
Author Topic: Problems Creating a New Brain  (Read 2961 times)


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Problems Creating a New Brain
« on: January 05, 2003, 03:21:05 pm »
How do I create a new brain from scratch... So I can avoid all of the small talk that the bot feeds back.  For example, I'm trying to create an IM bot for a class of mine on a particular subject... I create a Topic and create some Q&As for that topic... but it just won't pick it up.  Perhaps I just don't understand this thing?



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Problems Creating a New Brain
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2003, 01:41:03 pm »
From what I've been able to find out there is no way to begin with a completly fresh brain to start off with.  It's most likely for the best.  If you look in the brain editor and see how much material is already included in the brain to have it function in a somewhat natrual way.

The brain editor seems to be designed to adapt the brain function, not to begin from scratch.

If you do what to undertake this momentous task (as I've started at myself, with limited success)  You can try some of the steps I have.  

   If you don't already know Visual Basic, you should learn it - or at very least learn the important comands and terms so you can understand what the brain is doing.

    Start off simple - go into the "tools" drop down menu in the Brain editor and adjust the databases of answers.  You can adjust by completly erasing and stating from scratch.  The brain will still go through the standard program which determins response - however it will use your inputed information to determin the final output.

    If you must have the brain think in a different way to complete a function you want you're in for a bit of work.  Map out the function - what will Hal need to know, what will Hal need to descide, what should the final out come be.  Try to use sections of code from the script that achieve your goals, copys them into anouther section and link them together.  (This is where knowing VB becomes really necessary)  

Be very careful.  Sometimes the program moves information clearly, and sometimes the information is moved more subtly.  You can easly find yourself with a program that cannot function properly because you've taken, moved or changed something that did not look important - but was.

Start off simple.  Have well defined goals.  

If you do not completly understand exactly what you want Hal to do - or if at any point you find yourself answering a question, "you know, because", you don't understand what you want Hal to do well enough to teach him.  

If you have specific goals you want to achieve - let me know.  I'd be interested in finding out how you want to develop Hal.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
