Originally posted by Another Jim
Jerry, two things come to mind if ALF will need an online dictionary for processing, cookies/adware and connectin speeds.
I wonder for those of us with dial up if this will slow hal down much?
Sounds incredibly exciting tho!
Jim B
Hi Jim
I would agree with you on speed issues for modem users, I will note this in the download area for ALF, I am designing the Online Dictionary script to take a snap shop of the definitions and extract the definition to a dictionary table, I have been studying the most efficient way to try and do this to prevent duped look ups on words.
I finished some more of the function last night, I am getting closer to finishing the code instructions soon, It's being built from scratch, the way I am doing it requires no HTML stripper function and uses Keystrokes to save a web page to text format and then extracted from the text, When I am done I will test the speed issues live and concider the sacrifice of speed over the abundance of the online dictionary's knowledge.
If it's a problem then I may move the function as a learning process during Auto-Idle only and the knowledge base would be built with time.
I'll have to decide this the moment its complete.
This lookup function I am making will also lead to other kinds of website learning ability but that's a story for a another day.