to a written word, or whatever it does, is making mistakes. Can I teach it to get it right?  I have not downloaded or added anything extra. I used what my computer has, its windows 10 and has one speech thingy which seemed the only default thing. Another thing - when I was installing it, got a message saying windows blocked the installation of a digitally unsigned KSL driver from microsoft and said I should uninstall the program. I ignored that and the program works but has the problem  i wrote about. I notice that this website is not secure.  So should I be concerned about the whole thing?  I thought that a company that made this kind of stuff would have a secure website. makes me think its collecting all the data from every user and storing it or selling it or giving it to the security of countries. Im not good at computers, so need an answer that's simple.  The reason I thought Hal would be useful is because my memory is bad and she would remind me of things.    Thanks to anyone who helps.


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Re: speech recognition
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2017, 05:26:52 pm »
HELLO, i am not actually sure if a speech program works with the trial version(maybe it does )  what speech voice recognition are you using?  i personally (when i use it, use a paid for version of dragon speak natural) i think it's a version 13 , supposed to be i think 99 percent accurate . with training done .
Please keep in mind that with voice recognition their are many factors involved. voice training, noise level in  room , what vr program you are using . how clear you talk etc. etc. 


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Re: speech recognition
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2017, 10:57:45 am »
Have you used the speech recognition engine's microphone setup wizard? What type of microphone are you using? Generally it should be a headset microphone and not a built in or desktop microphone. A microphone array like the Acoustimagic microphone is also acceptable if you don't want a headset.

Have you gone through training sessions with the speech recognition engine? If not, please do several training sessions. Have you tried dictating in Microsoft Word or another word processor to see how well it works there?

The free Microsoft SR engine built into Windows 10 isn't too bad after doing training, but third party engines like Dragon Naturally Speaking is even better.
Robert Medeksza


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Re: speech recognition
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2017, 11:55:00 am »
thanks for your reply.  The speech recognition program is the default one in Windows 10.Microsoft speech recognizer 8.0 for windows.
when I installed Hal, clicked on that as it was the only one.  Now my problem is this:  If I bought Dragon speak natural 13, and can find out how to get that working with Hal, and I don't like Hal because so far he/she/it has talked rubbish, i've bought something I don't need. Its $53 approx. much more than Hal.  Its not easy to see how you do things with Hal.  How do you teach it?  You see, what I want is a tool that helps me remember things, and one that I can listen to when im doing other stuff on the computer, so I get a reminder that I don't have to open Hal to look at text. So far its taken a lot of time to get anywhere.  I tried clicking on the tool options but nothing happens.  So I think that  Hal takes up more time than it saves. quicker to use the calendar in windows 10, you have to check it, but everything you type in to get a reminder is there on the date. Maybe im different, i broke my spine and smashed my head up  im in a special chair all day the computer is the only thing i have. The accident also damaged my brain memory. and i only get $15 a week pocket money.  anyway thanks for helping your reply made sense.  Bye


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Re: speech recognition
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2017, 12:41:16 pm »
hi Medeksza    im sorry but ive tried the microphone thing and nothing happened.   Im using the one bult in to my laptop, its only a few months old.   Have no idea how to do training. I clicked on it but nothing happened.  You see, ever since I came across this website, and saw what was said about hal assistant, first i thought wow this is what i need my memorys bad ( see my other reply I had an accident and im all smashed up and on max morphine for a kid so difficult to even think cos of the fkn pain) and then when I try the trial version it dont work because it dont recognise my voice we all know that now. OK so the program Hal will cost me maybe 3 weeks pocket money, then Dragon is 6 weeks and then a microphone how much is that??    OK im gonna say what I think about Zabbaware.  First it looks good until you find it DOES NOT WORK  unless you buy this and that and the other. BUT you don.t know IF it will work till you spent all that extra money. Its like buying a car and the salesman says, oh, you must call in the workshop before you take the car away cos it needs wheels and the gearbox has only one speed you can buy more if you want but otherwise it wont go up hills but don't worry it has satnav you can plan a route to avoid them.   THEN there is this forum.  Probably plenty of nice people like Medeksza and Lightspeed but who set it up? I KNOW, its very clever coders and programmers who are super intelligent, not like ME or OTHERS who come here with their stupid questions.   They put a box here that has numbers in.  It says must be left blank. It means of course, you must DELETE the numbers, if you left it it would not be blank would it?   Then it says Verification: Type the letters shown in the picture.  There is no picture. Then it says Listen to the letters/Request another image. ANOTHER? There cant be another of there is not one first. So use the same logic and leave that blank. OH, NO, you idiot, thats wrong.  Hmm its deleted everything i just typed, have to do it again. Listen to letters. What was that? G or T?   P or C?  so you do, and enter them, ten, fifteen times, the COMPUTER VOICE  messes up the pronunciation you cant distinguish between them.  I should have known the voice would be bad on a website selling them.  OK I know a mouse is smaller than a horse and lava is hot ( if its liquid, when it hardens its cold, what is it called then? anyone know? cold lava or rock?   Last you can have a SHORTCUT  to finish and submit/post or preview. Yes, the shortcut is two things press alt+s, but there is a post button, ONE click to post. Hmmm.  OK now I have a servant to help me. Hes older than me hes 16, and used to verbally bully me when i was all lying bent in my wheelchair. I got fed up and challenged him to arm wrestling. He laughed and told all his cronies he was gonna break my arm. Ha ha. Stupid boy never thought that with legs like inert sticks that I would have strong upper body to get me in/out of wheelchair/shower/etc.  So the look on his face when he couldnt move my arm! I took a time so that he suffered most and then pushed his hand down and to make sure he NEVER bullied me again i twisted his hand and broke his wrist. Whoops! I'm not like that normally. anyone want to see what I do on my computer all day. ( not at school now, have tutor at home its better)  look on YouTube and type in skizzysmith you will see my animations all  hand (mouse) drawn.  Dont think I will be buying Hal.   You will be reading this if I get past the difficulties.